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高二英语必修三unit5知识点:Canada——“The True North”



考点四 wealthy


wealthy 形容词,富有的,丰富的。

the wealthy 富人。

He was once very wealthy.他曾经特别的富有


wealth 名词,财富、富有。

He is a man of great wealth. 他是一个很富有的人

She cared nothing for wealth. 她不在乎财富

live in wealth 过豪华的生活。

The family live in wealth. 这一家人生活的很奢侈

a wealth of  大量的。修饰可数和不可数名词

A wealth of examples are given. 大量的例子被给出了


He has a _______ of  knowledge about China .

A. plenty           B. deal         C. wealth          D. much


【点拨】a wealth of 大量的

考点五 distance


distance 名词,距离、路程、远处、差异

What is the distance to London? 到伦敦有多远?



keep one’s distance 客气

keep sb at a distance 与----保持距离,不亲近。

know one’s distance 有自只字之明

in the distance  在远处

at/from a distance 从多远处

at a distance of +数字 。在多远处。

I can see you at a distance of 10 metre.在10米远的地方,我能看到你

It is hard to know her well because she always keeps others at a distance.


I saw something in the distance. 我看到远处有东西


One can see the ancient ruins at a ________of 20 miles.

A. distance           B. space          C. length          D. stretch

【答案A. 考查固定短语。

【点拨】at a distance of 在多远处

考点六 border


border 名词,边界,边境。动词,与----相接壤

We camped on the border of the river. 我们在河边露营

The USA borders on Canada. 美国与加拿大相比邻


border on/upon 与----相接壤。

China borders on the Russia. 中国与俄罗斯相接壤。

borderer 边境居民

borderline 边界线

borderland 边疆


Her handkerchief has a blue_______.

A. border            B. line           C. map            D.sign



考点七 have a gift for


have a gift for 有做某事的天赋

I have a gift for talking people into doing something.在说服别人上我有天赋



have a talent for 有----的天赋


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