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高二英语必修三unit5知识点:Canada——“The True North”



The young man has a talent for writing. 这个年轻人有写作天赋

gifted ===talented

with gift====with talent

He is a gifted boy.===He is a boy with gift.他是个有天赋的孩子


He is a ________person, so he will succeed.

A. talented           B. talent        C. gift             D.decided



考点八figure out


figure out  计算出、弄明白。

I can’t figure out why he said so. 我弄不明白他为什么这么说

Figure out my income tax, please. 请计算出我的所得税

I figure that different folk like different things.我想不同的人有不同的喜好


figure in 算在内

Have you figured in the cost of the hotel? 把旅馆的花费算在内了吗?

figure on 指望、估计、打算

We figure on your ready support.我们指望你及时的支持


We didn’t figure_______having so many people here.

A. on             B. in           C. out             D.of

【答案】A 考查该动词和介词的习惯搭配



考点九 Rather than take the airplane all the way ,they decided to fly from------


rather than 而不是、与其、不愿、不要

He was busy writing rather than reading. 他在写作,而不是在读书。

Rather than make money this way, I prefer to go hunger.



would do----rather than do----宁愿做------而不愿-----

I would stay at home rather than go out.我宁愿待在家里也不出去。

prefer to do -----rather than do 宁愿做------而不愿-----

The hero preferred to die rather than give in. 这位英雄宁死不屈。

or rather 确切地说

He came back very late last night ,or rather early this morning.



The brave people preferred to die rather than_______.

A. give in          B. to give in          C. give in       D. giving in



考点十 It is too bad you can’t go as far as Ottawa.


as far as 有三层基本的意思:

a. 到某一指定的地点;远达。

He walked as far as the park. 他步行到花园

I see you off as far as the airport.我将你一直送到机场


We didn’t go as far as others. 我们不如别人走的远

c.程度、范围。就----而言,至于。也可以写做为so far as

As/ So far as I know, he isn’t coming to the party. 拒我所知,他不会出席这个晚会了

I will help you as far as I can. 我会尽我所能来帮你

As far as he is concerned, he can’t  afford the car. 就他而言,他买不起那部车


特别注意:否定句中,可以把第一个 as  换成 so.

He didn’t go so far as the river.



As______as I am concerned ,I agree with you..

A.  far             B. long       C. much       D. many





高二年级英语学科必修3Unit5知识点:Canada The True North

高二英语必修3Unit5单元知识点:Canada The True North


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