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高三英语M9 U3 (Reading)专项复习教案




I. Reading comprehension:

A) Choose the right answer according to the text:

1. The national flag is very important and meaningful to a country because________.

A. there are many different colors on the flag.

B. from the flag we can know everything of the country.

C. it symbolizes the origin of that country, along with its values, beliefs and culture.

D. The colors on the flag mean different things to different countries.

2. French Tricolore has become one of the most influential nationals in history because________.

A. there are three different colors on the flag.

B. the French Revolution influenced many countries, especially those in Asia.

C. France was a strong country in history.

D. the French Revolution influenced many countries, some of which choose to substitute flags

with tricolor flags.

3. Which of the following statements about USA national flag is NOT true?

A. The flag is usually called the ‘Stars and Stripes’.

B. The flag has a close connection with its history.

C. The symbolic meanings of the colors on the flag are the same as those on the ‘Tricolore’

D. Each year on 4 July, the flag can be seen all over the country.

4. Which of the following statement is NOT an explanation of the meaning of the colors of


A. Red stands for blood, while white represents the spiritual.

B. Colors have a link with food.

C. Red colors on the flag symbolize the fire that comes from volcanoes.

D. Red and white are the favorite colors of the Indonesia people.

5. What kind of information can we get from a national flag?

A. history and population    B. culture and politics

C. economy and language    D. history and culture

B) Complete the following after reading it:

Country France The USA Indonesia

Name Tircolore Stars and (1)__________

Time It was first used in 1789, at the (2)_________________ the French Revolution. On 4 July 1776, the

Declaration of

Independence was

(3)_________________ Indonesia’s flag became

(4)_____________ on 17

August, 1945, three days

after the (5)___________

of World War II.

Red Red shows the bravery, revolution,(6)____________

and blood of the French. Red represents strength

And (7)_____________ Red stands for Blood, or

Things that are (8)


White White represents peace and (9) __________________. White means purity and

Innocence. White represents the


Blue Blue stands for liberty and justice. Blue stands for hard work

and (10)______________

C Fill in the blanks

National flags, colours and cultures. Today, every independent country has a flag that gives it a _______identity. These flags are more than just _________pieces of cloth and __________sewn together. A flag tells us something about the country it _________ and often symbolizes the _________of that country, along with its ________, beliefs and culture. Sometimes colours mean the same thing in various _______ , but they can often mean __________things to people from different countries.



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