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1. chat vi.&n. 聊天;闲聊


1). What were you chatting to him about?  2). I had a long chat with her (about her job).


chat to/with sb (about sth) = have a chat with sb (about sth) 与某人聊天、闲谈……

2. eastward adv. 向东  adj. 向东的;朝东的


1). They were traveling eastward(s) to the city which appeared in their dreams. 他们朝着东边向梦想中的城市进发。 

2). The plane flied in an eastward direction.  [词语归纳] 

eastward(s) adj./adv. 向东的,向东地      westward(s) adj./adv. 向西的,向西地

southward(s) adj./adv. 向南的,向南地  

northward(s) adj./adv. 向北的,向北地 

southeastward(s) adj./adv. 向东南的,向东南地  

northeastward(s) adj./adv. 向东北的,向东北地 

southwestward(s) adj./adv. 向西南的,向西南地  

northwestward(s) adj./adv. 向东北的,向东北地 

3. surround vt.&vi. 包围;围绕 surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings (常用pl.)环境


1). Trees surround the pond.  

2). The house was surrounded by high walls.


surround...with... 用……包围……         

be surrounded by/with... 周围都是……   

4. measure vi.&vt. 测量;衡量;判定  n.[c,u] 尺寸;量具;计量单位;措施


1). Can you measure accurately with this ruler? 用这把尺子能量得准吗?

2). It’ s hard to measure his ability when we haven’ t seen his work. 没有见过他的作品, 很难估计他的能力。


measure A by B 用B衡量A      sth. measures 2 metres by 4 metres 某物长4米宽2米 

measure sb. for a suit = make a suit to sb’ s measure 给某人量身做一套衣服


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