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高中英语常见词及短语辨析 ( I )

1 .about; around; round 作副词时都含“四处”、“遍地”的意思。 about 系常用词, 如:

look about四处看。

around 具有 about 的基本意思, 因此 look about=look around, 但在下列短语里 around没有 about正式, 如:

travel around 各处旅行

round 和 around在非正式用法中可以互换, 但一般用 round时更简练。在正式用语中, 一般用 round指“旋转”, 而用 around指“处处”, “到处”, 如:

She turned round at such a noise. 听到这样的吵声, 她回头看。

I have been looking for it all around. 我到处都找过了。

 另外, 英国人用 round的地方, 美国人倾向于用 around, 如:

[英] Winter comes round.

[美] Winter comes around.

2 .above all;after all;at all 

above all意为“尤其是”、“首先”、“最重要的是”,常位于句首或句中,作插入语,起强调作用。如:

But above all tell me quickly what I have to do.可首先快些告诉我该做什么。

A clock must above all keeps good time.时钟最重要的是必须走得准。

 after all意为“毕竟”、“终究”、“终归”、“到底”,在句中位置较灵活。可位于句首、句中或句末。如:

After all,your birthday is only two weeks away.毕竟,两周后就是你的生日。

He is,after all,a small child.他毕竟还是个小孩子。

He failed after all.他终于失败了。

 at all用于否定句时,意为“丝毫;根本”,用于疑问句时意为“究竟;到底”,用于条件句时,常译为“当真;实在”。用于肯定句中,表示说话人的某种情绪或情感(如怀疑或惊奇等),意为“竟然”等。如:

He doesn’t like you at all.他根本不喜欢你。

Are you going to do it at all?你究竟做不做这件事?

If you do it at all,do it well.若你真要做这件事,就得做好。

I was surprised at his coming at all.他竟然来了,我很惊讶。

3. add; add to; add…to; add up to

 add作“加,增加”解时,既可作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词;作“又说,补充说”解时,与直接或间接引语连用。如:

If the tea is too strong, add some more hot water. 如果茶太浓了,再加点开水。

After a short while, he added that he would try his best. 过了一会儿,他又接着说他会尽力。

 add to意为“增添,增加,增进”。如:

The bad weather added to our difficulties. 恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。

 add...to意为“把……加到……”,是把前一项加到后一项之后或之中。如:

Add two to seven, and you will get nine.七加二等于九。

 add up to意为“加起来总共是/累计得”,该短语不用于被动语态。如:

All his school education added up to no more than one year. 他的学校教育加起来不过一年。

4 . affair; thing; matter; business

 affair意为“事情、事件”, 含义较广,泛指已做或待做的事;复数affairs一般指商业事务及政府的日常事务,如财政管理、外交事务等。

 thing意为“事情、事物”,不管大事小事、好事坏事均称为thing,一般不能专指事务;复数things还可作“形势”解。

 matter侧重指须留心的要事或问题、难题。

 business作“事务、事情”解时,一般不能用复数,常常指所指派的任务、责任;有时说的是指派的工作或商业上的买卖活动。

 a great deal; a great deal of

 a great deal用作名词,意为“大量”,“许多”,作主语、宾语;用作副词,意为“很”或“非常”,作状语,修饰动词或用来强调比较级。如:

A great deal has been studied and this is the best way. 经过大量研究后,这(被认为)是最好的办法。

We are a great deal cleverer than before. 我们比以前聪明多了。

 a great deal of意为“大量的”,“非常多的”,相当于much,作定语,后接不可数名词。如:

A great deal of time/money/energy has been spent on the project.


5. agree on;agree to;agree with;agree that

 agree on作“就……取得一致意见”解。例如:

The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month.


 agree to有两层含义和用法:

 其一是to作为动词不定式符号,其后跟动词原形,作“同意(答应)做某事”解。

例如: My father agreed to buy a new pen for me. 父亲答应给我买支新钢笔。

 其二是to作为介词,之后跟表示“计划/条件/建议等一类的名词或代词”。例如:

They have a greed to our plan. 他们已同意我们的计划。

 agree with作“同意某人的意见”解,其后可跟表示人的名词或代词,也可跟表示“意见”或“说的话”的名词或从句。例如:

He agreed with my opinions. 他同意了我的意见。

We agreed with what he said at the meeting. 我们同意他在会上讲的话。

 agree that作“认为……”解,其后跟宾语从句。例如:

I agree that your composition is very good. 我认为你的这篇作文写得不错。

6. allow;let 二者均可作“允许”解,但各有侧重:  allow重在“允许”或“容许”,也可表示客气的请求。例如: He allowed me to take his dictionary.他允许我拿走他的词典。 Will you allow me to use your bike? 我可以用你的自行车吗?  let作“允许”或“让”解,主要用于口语,一般可与allow互换。作“允许”解时,常暗含“听任”、“默许”之意;作“让”解时,常含“祈使”或“建议”之意。注意:let之后作宾补的不定式不带to,且不可用于被动语态,而allow则相反。例如: Please let me walk with you(=Please allow me to walk with you.).我(请允许我)跟你一起走。注:allow常用于allow sb.to do sth.或allow doing sth.结构中。

