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(1). vt. 移动,把…移走,搬开,拿开

________________________________. 请把包从座位上拿走。

(2). vt. 脱掉=_________

Come in and remove your wet coat 进来把你的湿外衣脱掉。

(3). 除去,去掉消除=_____________

His name was removed from the list.他的名字被从名单上除去了。

(4).vt 撤职.


(5). Vi 搬家,迁移=move

They are going to ______________a new building. 他们准备搬进一座新楼。

8. maintain. [vt.]


The two countries have always ____________________.



The house is large and _____________________. 房子很大,难以养护


She has always maintained her innocence.

______________________ 。


He was barely earning enough to maintain himself.


9. balance [vt&vi]

(1). 平衡,平衡能力使平衡,保持平衡

___________________________. 运动员要有良好的平衡感。

(2).[n.]结余,余额 结欠, 欠款

The current balance in your account is $182现在你 账户上的结余为182英镑。

(3). 相抵,抵消

This year’s profits will balance our _____________.






M4 Unit2


Step1. Read this passage and answer the following questions:

1. How often were the Olympic Games held?

2. When and where were the modern Olympic Games held?

3. When did China return to the Games, and who won the first gold medal?

4. Who became the first Asian to win the gold medal in men’s 110-metre hurdles?

Step2. Compare the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics

The honourable games  Ancient Olympics Modern Olympics Time ____1_____ ____2____

________3_________ All ___4___ Both ____5___and ____6____  Held at the ___7____ place Held at the ___8_____ place  Only ___9_____ were allowed to compete. _____10______ from around the world can take part.

Step3. True or False

1)????? At the 1984 Barcelona Olympics, Jordan won his second Olympic medal.

2)????? Haile Gebreselassie first became famous and broke the world for the 10km run in 1992.

3)????? China returned to the Games after 32 years’ absence.

4)????? Deng Yaping won four Olympic gold medals and became an IOC member in 1992.

5)????? Cassius Clay returned to the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony.


M4 Unit2 Reading

Language points:

1. (Line 1)  I am delighted to have been invited  to …….the Olympic Games.

句型:sb. + be + adj. / v-ed 形式+ to have done sth. 谓语动词等常用被动语态,不定式完成式表示该动作发生在谓语动词之前。

e.g. _________________________________________. 有人认为他正在进行一项秘密的实验。

2. (Line 6)They were held at Olympia in Greece  every four years.

Every 当“每;每隔”讲时,不能用each 替换;every后可用few,但不能接a few, 也不可接some,several, many等词;every可与“other+单数名词连用”。

每;每隔:Every + 基数词 + 复数名词

Every + 序数词 + 单数名词

Every other + 单数名词

Every few + 复数名词

e.g. ________________ 每四天,每隔三天    __________________每三天,每隔两天 __________________每隔一天            ____________________每隔几天

3. (Line 9) At the ancient games, the athletes were all men and they had to

compete wearing no clothes.


wearing no clothes 是现在分词短语,在从句中作________,修饰_________,表示伴随情况。


_____________________, he nodded from time to time. (时间) 他一边读书,一边不时地点头。

________________, he could not go to the film. (原因) 因为忙,他不能去看电影。

He hurried home, ____________________________ as he went. (伴随情况) 他赶紧回家,一边走一边不时地向后看。

4. (Line 14) Today, athletes  from around  the world can take part,  no matter what  language they speak.

from around 两个介词连用,表示更具体的内容。(He appeared _______________the tree.)

no matter what 相当于______________, 引导让步状语从句。

________________/___________________, don’t open the door. 无论谁敲门,都不要开。

_________________/___________________, do it well. 无论做什么,都要把它做好。

5. (Line 16)  It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who  restarted the Olympics.

“It was…… who……”为强调句型结构,强调的是a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin作_______________的同位语。

1) “It + be +被强调部分+ who/that……”

e.g. It was   I   who/that saw him in the street yesterday. (主语)昨天是我在街上看见了他。

It was in the street that I saw him yesterday. (地状)我昨天是在街上看见他的。

2) 一般疑问句形式:Be + it +被强调部分+ who/that……

3) 特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词(被强调部分)+ be + it + who/that……

4)  not until 的强调句式:It be not until …… that +……..

