1. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?
A.Classmates B.Strangers C.Friends
2. What’s Dick going to do?
A. Watch a football game.
B. Watch a table tennis match.
C. Go to a photo show.
3. How is the weather?
A.Cloudy B.Rainy C.Clear
4. What does the woman mean?
A. She couldn’t tell him the truth.
B. She doesn’t want to have anything now.
C. She is hungry now.
5. Why could they beat us?
A. They are tall and strong.
B. They played together well.
C. Some “Kings of the match” played very well.
6. Who is telephoning?
A.Roy Ball B.Mr Smith C.Mrs Smith
7. Where is Mr Smith,do you suppose?
A.At the office B.At home C.At the restaurant
8. What’s the caller’s telephone number?
A.564-432688 B.546-423668 C.456-432688
9. What was the first computer like?
A. As large as a TV set
B. As large as a room.
C. As small as a book.
10. What changes does the computer have now?
A. It becomes smaller.
B. It works much faster.
C. Both A and B.
11. What is the result of the invention of the computer?
A. It can do everything that man does.
B. Our lives have been greatly changed.
C. It works faster and faster.
12. What are their plans?
A. They are going to the cinema.
B. They are going to a ball.
C. They are going on a trip.
13. When are they going to do it?
A. This evening
B. Tomorrow evening.
C. The day after tomorrow.
14. Where is Mum?
A. In the kitchen.
B. In the sitting room.
C. In the bathroom.
15. Where is their father?
A. He is in his company.
B. He is away on business.
C. He is in the bedroom.
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