7. although; though; as


 状语从句由although, though或as引导,主句之前不可有but, and, so, however等并列连词,但可有yet或still等副词。although与though常可互换。例如:

Although/Though he believes it, yet he will not act. 他虽然相信它,但却不肯有所行动。

 as表示“尽管;虽然”,只能用于倒装句,即:将表语、状语或谓语动词放在as之前。though也可这么用。例如:

Young as/though he is, he knows a lot. 他虽然年纪不大,却懂得很多。


Child as/though he is, he can speak two foreign languages. 虽然他是个孩子,但他会说两门外语。

 though可以放在句末,表示“但是”,although却不能。例如:

They said they would come; they did not, though. 他们说他们会来,可是他们并没有来。

 although只用来陈述“事实”,不能表示“假设”。因此可以说even though“即使”以及as though“好像(=as if)”,不能说even although或as although。例如:

I believe you are on duty—even though you’re in plain clothes. 尽管你穿着便衣,我相信你是在值勤。

8 . among/between


例如:The girl walked between her father and mother.这个女孩走在她父亲和母亲之间。

She is the tallest among her classmates.她在她同学之间是最高的。

Switzerland lies between France,Italy,Austria and Germany.


9. argue debate dispute 都含“辩论”的意思。 argue 着重“说理”、“论证”和“企图说服”, 如:

I argued with her for a long time, but she refused to listen to reason.

我和她辩论了好久, 但她还是不听。

 debate 着重“双方各述己见”, 内含“交锋”的意思, 如:

We have been debating about the issue. 我们一直在就这个问题进行辩论。

 dispute 指“激烈争辩”, 含有“相持不下”或“未得解决”之意,如:

Whether he will be elected as chairman is still disputed.他是否当选为主席, 仍然有争论。

10 argue;quarrel;discuss 这三个动词均有“争”的意思,但“争”法不同。

 argue着重就自己的看法或观点,提出论证,同他人“争论”或“辩论”。例如:

We heard them arguing in the other room.我们听见他们在另一个房间里争论。


We argued with them about this problem for a long time.这个问题我们同他们辩论了很长时间。

 quarrel是指对某事不喜欢或强烈不满而发生的“争吵”或“吵架”。同with搭配,其后接某人;和about连用,其后接某事。例如:

He often quarrels about their housework with his wife.他常为家务事同妻子争吵。

 discuss是指认真交换自己的意见或看法的“讨论”。例如:

We'll discuss the use of the articles tomorrow.明天我们将讨论冠词的用法。

11 as (so) far as; as (so) long as

 as(so)far as的意思是“就……而言(所知)”,as (so) far as sth.is concerned是其中一种具体用法,意为“就某事而言”;as (so) long as意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。如:

As far as I know, more than 10 million laid-off workers have found their new jobs.


There is nothing that we can’t do so / as long as we keep on trying to do it.


As far as the tourism of China is concerned, there is a long way to go.


12 asleep/sleeping 二者都是形容词。asleep仅用作表语,不能作定语,表示“睡着,熟睡”的意思;而sleeping一般只能用作定语,放在名词前,表示“睡眠中的,休止的”意思。

如:我们不能说:an asleep baby,但可以说:a sleeping baby(一个熟睡的婴儿)。

再如:He was asleep with his head on his arms.他头枕着手臂在熟睡。

asleeping dog正在熟睡的狗 sleeping car卧车 sleeping bag睡袋

13 assert,affirm,maintain  assert宣称、断言,常指某人主观自信,坚持己见,有时不顾客观事实而断言下结论。 affirm指以事实为依据,深信不疑地肯定某种观点或看法。 maintain指在相反的证据或论点面前,重申原来的某种观点、立场。

A.Despite all the policeman’s questions the suspect ___ that he had been at home all evening.

B.It is nonsense to ___ that smoking does not damage people’s health.

C.Throughout his prison sentence Dunn has always ___ his innocence.

Answers:A. affirmed B. assert C. maintained

14 as though;even though;though  as though(=as if),意为“好像;似乎”,引导方式状语从句或表语从句。如:

He spoke as though(as if)he had been here before.他说话的口气好像他以前来过这里。

It looks as if(as though)it is going to rain.看起来好像要下雨。

 even though(=even if),意为“即使”,引导让步状语从句。though也引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”;even though有退一步设想的意味,与though不同。though引导的句子所说的是事实,even though引导的句子所说的则不一定是事实。例如:

He will not tell the secret even though(even if)he knows it.即使他知道这个秘密,他也不肯说出来。

He will not tell the secret though he knows it.他虽然知道这个秘密,但他不会说出来。

15 at the beginning;in the beginning  at the beginning 在……初;在……开始的时候。常与of连用。例如: Students usually have a study plan at the beginning of term. 学生们在开学初制定学习计划。  in the beginning 相当于at first,表示“起初、开始”时,含“起初是这种情况,而后来却不是这种情况”之意,不与of连用。例如: In the beginning,some of us took no interest in physics. 起初我们有些人对物理不感兴趣。

16 attack assail assault charge beset


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