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高二英语下册单元练习题及答案:Unit 3




一.短语翻译   (20分)

1. suffer from _____________________

2. be back on one’s feet______________

3. in all directions___________________

4. provide with_____________________

5. speak in whisper__________________

二. 单词拼写(根据句意及所给首字母写出正确的单词)(15分)

1. In China many people have bought cars and the number of p_________ cars is increasing quickly.

2. My s_________ is good; I don’t need glasses.

3. The project had to be stopped for the l________ of money. The manager has gone to raise money.

4. The old man sat there telling stories,s__________by children.

5. Keeping an o___________state of mind is good for health.

6. The freedom of the p________right of jounalist to report events must be protected.

7. He made the same mistakes again though I ofen r_______him not to.

8. His first speech as president made a deep i_________ on his audiences.

9. His eyes f__________ anger and defiance at everyone.

10. The robbers broke in, wearing _________________(面罩)

11. Xiao Hua is one of my p_________ friends in middle school.

12. The police set about looking into the murder case___________(迅速)

13. Confused by the new ______________(环境), I was hit by the lack of fresh air.

14. Do you know the __________ (长度) of this bridge?

15. There are several __________ (开关) on the wall. Can you tell me which one turns on the hall lights?

三. 用恰当的介词或副词填空。(15分)

1. The crowds fled _____all directions the moment the bomb exploded.

2. Watching TV too much will result _____poor eyesight.

3. The picture reminded me_____what happened ten years ago.

4. The visit to Japan left a great impression _____us.

5. It is hoped that the policy will put the country _____its feet again.

6. It was ten years ago that he took _____medicine.

7. The old buildings _________repair date back to the 1870s.

8. Four added_____six makes ten.

9. You will be required to assist Mrs Smith ________preparing a report.

10. ______a rule,we are paid _____ the hour.

11. You must rely _____ the opinions based _____facts.

12. What tools _____earth can the bamboo be used _______?

13. The man struggled ____his feet after being knocked _____the bike.

14. _____the dark street, there wasn’t a person _____whom I could turn ____help.

15. The hurricane swept____the whole city,causing hundreds _____deaths.

四. 用所给单词或词组的正确形式填空。(10分)

relax,  turn out,   speed up,   take up,   suffer,   base on,

lack,  surrounding,  assist,   understanding

1. I hadn’t expected that things should have _______like this.

2.The two boys who had quarreled reached an________at last.

3. With the piano ________too much room,the two brothers had to share one room.

4. The girl’s heart often ________while she is talking to a stranger.

5. Our city _______ heavy losses in the great flood.

6. Direct taxation is usually _________income.

7. As we all know,he failed for _______ of experience.

8. The villagers ________the police in their search for missing child.

9. The _____________where a child grows up may have a great effect on his growth.

10. As college entrance examinations are drawing near,you mustn’t ________ your efforts for a moment.


1. Playing games on the Internet _________ _________ (占用) most of his time

2. What I saw ________ ________ ________ (使我想起了) my childhood.

3. When he got there, he _________ _______ ______ (看见) the ship on the sea but soon it was ______ _____ _______ (看不见了).

4. Our classroom should be _________ ________ (打扫) after class every day.

5. He ______ ______ (加快速度) the car in order not to be late.

二、单项填空 (每小题1分,满分25分)

1. My cousin doesn't know what to ______ at the university; he can't make up his mind about his future.

A. take on      B. take away     C. take up      D. take after

2. Thank you for ______ me of the important date.

A. remembering   B. thinking     C. reminding      D. expecting

3. I advise you to take school more seriously, otherwise you’ll have to go out and work, _____.

A. as a result    B. now and then     C. in a word    D. at that moment

4. —Who came out _______ first in the London Marathon?

— Michael. He’s always ________ first to reach the line.

A. the; the       B. 不填;不填    C. the; 不填     D. 不填; the

5. When you finish reading the book .you will have  ________  better understanding of ______life.

A. a; the      B. the; a        C. 不填; the   D. a; 不填

6. “How could you lose so much money?” Charlie asked his wife, eyeing her angrily from______ the kitchen table.

A. at      B. across        C. through    D. on

7.— What was it, Ted?

—Just a(n.) ___________ in my shoulder. It’s gone now.

A. injury      B. ache      C. wound     D. pain

8. John couldn’t finish his words _______ something had struck his throat.

A. though       B. as though      C. when        D. since

9. For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree ______.

A. on earth    B. for distance     C. in sight   D. at place

0. He has very sharp eyes; he can ______ sight of things quickly.

A. catch                    B. lose     C. raise                     D. lower

11. Do you know who provides these orphans(孤儿) _______ food and clothing?

A. with        B. for         C. to          D. of

12. Christie stared angrily at her boss and turned away, as though ________ out of the office.

A. went       B. to go       C. gone        D. would go

13. The murderer has run into the mountain and the policemen are _________ him.

A. searching     B. questioning           C. searching for  D. finding

14. It rained last night and the flowers don’t require _________, so he _________ water the flowers.

A. being watered; doesn’t need to    B. watering; doesn’t need to

C. being watering; needn’t          D. watering; needn’t to

15. I don’t believe that older people are always wiser. It _______ the person and what kind of experiences he or she has had.

A. requires of      B. results from      C. depends on     D. belongs to

16.When ____ ,the museum will be open to the public next year.

A.completed     B.completing   C.being completed   D.to be completed

17.The research is so designed that once ___ nothing can be done to change it.

A.begins   B.having begun   C.beginning    D.begun

18.___ ,they went home,___.

A.Their work had been finished;singing and laughing

B.They had finished their work;sang and laughed

C.Their work finished ;singing and laughing

D.After their work finished;singing and laughing

19.____ more attention,the trees could have grown better.

A.Given       B.To give    C.Giving      D.Having given

20. Unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference

A. invited         B. inviting      C. being invited    D. having invited

21.____,the experiment will be successful.

A.If carefully doing    B.If it done carefully

C.If carefully done      D.If doing carefully

22. Friendship is like money: easier made than ______.

A. kept           B. to be kept     C. keeping        D. having kept

23. She begins to cry loudly as if_______ bitten by a snake.

A.was bitten  B. bitten  C.bit  D.to be bitten

24. If______ it is heated to a high temperature, water will change into vapour

A.is heated  B.heating  C.heated D.to be heated

25. Though_______ of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields

A.warning     B.were warned    C.warned   D.having warned


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