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高三英语模块考点Unit 1复习教案



高三英语模块考点Unit 1复习教案

Unit 1 Module 11

Careers and skills

Useful words and phrases:

1.  reflection 考虑, 深思

be lost in reflection  陷入沉思中

on reflection       经再三思考

2.  be suited to 合适,适宜

1) suit to 使与……相适合

Eg. A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his students.


2) be suit to 适合,适宜

Eg. Do you think David is suited to teaching?


3.  in reality 实际上,相当于in fact

Eg. The salesman always appeared very confident, but in reality (in fact), he was a shy and nervous young man.(L11)

4.  baggage/luggage 行李(不可数)  a piece of baggage/luggage

5.  waitress n. 女服务员  waiter n. 男服务员

6.  support vt./n. 支持,支撑,赡养,供养

be in support of sb./sth 支援某人/某物

He has a large family to support. 他要养一大家子的人。

7.  criticism n. 批评  criticize v. 批评,指责

8.  appear  vi. 看上去,显得

Everyone appears (to be) well prepared.

It appears to me that---据我看来---,似乎

Eg. It appears to me that he lied.

9.  thick-skinned adj. 厚脸皮的

10. They are also under huge pressure to appear young and beautiful.(L17)

under pressure  在压力下

Eg.  Jim doesn't work well under pressure.

11.  They do not consider the stress and pressure that come with these jobs.(L24)


come with 伴随…与发生

12. In contrast, some people find more unusual jobs that are better suited to their talents and interests.(L29)


in contrast   相比之下

13.  …but they are as essential as water to our society. (L40)

be essential to / be essential for


Eg. Money is not essential to happiness.

14. …and cleaners who clear up our rubbish.(L44)

1) clear up  整理;完成;收拾

Eg. Would you clear up this room before our visitors arrive?

2) 解释;寻找答案;使明了

to clear up a misunderstanding



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