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高三英语教案 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World教案




1. 词汇:     reality, extraordinary, character, interactive, set, upon, feeling, headset, enable, monitor, via, deliver, straw, final, besides, firefighter, burn, battle, whale, ant, fantastic, opportunity, industry, impress, announce, liquid, soap, powder, showcase, employ, accuse, file, popularity, criticize, fade, editor, therefore, voice, opinion, crash, nephew, central, surface, southern, hero, gentle, journey, per, rescue, force, guide, safely.

2. 词组、短语:pass on, thousands of, be connected to, put forward, last but not least, set up, in my opinion, come across, not only ….but also.

3. 语法、结构:1) The passive voice

2) Modal verbs and the passive voice

3)Verbs often used in the passive voice

4. 技能指导  :

By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

1) read a formal proposal and summaries of three science fiction novels

2)  listen to facts and opinions and an interview about computer use

3) Discuss  views on technology  and interview a classmate

4) Write a proposal for a computer room and a short science fiction story

5) Expand vocabulary related to computer


Welcome to the unit

1. 导入:The general idea of this period

The pictures and the questions of this part make students take notice of the life in the future. With the rapid development of science and technology, some of our wildest dreams could come true in the future.


体验:Reading comprehension

The article in this section is a business proposal which introduces a new business idea. Ask students to skim and scan the proposal and try to find answers to the three questions in Part A. Remind students only to focus on the most important information needed to answer these questions. Meanwhile ask students to pay attention to the structure of the passage.

Pay attention to the structure of the article. Organize students into groups of four. Ask them to discuss this article and analyze the structure. Also, students need to conclude what the main idea of each part of the article is.

main ideas

Para 1       ____________________________________________________________

Para 2----7   ____________________________________________________________



Para8       ____________________________________________________________

Activities and discuss

1.After students have worked out the main ideas for the different parts, to further strengthen the comprehension, ask students to answer the following question and fill in the chart according to the proposal.

How can RealCine excite the viewers' five senses?

Sense Things needed Effects in RealCine

sight special VR headsets Viewers can see a world of 3D animation all around them.

sound special VR headsets Viewers can hear the sounds clearly all around them.

smell small opening in the headset Smells are given out.

tough special gloves Viewers can tough people and objects in the film.

taste a straw sensor Special food and drink chemicals are places into the viewers’mouth.

2. Then check the answers as a class. If time allows, organize a class presentation. Ask students to discuss and use the information in the chart above to give a brief presentation about virtual reality and RealCine.

3.  Present the following sentences to  students. Ask them to read each one and think about the characteristics of the  language used in this article.

I believe you will be amazed by the RealCine experience, and will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that must be developed further.

Viewers will be surprised at how real it feels.

RealCine works by making the viewers feel that they are actually in the film.

I am sure you will agree that RealCine provides a fantastic opportunity for the film-making industry.

Ask students:

As a decision maker, do you think you would finally be persuaded to invest or develop RealCine? Why or why not?

What do you think of the language used tn these sentences?

Tell them that the purpose of a business proposal is to plan or suggest a new idea. The goal is to help the customers or the investors make their decisions. Therefore, clear and persuasive language is often used.

4. Ask students to read the Reading strategy. Tell students that a successful business proposal needs to be objective and that detailed information and convincing facts or examples together with the passive voice are frequently used to  achieve this purpose. Therefore, when  reading a business proposal, they can focus on these features.

5.  Ask students to read the article again and underline the sentences using the passive voice in the passage. Give some explanations why the passive voice is used. This will help students get a better  understanding of how to write a proposal.

6.   Have students complete Part D. The  meanings of the words in Part D should  not be difficult for students to identify  after they have read through the passage several times. Ask students to  refer to the text as they complete Part D. This exercise can help students understand the text better.

7 Draw students' attention to Part E.  Part E is a reply to the proposal, which serves as a summary of the article about RealCine. Have students complete it individually first and then check their answers with the whole class.

Post-reading activities

Use the following activities to help students deepen their understanding of RealCine and develop their speaking ability as well.

 Organize students into groups of four. Ask them to hold a group discussion.  Imagine what special effect they hope to have if they can see a popular film like 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' in RealCine.

Do you think watching a Harry Potter film in RealCine is more exciting and interesting than in an ordinary cinema? Why or why not?

After the discussion, ask each group to  make an advertisement poster for this imaginary virtual reality film. Then  they may make an oral presentation of their advertisements in class. Every student can vote and choose the best one from all the advertisements. If possible, ask them to state their reasons for their choice.

 Organize students into groups of six. Ask them to write an introduction to ReaICine. In the introduction, they  may state their own opinions on RealCine.

 Organize students into two groups.  Ask them to hold a debate activity.

Those who support virtual reality believe  that, with this technology, people can do  almost everything, even things that  cannot be realized in normal life. We don't need to travel any more or spend so  much time with friends any more. Virtual reality can provide any necessary features  that we need itl our life. Others insist that, real life and  interpersonal communication should  never be replaced by imaginary scenes.  People should take off the headsets and  experience the real life themselves. What do you think of these two opinions? State your reasons.

If time permits, ask students to do Parts A1 and A2 on page 96 in their Workbook, so they will be more familiar with the text and the words and  expressions learnt in this part. Or they can do the two exercises after class as homework.

Part F aims at consolidating students'speaking ability. Ask students to read the instructions for Part F and discuss wit  their partners the questions closely related to new technology. Encourage students to share their opinions and  report their answers to the class.

Ask students first to read Part A and  then to do Part B in the Writing section  of this unit on page 103 in thei  Workbook. The passage in Part A is a sample. After reading it, they will know how to write an article about the future  school in Part B.


Realcine works by making the viewers feel that they are actually in the film. unlike ordinary cinema, RealCine excites all five of people’s senses: sight, hearing, smell, tough, and even taste.VR can provide teenagers with another way to experience the world and make them work harder to make their dreams come true.Vr can also do something that could never be achieved in real world.RealCine will certainly provide a fantastic opportunity for the film-making industry.

Words and expressions:



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