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1.    What does the woman mean?

A.She doesn’t know Mike.

B.Mike is no longer her good friend.

C.Mike is now her good friend.

2.Why is the woman worried?

A.She can’t find her child.  B.She lost her cell-phone.   C.She missed her bus.

3.What will the woman do?

A.She will help put out the fire.

B.She will look for a doctor.

C.She will call the police.

4.When was the piano bought?

A.Last month.               B.Last year.                  C.Last week.

5.Why won’t the two speakers go to the film?

A.It is going to rain.           B.The film is not interesting.C.The woman is too tired.




6.  Where are the two speakers?

A.At a railway station.        B.At a hotel.                      C.In an office.

7.What does the man want to do?

A.He wants to have a talk with the woman.

B.He wants to sit for a rest.

C.He wants to buy some fruit.


8.Where is the woman going?

A. Her office.                  B. Her school.                 C. The airport.

9.  What is the woman worried about?

A.That she will be late for school.

B.That she will miss her plane.

C.That she won’t be able to catch her train.

10.When does the driver think they will get there?

A. At about 9:50              B. At about 10:15.            C. At about 9:45.


11.What did the two speakers do yesterday afternoon?

A.They went to see a film.

B.They had a football match.

C.They watched a football match.

12.What happened to the woman yesterday afternoon?

A.She fell off her bike.       B.She lost her bike.            C.She hurt her arms.

13.When did the match begin?

A.  At 3:00pm.               B.  At 2:30pm.               C.  At 3:20pm.


14.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife.        B. Doctor and patient.      C. Friends.

15.Who is going to have a birthday party?

A. Mr Green.                   B. Mr Smith                    C. Mrs Smith.

16.Whom will the woman go to the party with?

A. Her sister.                   B. Her mother.                 C. Her husband.


17.What does Santa Claus do on Christmas Eve?

A.He gives money to poor people.

B.He brings gifts to children.

C.He helps people with their housework..

18.How is Santa Claus usually dressed?

A. In red.                        B. In black.                     C. In white.

19.What do we know about Saint Nicholas?

A.He lived in Britain.

B.He was from a poor family.

C.He wanted to help poor people.

20.Why did Nicholas climb onto the roof to give money to poor people?

A.He didn’t want people to know about it.

B.His father didn’t want him to help others.

C.He wanted to show his ability.


第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.—____we ____start now?

—Yes, we ____left yesterday.

A. Ought, to; ought have                            B. Shall, ought to; must have

C. Ought, to; will have                             D. Ought, to; should have

22.   The doctor ____ me to spend several days at the seaside, so that I’ll ____ soon.

A. considered; hold up                                 B. hoped; bring up

C. suggested; take up                                  D. advised; pick up

23.   Mary is a modern girl, she always ____the changes in fashion.

A. keeps up with         B. puts up with          C. makes up to          D. holds on to

24.   She was not ____ frightened; in fact she was nearly frightened to death.

A. a bit                      B. at all                     C. a little                   D. much

25.   —How’s the young man?


A. He’s twenty.          B. He’s a teacher.       C. He’s much better.  D. He’s David.

26. After thinking over the matter again and again, he decided that it was the only choice he had to___.

A. make                    B. receive                  C. give                      D. take

27. You can buy the material ____meters or ____                                the yard.

A. in; by                   B. by; in                    C. in; in                    D. by; by

28. I failed in the examination last term and only then ____the importance of studies.

A. I realized               B. I had realized         C. had I realized         D. did I realize

29. It’s raining outside. You ____ put on your raincoat.

A. had better to          B. had better              C. should better         D. would better

30. ____ of new buildings will ____in my hometown.

A. A great deal, build                                  B. A good many, be built

C. A plenty of, build                                   D. A great number of, be built

31. —How about fried chicken?

—Oh, it ___ lots of fat.

A. remains                B. contains                C. holds                    D. includes

32. I don’t think about my old home very much, only ____.

A. by and by             B. more or less          C. now and then        D. at the same time

33. In order to keep ____, one should have a ____diet every day.

A. fit; balance            B. fit; balanced          C. health; balancing    D. healthy; balance of

34. That was a nice bit of steak—____a little overcooked.

A. since                    B. even if                  C. however               D. when

35. Many teens don’t get enough sleep because they have ____ homework, ____keeps them up at night.

A. much too; which   B. too much; that       C. much too; what     D. too much; which



Mary’s parents are different from the average. While she was  36   up they required her to  37 . First of all she had to work around their home. Later on Mary worked for other people.

When Mary was 14 years old, her mother and father told her that they were no  38  going to buy her clothes. Sure, they would continue to buy shoes for her and also the special clothes  39 suits, but  40  else was her responsibility. Some people thought that they were   41  , but they wanted to teach Mary some  42  lessons. One thing she learned was that nothing is cheap or  43  . She learned how to deal with her money  44  . Another thing she learned was how to keep from 45  out her clothes too fast.

Also, even  46  Mary went to school she was  47  to work. All through her high school and 48  years she worked as well as studied. Mary’s parents had plenty of  49  but they felt she would 50  5her education more if she had to  51  it. And strange  52  it may seem, they had heard that students who worked part-time generally got  53  grades than students who did no work.

Now Mary is a mother herself. She requires her  54  to do the same  55  she did, especially working part-time as they go to school.

36. A. raising           B. bringing            C. growing         D. getting

37. A. study                     B. play                      C. learn                     D. work

38. A. longer                    B. money                  C. more                    D. hope

39. A. and                        B. or                         C. as                        D. like

40. A. what                      B. anything                C. nothing                 D. everything

41. A. responsible             B. lazy                      C. poor                     D. careless

42. A. difficult                  B. daily                     C. valuable                D. useless

43. A. free                        B. expensive              C. useful                   D. proper

44. A. quickly                   B. slowly                  C. carefully               D. suddenly

45. A. working                 B. wearing                C. giving                   D. taking

46. A. when                     B. as                        C. until                     D. since

47. A. permitted                B. required                C. going                    D. forced

48. A. hard                       B. work                    C. other                    D. college

49. A. time                       B. children                C. money                  D. work

50. A. value                      B. have                     C. use                       D. receive

51. A. enjoy                      B. pay                       C. pay for                 D. work for

52. A. thing                      B. as                         C. enough                 D. although

53. A. worse                    B. better                    C. more                    D. less

54. A. husband                 B. mother                  C. parents                 D. children

55. A. as                          B. what                     C. which                   D. like


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