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词义 可数名词

[C] 不可数名词

[U] 可数/不可数名词


许多,大量 Many,   many a / an,

a great / large number of ,

quite a few,

scores of ,

dozens of Much,

a good / great deal of, a large amount of, amounts of A lot of,    lots of,

a large quantity of, quantities of,

plenty of,

a supply of,

supplies of 2. attraction  [n.]    [v.] _______  [adj.] ___________

(1). 吸引人的地方或事情    ___________________ 旅游景点

(2). 吸引力;诱惑力

City life holds little attraction for me. _______________________。


attract sb. ____ sth. 使某人对某事感兴趣

the main attraction 最引人注意之处

attract_________/__________ 引起兴趣/注意

3. otherwise adv. / conj. 否则,要不然

Work hard, otherwise you will be sorry. 好好学习,否则你会后悔的。



提示:otherwise 作副词时,无比较级和最高级的用法;otherwise使起连接作用的状语,做两个句子的连接状语时不可置于句末,而应置于所连接的第二个句子的句首。

4. stretch [vt.]&[vi.]

(1).vt. 拉长/宽 撑大/松 ;铺开,舒展

I have to stretch these shoes. 我得把这些鞋子撑大。

(2). (vi)变长,变宽,(布料)可伸缩,有弹性

The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. __________________________。

(3). (vi) (空间上)延伸, (时间上)延续

________________________________________. 森林绵延数百英里。

Endless summer days stretched out before us. 我们眼前是无尽的夏日。


_________________________________-___. 他伸出一只手,把书捡起来。

5.  meet相关单配:


meeting place 聚集的地方,会场

meet one’ ________/_______/_________满足某人需要

6. current [ adj.]


Production is likely to _____________________.



These words are no longer current. _________________。


7.  remove [vt&vi]

(1). vt. 移动,把…移走,搬开,拿开

________________________________. 请把包从座位上拿走。

(2). vt. 脱掉=_________

Come in and remove your wet coat 进来把你的湿外衣脱掉。

(3). 除去,去掉消除=_____________

His name was removed from the list.他的名字被从名单上除去了。

(4).vt 撤职.


(5). Vi 搬家,迁移=move

They are going to ______________a new building. 他们准备搬进一座新楼。

8. maintain. [vt.]


The two countries have always ____________________.



The house is large and _____________________. 房子很大,难以养护


She has always maintained her innocence.

______________________ 。


He was barely earning enough to maintain himself.


9. balance [vt&vi]

(1). 平衡,平衡能力使平衡,保持平衡

___________________________. 运动员要有良好的平衡感。

(2).[n.]结余,余额 结欠, 欠款

The current balance in your account is $182现在你 账户上的结余为182英镑。

(3). 相抵,抵消

This year’s profits will balance our _____________.






M4 Unit 2 New Words(2)

1. plenty of 许多,大量

There _____plenty of time. 时间很充足。

Plenty of students _______________. 许多学生想出国留学。


1)plenty of 后接___名词或_____名词,同时谓语动词的单复数形式与其后名词一致。

2)plenty of通常用于肯定句中;在否定句中用many或much代替;在疑问句中用enough代替。

e.g. There are_______ egg. 有许多鸡蛋。

There aren’t ______ eggs. 没有很多鸡蛋。

Are there _______ eggs? 有足够多的鸡蛋吗?



词义 可数名词

[C] 不可数名词

[U] 可数/不可数名词


许多,大量 Many,   many a / an,

a great / large number of ,

quite a few,

scores of ,

dozens of Much,

a good / great deal of, a large amount of, amounts of A lot of,    lots of,

a large quantity of, quantities of,

plenty of,

a supply of,

supplies of 2. attraction  [n.]    [v.] _______  [adj.] ___________

(1). 吸引人的地方或事情    ___________________ 旅游景点

(2). 吸引力;诱惑力

City life holds little attraction for me. _______________________。


attract sb. ____ sth. 使某人对某事感兴趣

the main attraction 最引人注意之处

attract_________/__________ 引起兴趣/注意

3. otherwise adv. / conj. 否则,要不然

Work hard, otherwise you will be sorry. 好好学习,否则你会后悔的。



提示:otherwise 作副词时,无比较级和最高级的用法;otherwise使起连接作用的状语,做两个句子的连接状语时不可置于句末,而应置于所连接的第二个句子的句首。

4. stretch [vt.]&[vi.]

(1).vt. 拉长/宽 撑大/松 ;铺开,舒展

I have to stretch these shoes. 我得把这些鞋子撑大。

(2). (vi)变长,变宽,(布料)可伸缩,有弹性

The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. __________________________。

(3). (vi) (空间上)延伸, (时间上)延续

________________________________________. 森林绵延数百英里。

Endless summer days stretched out before us. 我们眼前是无尽的夏日。


_________________________________-___. 他伸出一只手,把书捡起来。

5.  meet相关单配:


meeting place 聚集的地方,会场

meet one’ ________/_______/_________满足某人需要

6. current [ adj.]


Production is likely to _____________________.



These words are no longer current. _________________。


7.  remove [vt&vi]


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