E.g. _____________________ you graduated? 你是2008年毕业的吗?

___________________ you got home last night? 昨天晚上你是什么时候到家的?

______________________________ that I __________ she was a famous film star.


6. (Line 17)His dream  was that …… make it possible ……side by side.

1)That 引导表语从句, 不做成分不可省略。在 主语从句 和 同位语从句 中也不做成分不可省略。 E.g. The news ______________________________was encouraging.(同位语从句)


________________________we are invited to a concert this evening. (主语从句)


2)“make it + adj./n. + (for sb.) to do sth.” it 是______宾语,不定式是真正的宾语。用于此句型的动词还有 think, find, believe, feel, suppose, consider等。

e.g. He ______________________ those in trouble. 他认为帮助有困难的人是他的责任。

They have made ______ a rule _______ in the room

A. this; not to smoking     B. it; smoking    C. it; not to smoke     D. it; not smoking

7. (Line 19) Now people……and among them are many well-known athletes.


e.g. _________________________ Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.


_____________________________ some teachers and students.


_____________________ when women were looked down upon.


8. (Line 45) At the 2004 … Liu Xiang …the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles.

该句中的 the first 与 to win the gold medal…均作定语修饰名词Asian。英语中当一个名词或代词前有序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,若在需要后置定语,则要用动词不定式的一般式。

e.g. ________________________ is from Beijing. 下一班要抵达的列车是北京开过来的的。

Madam Curie was ___________________________the Nobel Prize twice.


He is always____________________________.


-----The last one _______ pays the meal.


A. arrived     B. to arrive       C. arrives     D. arriving

Important phrases:

2. __________________ to do sth. 高兴做某事  2. ___the end ____…在…结束时;在…末端

3. ___________________每四年;每隔三年       4. be ______________ sth. 被允许做…

5. take _____(in) 参与  6. in _____ of 纪念…;向表示敬意  7. ___________一起;肩并肩

8. play a______/__________ 起作用   9. ____________ one’s dream 实现梦想

10. _________ the name of 以… 为笔名       11. ______________ sth. 继续做另一件事

12._________ the record打破纪录        13. make _______________ to  对…做出贡献

14. _________________期待;盼望     15. join sb. __________sth. 与某人一起参加某活动

16. _________one’s attention 引起注意 17. ______________被看做 18._________一直;总是




Step1. True or False:

1. There are only two requirements for a sport entering the Olympics.

2.  Sports were usually removed because they became less popular and had to make way for new, more popular sports.

3. Tae kwon do has been added only recently, in 2000.

4. It’s impossible that wushu can enter the Olympics.

5. Once the sports were removed, they couldn’t enter the Olympics any more.

Step2. Fill in the blanks:

Sports in the Olympics

How to enter:

_____1_______ Has its own international ____2_____.  Must be practised by men in at least __3__ countries on at least four continents. In at least 40 countries on three continents women ____4____it.  A current sport must be dropped in order___5____add a new sport. Sports are out Some less popular sports have been removed, ____6_______familiar sports as well as more unusual sports. Sports are in Some sports have been added only recently.

Many people think that_____7_____ Olympic sports will be included again. Sports are still trying Wushu is trying to___8___ the Olympics. However, it hasn’t got the ____9____of the IOC.

In the future, wushu fans may ____10___ their dream because the IOC is considering revising sports number and type.

Language points

2. Entering a sport into the Olympics can be a long process. (P38)


can:. 这里can 用来描述特有的行为或情形,常译为“有时会”

eg: Children can sometimes be very tiring.

It can be very cold here, even in May.

2. These sports were usually removed…to make way for…(P38)

give way to sth./ make way for sth.

(1.) to be replaced by sth, esp. because it is better, cheaper, easier被取代替代




(2.) allow space or a free passage 让路

As is known to all, all traffic has to make way for fire-engine.

__________一路上,一直; 大老远     ___________顺便说一声;在途中

by way of  经过,经由                 find one’s way ______________

___________ 在某种程度上;有点,有几分 in no way     决不

in the/one’s way挡路                   lead the way ____________

_____________ 迷路                  ___________ (辛苦地)前进,行走

________ 没门                      on the/one’s way (to)在途中;渐趋于

under way (船只)航行中,(计划)进行中


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