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英语高二必修三Unit5语言点总结:Canada ─ “The True North”



英语是世界上最被广泛使用的第二语言,威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了英语高二必修三Unit5语言点,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

Word usage

1. surround v: extend on all sides of ; encircle

eg. Trees surround our house.

The police surrounded the thief。

The wall surrounds our school.

2.extremely adv: to a very high degree.

eg. That’s extremely interesting.

We got on extremely well.

I am extremely sorry.

3. within prep: not more than

eg. She returned within an hour.

If you don’t hear anything within three days, phone again.

They finished the house within half a year.

He lives within five minutes’ walk.

4. slightly adv: to a slight degree

eg. The patient is slightly better today.

I know her slightly.

She speeded up slightly.

I feel slightly ill today.

5. distance n: separation in space or time [C][U][(+to/from/between)]

eg. It is a long distance from New York to Hongkong.

The distance between the two places is twenty kilometers.

What is the distance to Guangzhou?

词组in the distance: 在远处

They saw a few houses in the distance.

There is light in the distance.

6.wealthy adj: rich

eg. He was the eldest son of a wealthy family.

It is a wealthy city in the country.

He is a wealthy man.

7.dawn n: the first glimpse of light in the morning

eg. The dawns here are beautiful.

该词通常构成词组at dawn

We must get up at dawn.

They take the boat out every day at dawn.

The scenery is beautiful at dawn.

8. downtown adv or adj: in the business center of a city or a town

eg. They went downtown to do some shopping.

It is a downtown city.

9. flow vi: to move freely

eg. The river Thames flows into the North Sea.

The river flows rapidly.

After the concert the people flowed out of the hall.

The blood flowed out.


a) n: outer area

eg. Their house is on the border of the river.

They picked on the border of the lake.

Her handkerchief has a white border.

b) n: boundary of country

eg. They were near the border between France and Germany.

It is a border city.

They will ask for your passport at the border.

11. terrify : make someone feel terrified


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