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in danger 在危险中

in debt   负债

in trouble 在困境中

in secret  秘密地

in silence 悄悄地

in public公开地

15.in return 作为报答(常作状语)

I wish I could do something for you in return. 我希望能为你做点事以示报答。

in return for

I gave her a present in return for her kindness to us. 我送她礼物作为对她好心的报答。

16. be /go on board  在船上、飞机上

Have the passengers gone on board yet? 旅客已经登机了吗?



1.It’s hard to imagine how this quiet volcano d_____________ the whole city!

2. C____________ environmentalists expressed their worry over the pollution of the Yangtze River.

3. One of the c_________ of this job is that you agree to work abroad.

4. It is my teacher’s i___________ that made me finally take up my present career as an English teacher.

5. Many people were b________ alive when the building collapsed.

6. He threw away the r___________ of a meal in the trash.

7. The ship began to s__________ when it hit an iceberg.

8. The colonies d___________ their independence from England.

9. Very long noises in the factory can d _________ people mad.

10. The earthquake left the whole town in r_________.



A monument will be set up _________ _________ __________ victims in the earthquake.


A careless mistake ___________ __________ ___________.


With a lot of work _________ __________ __________ ___________, he could spare no time for a rest.

4. 我们订购的所有货物都到达了, 而且状况良好。

All the goods we ordered have arrived _________ ___________ _____________.

5. 他因出色地完成了任务而受到表扬。

He was praised for having __________ __________ the mission perfectly.

6. 不要沉迷于电脑游戏,你父母在为你担心。

Don’t be addicted to the computer games. Your parents _________ _________ ________ you.


They _________ __________ our company by buying up shares.


The chairman ____________ the meeting ____________.

9. 我们给彼德一件精美的礼物,作为对他合作的回报。

We gave Peter a nice present _________ _________ ________ his cooperation.

10. 为了多赚钱,他被迫做几份兼职。

He ________ ________ __________ take several part-time jobs to earn more money .


in return  carry out     on board    be concerned about    in use   feed on

have an influence over   in poor condition  take over

1. The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see ______________ the next year.

2. When he died, his wife ______________ the business.

3. I helped him with housework and he gave me some money _______________.

4. All passengers _______________ tried their best to save the sick woman.

5. His words ________________ me, which made me become an honest person.

6. Due to the severe damage, the bridge is no longer ______________.

7. A sheep which ___________ this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than one on ordinary.

8. He can’t work any more because he is ______________.

9. ___________ her book, she didn’t hear the knock at the door.

10. We __________________ your safety in the quake-stricken area. Please contact us soon.


destroy, concerned, sink, influence, ruins, bury,

in return(for), in memory of, on board, carry out


一、 首字母填空完成句子

1.destroyed  2. Concerned  3. conditions  4. influence  5. buried  6. remains  7. sink

8. declared  9. drive  10. ruins


1. in memory of   2. ruined his future  3. remaining to be done   4. in good condition

5. carried out  6. are concerned about    7. took over  8. declared open  9. in return for

10. was driven to


1. carried out   2. took over  3. in return  4. on board  5. have an influence on/ over  6. in use

7. feeds on   8. in poor condition  9. Buried in   10. be concerned about


“Come on, comrades. Get on board!” the commander ordered. “The situation is very urgent. We are flying to Sichuan Province. An earthquake happened this afternoon.” Hearing the terrible news, my heart sank. When the plane finally landed, we rushed out to find survivors. The whole town was destroyed.

“Help!” cried someone. I rushed there and found a girl buried in ruins. Concerned about her safety and health, I comforted her. “Hold on! You will be saved.” I spared no effort to rescue her. Half an hour later, the girl was saved. Weak as she was, she smiled to me in return for my help.

The disaster is sure to influence the lives of local people greatly, but I am confident that the survivors will recover soon and join together to rebuild a better hometown.


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