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高二必修3英语Unit5知识点:Canada the true north




I. Words

1. trip: (通常指短途的)行走, 旅行 (尤指娱乐性的) 拓展:be/go on a trip to… make/take a trip to…

2. chat vi.&n. 聊天;闲聊

拓展:chat to/with sb (about sth) = have a chat with sb (about sth) 与某人聊天、闲谈……

1) What were you chatting to him about? 你和他聊了些什麽?

2) I had a long chat with her (about her job).(关於她的工作)我和她聊了很久。

3. eastward adv. 向东 adj. 向东的;朝东的 也作 eastwards,副词,意为“向东”。

1) They were traveling eastward(s) to the city which appeared in their dreams.


2) The plane flied in an eastward direction. 飞机向东边飞去。

拓展:backward(s)向后 upward(s)向上 westward(s) adj./adv. 向西的,向西地

southward(s) adj./adv. 向南的,向南地 northward(s) adj./adv. 向北的,向北地

4. surround vt.&vi. 围绕; 包围

拓展:surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings n. (常用复数) 周围的事物; 环境

be surrounded by / with 被……环绕着 surround ...with ... 使……包围

1) The house was surrounded by high walls.房子的四周有高墙。

2) We are living in pleasant surroundings. 我们生活在舒适的环境中。

3) As a child,I was surrounded by love and kindness.幼年时我备受关爱。

4) After being surrounded by the police for several days,the robber had to give in.


5) From the top of the hill you can see all the surrounding countryside.


6) I came to realize that the key to success lay in trying to surround myself with creative



5. measure vt.& vi.测量;衡量;判定; n. 措施; 办法; 量度; 尺寸

拓展:be measured in 以……衡量 make…to one’s measure 按照…尺寸做

take one’s measure / take the measure of sb给某人量尺寸

take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事 measure A by B 用B衡量A

1) You can’t measure someone by the clothes they wear.


2) You should take effective measures to improve your working conditions.


3) In the old days,my mother always made new clothes to my own measure with Spring

Festival coming.


6. within: adv. 在里面, 内部, 入内

prep. 在……里面, 在……内部,在……范围以内, 不超过

拓展:within sight在视线之内 within one’s reach在某人够得着的范围 within one’s power在某人的能力范围之内



in 是经过若干时间,指期限之外,表示“过多少时间”时,通常和一般将来时连用

I’ll be there within an hour. (一小时之内)

I’ll be there in an hour. (一小时之后)

7. border

n. 边界; 国界 She crossed the border in disguise.她伪装过了边境。

v. 与…接壤,接近 France borders Germany along parts of the Rhine.


8. slightly adv. 轻微地;脆弱地;瘦小地

slight adj. 轻微的, 脆弱的, 瘦小的 slightness n轻微, 微小的事情

1) I just knew the man slightly. 我只是认识这个人, 但不熟。

2) There is just slightly too much salt in the soup. 汤里的盐稍微放多了点。

3) He had a slight fever. 他稍微有点发烧。

9. mix vt.&vi. 混合;调配

mixture n.[U,C] 混合(物);混合状态

拓展:mix A and/with B 把A与B混合起来

mix sth. up 把某物拌和;混淆某物 mix sth. in/into把某物掺进去

be/get mixed up with sth./sb. 与某事有关;与某人混在一起

1) The chemist mixed (up) some medicine for me. 药剂师给我配了些药。

2) 油和水不能混合。 Oil and water don’t mix. Oil won’t mix with water.

II. Phrases


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