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The meaning of colour

Words Study

1. thread n.线, 细丝, 线索 string n.线, 细绳 rope n.绳, 索, 绳索

give me a piece of thread 给我一段线

a thread of hope一线希望

I must have skipped a page, because I lost the thread of the story.


2. sew vt, vi sewed, sewn, sewing 缝合(布、皮、纸);缝制

sew a dress for me sew a button on my shirt

do some sewing 缝补衣服

sewing machine缝纫机

3. values [复]价值观,价值基准;是非标准

value n 价值, 重要性;估价, 评价, 价格 v. 估价, 评价; 尊重, 重视

Everyone has his values

What is the value of your house? 你的房子值多少钱?

Your help has been of great value. 你的帮助很有价值。

He valued the ring at $80. 他估计这枚戒指值80美元。

I value your advice. 我尊重你的劝告。

4. unrest n. 不稳; 不安的状态; 骚乱, 动乱

campus unrest 大学学潮, 学生运动

financial unrest金融动荡

5. unfairly adv. 不公正地 unfair adj. 不公平的 fair 公平的

fairness n.公平, 正直,

6. starvation n. 饥饿, 饿死 starve v. vt.使饿死 vi.饿得要死

die of starvation 饿死 starve for sth. = be dying for渴望…

starve to do sth. = be dying to do 渴望做某事


1. 我一直很想与你见面。 _____________________________

2. 她渴望受到注意。 _____________________________

Keys: 1. I have been starving to see you. 2. She is starving for attention.

7. conclusion n. 结论, 结尾,结束,推论

bring sth. To an early conclusion把事情早上了结

bring…to conclusion使……终结

draw a conclusion from由….得出结论

reach / come to / arrive as a conclusion得出结论

in conclusion最后,在结束时

conclude v. 结束,使结束,下结论

He concluded(=end)his speech with some amusing remarks.


to be concluded 下期完结(用于杂志的连载文章等)

to conclude 总而言之, 总之


1) 警察认为他是这桩凶杀案件的罪犯。

The Police _____________________ he was the criminal of the murder.

2) 这本书以大团圆作为结束。

The book _______________________ a happy ending.

Key: 1) came to / arrived at the conclusion that

2) concluded with

8. motto n. 座右铭, 格言 saying 格言;俗语,谚语;名言

The school motto is 'Never lose hope.' 这所学校的格言是'永不气馁'。

Both these sayings mean the same thing. 这两句谚语的意思是相同的。

9. equality n.等同性, 同等, 平等, 相等, 等式 inquality 不平等,不相同,不等同

Racial equality种族平等

be on an equality (with) 与...平等 = be equal to

equal adj.相等的 n. 相等的事物(或数量), 对手 vt.等于, 比得上

10. fraternity n.兄弟关系, 友爱; 博爱

fraternity between our two peoples 我们两国人民之间的兄弟友谊

fraternal adj.兄弟的, 兄弟般的, 友爱的

11. justice n. n.正义, 正当, 公平

be treated with justice 得到公正的待遇

a sense of justice 正义感

bring a person to justice依法处罚某人

in justice to为了对(人)公平起见

12. honesty n. 诚实, 正直

Honesty is the best policy. [谚]诚实是上策。

In (all) honesty 老实说 I can’t, in (all) honesty, believer his story.


honest adj. 诚实的, 正直的

an honest face 真诚坦率的脸

It is honest of sb. to do sth.

to be honest with you 坦白地说,老实告诉你(通常置于句首)

(to be honest; to tell you the truth; honestly (speaking))

Honestly (speaking) , that’s exactly what he said.坦白说,那正是他是所说的。


13. strengthen v.加强, 巩固

strengthen national defence 巩固国防

The fence was strengthened with wire. 这堵围栏用金属丝加固了。

strength n. n.力, 力量, 力气

I haven't the strength to lift this table. 我没有力气抬这张桌子。

build up one's strength 增强体力[实力]

strong adj.

14. principle n.法则, 原则, 原理

He is a man of high principle. 他是一个有节操的人。

Take this seriously, It is a matter of principle. 对这事认真些,这是原则问题。

in principle 原则上 on principle按昭原则

They agreed to the plan in principle. 他们原则上同意这个计划。

15. rid vt. rid 或 ridded, rid, ridding(与of 连用)使摆脱, 使去掉

rid oneself of debt 还清债务

He is rid of fever. 他的烧退了。

rid oneself of(get rid of)a bad habit抛弃不良习惯

get rid of 摆脱

16. elect vi. 决定,选举 vt. 选举,推选

The government is made up of men and women elected by the people of the country.


He elected to become a doctor. 他决定当医生。

elect him chairman选他当主席

She elected to return to work after her baby was born.她决定孩子出生后再去做工作。

17. substitute

Mary is ill and Laura is to substitute her.玛丽病了,劳拉代替她。

Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.国产零件取代进口零件。

Only art can substitute for nature.唯有艺术能代替自然。

He substitutes as our teacher of English.他代任我们的英语教师。

He will be the substitude for me as chairman.他将接替我担任主席。

18. influential adj. 有影响的, 有势力的

He is an influential politiciian.他是一个有势力的政治家。

infuluece n.

My teacher’s influence made me study science at college.


19. colonist n. 殖民地居民, 殖民者 colonize v. colonism n

20. outspoken adj. 坦率直言的

21. tolerate vt. 忍受, 容忍 = put up with; bear; stand

I cannot tolerate your bad manners.我不能容忍你的无礼行为。

Our teacher won't tolerate any cheating on exams.我们老师容不得任何考试作弊行为。

We tolerate all opinions here. 我们这里容许发表各种意见。

She didn’t tolerate his selfishness.她不容许他的自私。

22. independence n 独立, 自主

This country gained its independence in 1960. 这个国家在1960年获得独立。

=became independent

live a life of independence = live an independent life过独立生活

23. oppose vt. 反对, 使对立

oppose + n. / doing

oppose to /against

be opposed to

Father does not oppose the idea at all.父亲丝毫不反对这个想法。

My mother is opposed to the new plan. 我妈妈是反对这个新打算的。

Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway. 许多居民反对修建那条汽车路的计划。

opposition n. 反对,敌手,抵抗

I expressed opposition to that plan.

24. optional adj.可选择的, 任选的, 随意的 n. [美]选修科

optional subjects 选修课

Is English an optional lesson, or does everyone have to learn it?


option n.选项, 选择权, [经]买卖的特权

You have no option. 你没有选择的余地。

There are three options open to us in that matter.在这个问题上我们有三个选择的可能。

optionally adv.随意地

25. passive adj.被动的 (反) active

put the enemy in a passive position 使敌陷入被动

the passive voice 【语】被动语态

passive resistance 消极抵抗

26. declaration n.宣布, 宣言, 声明 declare vt.断言, 宣称, 宣布, 宣告, 声明

a declaration of war 宣战

Declaration of Independence (美国)独立宣言


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