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高二英语下册训练习题:Unit 1 Women of achievement





1.       很多人把德国和啤酒联想在一起。Many people _______ Germany ____ beer. (connect)

2.       他与斯密斯家有亲属关系。 She  ______ _________ __________  the Smiths.

3.       部队在炮火下表现得很英雄。 The troops _________ gallantly______ _________.(behave)

4.       你的新车跑的如何? How is your new car _________?

5.       仔细考虑考虑解决这些问题的方法还是很值得的。 It is ____ ________ _______ the way to solve the problems. (worthwhile)

6.       医护工作是非常值得干的工作,所以我已决定将来要成为一名医生。 Nursing is a _________ _______ job so i have decided to become a doctor ________ ________ ________.

7.       在你们动手做之前,你们应该仔细观察老师是怎样做的。 You should ______ how the teacher does it very carefully before you do it yourselves. (observe)

8.       作为学生我们应该遵守校纪校规。As students, we should _______ ______ ______ ______.

9.       学生应该尊敬老师。 Students should show their ______ _______ teachers. (respect)

10.   我希望人们尊重我的私生活。I wish people would _______ ______ _______.

11.   别在和我争吵那件事了;这是我最后做的决定。Don `t _________ _______ me ________ that, this is my __________ ______________. (argue)

12.   你可以在正反两面择一辩护。 You can __________ either way, __________ or _________.

13.   那小妞以各种把戏逗乐儿童。The clown _________ the children with __________ __________ ________ _________. (entertain)

14.   她以茶点款待我们(她请我们吃点心).   She __________ us with refreshments.

15.   他忙着准备接待客人。 She  was busy preparing for ________ ________ of the guests.

16.   西湖的美给很多诗人创造伟大诗歌的灵感。The ________ of the West Lake _______ a lot of poets to write their great poems. (inspire)

17.   教练鼓励运动员们勇敢点。The trainer _________ the players _______ ________ _______.

18.   大学毕业后他将自立。He will ________ ________ after graduation from college.

19.   他赡养他的老母亲。 She __________ her old mother.

20.   The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ___ his notes.

A. bring up   b. referring to   c. looking for   d. trying on

21.你打算什么时候去伦敦?When do you __________ ________ go to London?(intend)

22.这礼物是打算送给你的。 The gift ________ ______ ________ you.

23. We _______ to set out at once, but he insisted on not going.

a.intended  b.attended c.intense  d.intent

24. 他决定离开。He __________ that he would leave. (decide)

25. 他的劝告使我决定不再拖延。 His advice ____________ me _________  delay no more.

26. 我们已决定在周五之前完成这项工作。We _______ ________ _____ get the work done before Friday.

27. It is very difficult to ______ the meaning of a word without a context.

a.resolve  b. Settle   c. Determine  d. Devote

28. 他在大会上的演说意义重大,大家都在仔细考虑。His speech given at the meeting, _______   everyone is taking into _________ __________, means much to us all. (consider)

29. 考虑到他没下多少功夫,他的考试成绩算是相当好了。He did very well in the final examinations ________ how little work he had done.

30. 她凌晨4 点时生了一对双胞胎。 She ____________ twins at 4 a.m. (deliver)

31. 周教授将回去作一系列他已经准备好的讲座。 Professor Zhou will go back to _______ to series of lectured which he has ____________.


1. Nobody but Jane ____ the secret.   a. know   b. knows   c. have known  d. is known

2. Al but one ___ here just now.       a. is  b. was   c. has been  d. were

3. Not only I but also Jane and Mary ___ tired of having one examination after another.

a. is   b. are   c. am   d. be

4. A library with five books ____ to the nation as a gift.

a. is offered   b. have offered   c. are offered   d. has offered

5. When and where to build the new factory ____ yet.

a. is not decided   b. are not decided   c. has not decided   d. have not decided

6. The number of people invited _____ fifty, but a number of them _____ absent for different reasons.  a. were; was   b. was; was   c. was, were    d. were; were

7. _______ of the land in that district ___ covered with trees and grass.

a. Two fifth; is   b. Two fifth; are  c. Two fifths; is   d. Two fifths; are

8. This is one of the most interesting questions that ______ asked.

a. have   b. has   c. have been  c. has been

9. Between the two rows of trees___ the teaching building.  a. stand b. stands  c. standing d. are

10. All that can be done. _______.   a. has been don  b. has done  c. have done  d. were done

11. Each of you _____ responsible for the accident.   a. are   b. is   c. am   d. be

12. _____ to finish quickly.    a. No very student wants    b. No every student want

c. Not every student wants     d. Not every student want

13. You and I ___ of the same age.   a. am    b. are   c. be   d. is

14. The manager or his assistant ____ planning to go.   a. was   b. is   c. has   d. be

15. Ether your teacher or you _______ mistaken.   a. are   b. is   c. has   d. be

16. Not only I but Tom and Mary _____ fond of watching TV.   a. am   b. is   c. are   d. be

17. That country ____ good wine.   a. is famous for their   b. are famous for there

c. have been famous for its    d. was famous for its

18 Every means ____ been tried since then.  a. has   b. have   c. are   d. is

19. The number of articles published on cancer __ amazing.  a. are  b. is  c. have been  d. be

20. The office staff _____ gathering to hear the president speak.  a. is   b. are  c. be  d. will

21. -----___ ten dollars a big sum to him? ----- I suppose so.   a. Is  b. Will be  c. Be  d. Were

22. A number of cars ___ parked in front of my house.  a. is   b. are  c. was   d. has

23. A large number of people ______present at the meeting.   a. was   b. were  c. be  d. have

24. The number of students in the class _____ limited to fifteen.  a. have  b. are  c. is   d. had

25.The number of people who gathered there ___ uncountable.  a. were  b. was  c. be   d. had

26. There _____ in this room.   a. are too many furnitures    b. are too much furnitures

c. are too much furnitures     d. is too much furniture

27. Tom, with a dag, __ standing on the floor upstairs yesterday. a.was  b.were  c.are  d.will be

28. Either you or the headmaster __ the prizes to those gifted students at the meeting.

a. is handing out   b. are to hand out   c. are handing out   d. is to hand out

29. I, who__ your teacher, will try my best to help you with your English. a.is b.are  c.be  d.am

30. E-mail, as well as telephones, ____ an important part in daily communication.

a. is playing    b. have played   c. are playing   d. play


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