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高中英语是中国对英语教育阶段的一个部分组成。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二下册英语第三单元同步练习题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.What is the matter with the man?

A.He has lost his MP4 player.

B.He can’t afford an MP4 player.

C.There is something wrong with his MP4 player.

2.What does the man want to do?

A.Plant trees with his sister.

B.Plant trees with the woman.

C.Invite the woman to plant trees with him.

3.Why is the woman disappointed?

A.Because the stamps are not good.

B.Because the stamps were sold out.

C.Because the man forgot to buy her the stamps.

4.What should the man do now?

A.Go to the boss’s office.

B.Wait for the boss’s call.

C.Go to the meeting room.

5.What is the man probably doing?

A.He is reading a letter.

B.He is writing a letter.

C.He is burning his letters.




6.Where do the two speakers work now?

A.In a factory.

B.At a TV station.

C.At a police station.

7.What happened to the speakers’ boss this morning?

A.He was killed by three men.

B.He was interviewed by a reporter.

C.He was taken to the police station.

8.What’s the woman’s feeling now?

A.She is worried.

B.She is angry.

C.She is excited.


9.Why is it difficult for dogs to live in cities?

A.There are so many people living in cities.

B.People in cities like cats better than dogs.

C.They are left alone while their owners are out.

10.What’s the nature of dogs?

A.Living in the wild.

B.Chasing smaller animals.

C.Living with other animals.

11.What is a sight according to the man?

A.Many people walk with many dogs.

B.So many people employ dog walkers.

C.A person takes a walk with several dogs.


12.What’s the woman’s trouble?

A.She doesn’t like English.

B.She can’t do well in her English exams.

C.She doesn’t know how to speak English well.

13.Why does the woman give up practising English with her friends?

A.She has no time to do so.

B.She is too nervous to speak English.

C.She can’t get along with her friends well.

14.What does the man suggest?

A.The woman shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes.

B.The woman should try to keep away from making mistakes.

C.The woman should speak English when she becomes confident.


15.What did the man do during the Spring Festival?

A.He went to his hometown.

B.He went to fish in the country.

C.He stayed at home and didn’t go out.

16.What’s the weather like in the town?

A.It’s fine.  B.It’s windy.  C.It’s cloudy.

17.What did the woman usually do in the river in the past?

A.She fished.

B.She swam.

C.She washed clothes.


18.What was Jane’s dream?

A.To travel around the world.

B.To live a comfortable life.

C.To get a well­paid job.

19.Where did Jane meet John?

A.In Africa.  B.In Europe.  C.In America.

20.What can we know about Jane?

A.She married an African.

B.She gave up her job at the age of 36.

C.She went to Europe and America to realize her dream.


(Text 1)

M:Can you help me with the MP4 player?It doesn’t work.

W:Sure!Hand it to me,and let me try.

(Text 2)

M:I heard that you and your sister would go to plant trees.Can I go with you?

W:It couldn’t be better if you join us.

(Text 3)

W:Hi,John.Did you buy me the stamps?

M:I’m sorry.They were sold out before I got there.


(Text 4)

W:Our boss wants to have a talk with you after the meeting.


W:He will call you later.

(Text 5)

W:What are you doing there?


W:You shouldn’t burn your letters in the bedroom.


(Text 6)

W:Good morning,John.

M:Good morning,Lucy.Have you heard the news?Our boss was taken to the police station this morning.

W:You must be kidding.I saw him interviewed by a reporter on TV for his achievement several days ago.

M:But it is true.Something poisonous was found in our products yesterday,and it has caused 3 deaths so far.

W:Sounds terrible!It seems that we may lose our jobs.We have to consider looking for new jobs now.I don’t know what I can do if I lose this job.

M:Don’t be so worried.Come on!Everything will be OK.

W:Well,I hope so.

(Text 7)

W:It must be very difficult for dogs to live in cities.


W:Well,you know,most of them are left alone in the apartments when their owners go out.

M:That’s true.But they can also enjoy themselves sometimes.When they are taken out for a walk,they can see many people and other animals on the street.

W:Yes.But I think all dogs would really prefer to live in the wild and chase smaller animals.

M:Yes,that’s true.Living in the wild is their nature.

W:In some large American cities,many people ask “dog walkers”to take their dogs out for some exercise.You can see one person walking along the road with several dogs at a time.

M:It must be quite a sight.

(Text 8)

W:Excuse me,Jack,do you have time now?

M:Yes.What’s up?

W:Ah,well,you see,I’ve been learning English for several years but I still can’t speak it very well.I wonder if you could tell me how I could improve my oral English.

M:Hmm...Do you often practise English with your friends?

W:You know,every time I open my mouth to speak English I get very nervous.So I just give up.

M:I know it’s not easy to speak a foreign language well.But if you want to speak it well,you must try to practise it as much as you can.

W:You mean that I shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes and should try to speak English as much as I can?

M:That’s right.

W:Thank you very much for your advice.

M:You are welcome.

(Text 9)

M:You went back to our hometown during the Spring Festival,didn’t you?

W:Yes.I stayed there for one week.What about you?

M:I just stayed at home and didn’t go anywhere.Tell me what our hometown looks like now.

W:Well,the weather there is quite fine and people in the town are much richer than before.But the river near our village is terribly polluted.I think people should begin to pay more attention to the environment.

M:I couldn’t agree more.You know,people there have built many factories in the past few years.But few of them consider what such development costs.

W:Yes.When I was a child,I used to go to the river to swim with my sister.At that time,the river was full of fish and the water was quite clean.

M:It could only be a dream now.

(Text 10)

Jane had a well­paid job when she was 34 years old.At that time her life was comfortable.All her friends and relatives thought she was happy,but it wasn’t the life that she had dreamt of as a teenager.At the age of 35,she felt that life was passing her by and she wanted to have a different life.

She had always wanted to travel around the world,so she gave up her job and set off to realize her dream when she was 36.She went to Europe and Africa.In a small country of Africa,she met John,an American who taught in a school there.In Jane’s eyes,John was the best man that she had met.So she fell in love with him quickly.Two years later,they married,Jane was very happy that she had decided to realize her dream and give up her job.If she hadn’t done so,she wouldn’t have met so many wonderful people,or visited so many places of interest.Most of all,she wouldn’t have met her husband.

答案:1~5CBBBC 6~10ACACA

11~15CCBAC 16~20ABAAB

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.To enjoy the scenery,Bob would spend long time on the train ________ travel by air.

A.other than        B.apart from

C.instead of   D.rather than

解析:选D。句意为:Bob为了欣赏风景宁可花时间坐火车而不乘飞机。rather than而不是;other than除了;apart from“除……之外”;instead of“代替”。

22.—May I open the window to let in some fresh air?


A.Come on!   B.Take care!

C.Go ahead!   D. Hold on!



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