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人教版高二必修三英语课时训练:Healthy eating(含解析)





1.A good teacher should leave some time for the students to ________ the knowledge.

A.introduce  B.receive  C.digest  D.accept

2.Jennifer,who is my best friend,said she would go abroad to further her education ________.

A.before long  B.long before  C.shortly after  D.very fast

3.The sunlight is white and blinding, _______ hard-edged shadows on the ground.

A. throwing    B. being thrown    C. to throw      D. to be thrown(2013新课标I)

4.Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also ________ our thinking.

A.direct  B.limit   C.change  D.improve

5.I have a really bad headache,and I have to ________ a doctor about my pains.

A.consult  B.remind  C.inform  D.advise

6.—You ought to have made an apology to Tom yesterday evening.

—Yes, I know I ________.

A.ought to have  B.have to  C.should  D.must have

7.If he can ________ his ability with hard work,he should be very successful.

A.realize  B.develop C.combine  D.train

8.—You don't seem to enjoy your meal very much.

—Not really, I am just ________.

A.on a diet  B.on diets  C.on purpose  D.on business

9.It's unfair that he________cheating because he's a famous author.

A.makes use of        B.gets away with

C.gets rid of         D.ends up with

10.Before the war broke out, thousands of people ________possessions in safe places they could not take with them.

A.threw away  B.put away  C.gave away  D.carried away

11.The protestors urged their government to take measures to________their carbon emission to reduce greenhouse effect.

A.cut off  B.cut up    C.cut out  D.cut down

12.As we a ll know,Mike has an excellent understanding of his own ________ and weaknesses.

A.strengths  B.value  C.techniques  D.energy

13.—Are you satisfied with what she has done?

—Not a little. It can't be ________.

A.any worse  B.a ny better   C.so well  D.so bad

14.I  have a lot ________ in the coming weekend, so I can't spare any time to have a rest.

A.completing  B.to complete  C.completed  D.being completed

15.More and more Chinese people have realized that they should go on ________ balanced diet and do ________ exercise every day.

A.a; /  B.the; an    C.the; the  D./; an


Employees are being flooded with too much information that has little to do with their work, according to a new survey.

On average, white¬collar workers spend 51 percent of their work time receiving and processing information. Only one third of it was relevant to their work, the survey found. Information overload for white¬collar workers has become a global issue. The huge amount of information has already affected their efficiency in management as well as their performance at work.

Buried with e¬mails

Every morning, a secretary at the human resources department of an auto parts company opens her e¬mail box, only to find it crammed with at least 50 unread mails.For her, even scanning through these e¬mails every day takes at least half an hour. Some of her colleagues are not s o lucky—they have to read at least 100.

Bother ed with calls

Telephone calls are also causing a problem. More than 40 percent white¬collar workers choose mobile phones as the preferred way to communicate important and urgent business matters. Talking saves time and energy over the clicking, reading and replying to e¬mails, but phone calls are also more distracting(分心的). While answering a call, a clerk is likely to put away a much more important task at hand and start the business being talked about on the phone.

Solution? Not yet

Many companies start with providing staff with better computers, bette r Internet access and more advanced gadgets(小装置). For example, staff members above a certain level in one company will be provided with a blackberry phone for easier access to their e¬mails. The company has also organized many lectures on efficient ways of e¬mail management. Yet most white¬collar workers think their companies can do more.

16.What does the new survey find about white¬collar workers?

A.They spend 51 percent of their work time on meetings.

B.Only half of the information they receive is useful.

C.Over 60 percent of them prefer to use the telephone.

D.Some of them have to read at least 100 e¬mails every day.

17.Telephone calls cause a problem because ________.

A.they take up the time to receive and send e¬mails

B.they are often not answered

C.they are mostly not about business

D.they may lead to change of work schedule

18.How do some companies try to solve the problem of information overload?


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