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本文题目:高三英语复习教案:Unit 4 教案

M7 Unit 4 Living with technology



1. Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents didn’t ____ her to do so. A. forbid B. allow C. follow D. ask

2. The students were not ____ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.

A. permitted B. admitted C. hoped D. allow

3. The thirty-storey building is one of the most challenging projects they have ever ____. A. undergone B. overtaken C. understood D. undertaken

4. Most of the projects ____ by the young engineer on his own.

A. are undertaking B. are undertaken C. undertaking D. undertakes

5. There are the highest ____ that have ever been given by the government

A. distinction B. acquisition C. expansion D. connection

6. Many difficulties have ____ as a result of change over a new type of fuel.

A. risen B. arisen C. raised D. aroused

7. A completely new situation will ____ when examination system comes into existence.

A. arise B. rise C. raise D. arouse

8. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk ___ the good opportunity.

A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost

9. Marie Curie took little notice ___ the honors that were given to her in her later years.

A. of B. on C. about D. from

10. The temple is not open to visitors as part of it is ____.

A. in repair B. repairing C. on repairing D. under repair

11. He aimed ____ a good teacher.

A. at becoming B. for becoming C. in becoming D. be coming

12. ____ improving your knowledge, reading can make you wise.

A. In addition to B. As C. Because D. Although

13. The sofa in my room is so big that it can ____ as a bed.

A. regard B. consider C. function D. use

14. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth ____ each year.

A. is washing away B. is being washed away

C. are washing away D. are being washed away

15. I’m writing to you ____ you will support me in the project.

A. in the hope to B. in order to C. in the hope that D. so as to

16. According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is necessarily

____ and effect. A. reason B. impact C. fact D. cause

17. ---Shall we go to the art exhibition right away? ---____.

A. It’s your opinion B. I don’t mind C. It’s all up to you D.That’s your decision

18. There have been several new events ____ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic

Games. A. add B. to add C. adding D. added

19. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always

____ the same thing. A. saying B. said C. to say D. having said

20. _____ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.

A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising


Surfing: It’s Not Just for Boys Anymore

If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who would 21 : surfing. But isn’t that a boy thing? Some people 22 . Most certainly not.

I started surfing about five years ago and 23 in love with the sport on the very first day. Riding that first 24 was the best feeling I had ever experienced.

When I try to 25 surfing with other things, I find it very difficult because, in my 26 , there’s nothing like it. It involves body, 27 , and soul. There’s sand between my toes and cool, salt water all 28 us. The feeling I get when I’m surfing across that 29 , becoming one with the 30 , is like I’m weightless.

The one thing I can 31 from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge. You can never be the “best surfer”because the ocean 32 an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some surfers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive and 33 . All of these things attract me to surfing and make it 34 from any other sport.

I’ve 35 to tell every girl I know to do something that people don’t think girls can do. It’s part of being human to advance to new 36 , so shouldn’t it be expected that girls should step up and start 37 the limits of things boys and men used to dominate(主宰)?

There’re women 38 side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys 39 the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to 40 , and they will.

21. A. tell B. answer C. give D. realize

22. A. wonder B. understand C. reply D. believe

23. A. stayed B. came C. dropped D. fell

24. A. wave B. storm C. sail D. boat

25. A. bring B. connect C. compare D. tie

26. A. work B. study C. holiday D. life

27. A. mind B. effort C. health D. time

28. A. along B. above C. around D. by

29. A. beach B. water C. board D. lake

30. A. sky B. world C. earth D. ocean

31. A. take B. get C. make D. keep

32. A. catches B. includes C. offers D. collects

33. A. sharp B. great C. hard D. calm

34. A. known B. right C. far D. different

35. A. chosen B. tried C. learned D. promised

36. A. levels B. points C. steps D. parts

37. A. reaching B. accepting C. pushing D. setting

38. A. sitting B. walking C. fighting D. working

39. A. of B. from C. on D. with

40. A. think B. succeed C. perform D. feel



When you are little, the whole world feels like a big playground. I was living in Conyers, Georgia the summer it all happened. I was a second grader, but my best friend Stephanie was only in the first grade. Both of our parents were at work and most of the time they let us go our own way.

It was a hot afternoon and we decided to have an adventure in Stephanie’s basement. As I opened the basement door, before we lay the biggest room, full of amazing things like guns, dolls, and old clothes. I ran downstairs, and spotted red steel can. It was paint. I looked beyond it and there, lay even more paint in colors like purple, orange, blue and green.

“Stephanie, I just found us a project for the day. Get some paintbrushes. We are fixing to paint.” She screamed with excitement as I told her of my secret plans and immediately we got to work. We gathered all the brushes we could find and moved all of our material to my yard. There on the road in front of my house, we painted bit stripes (条纹) of colors across the pavement (人行道). Stripe by stripe, our colors turned into a beautiful rainbow. It was fantastic!

The sun was starting to sink. I saw a car in the distance and jumped up as I recognized the car. It was my mother. I couldn’t wait to show her my masterpiece. The car pulled slowly into the driveway and from the look on my mother’s face, I could tell that I was in deep trouble.

My mother shut the car door and walked towards me. Her eyes glaring, she shouted, “What in the world were you thinking? I understood when you made castles ** of leaves, ‘and climbed the neighbors’ trees, but this! Come inside right now!” I stood there glaring hack at her for a minute, angry because she had insulted (侮辱) my art.

“Now “go clean it up!” Mother and I began cleaning the road. Tears ran down my checks as I saw my beautiful rainbow turn into black cement.

Though years have now passed, I still wonder where my rainbow has gone. I wonder if, maybe when I get older, I can find my rainbow and never have to brush it away. I guess we all need sort of rainbow to brighten our lives from time to time and to keep our hopes and dreams colorful.

41. What did the writer want to do when his mother came home?

A. To introduce Stephanie to her.

B. To prevent her from seeing his painting.

C. To put the material back in the yard.

D. To show his artwork to her.

42. In his mother’s eyes, the writer_______.

A. was a born artist B. always caused trouble

C. was a problem solver D. worked very hard

43. The underlined word “rainbow” in the last paragraph refers to ______.

A. the rainbow in the sky. B. the stripes on the pavement

C. something imaginative and fun D. important lessons learned in childhood

44. It can be learned from the passage that parents should ________.

A. encourage children to paint

B. value friendship among children

C. discover the hidden talent in children

D. protect rather than destroy children’s dreams

B. www.ks*5u.co

Below is a housing guide for students going to London.

. What is the advantage of using Loot?

A. It has more offers from accommodation agencies than Renting.

B. It gives you personal information about other co-renters.

C. Their website is designed mainly for students.

D. there are some good bargains.

46. A good agent can help you ____.

A. know more people

B. find cheap accommodation

C. get the right accommodation quickly

D. get free information about most accommodations

47. The information passed on by word of mouth is important because____.

A. ***** through any other source

B. it helps ***** of the best housing never advertised.

C. the final year students always offer better information

D. the landlords have little valuable information


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