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高二下册英语单元课时训练题:Life in the future




1. Generally ________, his composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.

A. speak   B. to speak   C. spoken   D. speaking

2. They have stored up a good ________ of wheat and a ________ of beans this year.

A. deal;number   B. deal;plenty   C. plenty;lots   D. number;lot

3. In my opinion it’s the best use that could ________ this money.

A. make   B. made of   C. be made   D. be made of

4. At this moment I ________ a man ________ in.

A. found;come   B. saw;to come   C. noticed;coming   D. watched;came

5. Anybody else can ________ the differences between British and Canadian English?

A. say   B. talk   C. speak   D. tell

6. What’s ________ temperature in Beijing during August?

A. the average   B. an average   C. the average of   D. an average of

7. Because it is warm in Kunming ________, we call it “Spring City”.

A. in a year          B. every year

C. all the year round     D. in the spring

8. Freddie, ________ might be expected, was attending the Conference.

A. what   B. as   C. who   D. which

9. I wonder how long ago this game ________.

A. has begun   B. begins   C. began   D. has started

10. She was the only one of the students who ________ late for the meeting.

A. are   B. is   C. were   D. was

11. Mike, along with the three other friends, ________ to visit Italy next week.

A. is   B. are   C. be   D. to be

12. When and where to build the new school ________ yet.

A. is not decided     B. are not decided

C. has not decided     D. have not decided

13. After the students took their seats, Mr White ________ the examination papers.

A. gave up   B. gave off   C. gave out   D. gave away

14. May I ________ you to write a letter for me? I can neither read nor write.

A. worry   B. trouble   C. interrupt   D. excuse

15. The boy, ________ in science, has built a lab for himself.

A. his interesting   B. being interesting   C. interested   D. having interested


The man walked up to Jim and asked him if he 1 give him a few pence for a cup of coffee. When Jim 2 him he began walking by Jim’s 3 and said that he 4 to get a job for the last few month but that no one would give him 5 because he had been in  6 .

Jim said that there were organizations to help 7 in such a situation, and that he could

8 get help there. The man said then that he was 9 £4.40 a week but that he found it impossible to live 10 such a small amount. Jim stopped, turned 11 the man and asked what he had been in prison 12 .

On being 13 that it was for begging in the street, Jim pointed  14 the irony(讽刺) of the situation. The man said he rather hoped he would be  15 again, as in that way he would at least have shelter(住所) and food. Jim then asked 16 the man was  17 and, when confirmed

(证实) on this, said with a  18 that he would, in that case,  19 the man to realize his

20 ,explaining that he was a policeman and was just going on duty.

1. A. should     B. could        C. can         D. ought

2. A. failed      B. missed        C. ignored     D. unnoticed

3. A. site       B. side         C. shoulder      D. arm

4. A. tried      B. had been tried   C. has tried     D. had been trying

5. A. that       B. this         C. one        D. it

6. A. hospital    B. school        C. temple      D. prison

7. A. partners    B. men         C. friends      D. people

8. A. surely      B. readily       C. finally      D. safely

9. A. begging     B. getting       C. having      D. setting

10. A. over      B. by          C. for        D. on

11. A. into      B. to           C. from       D. forward

12. A. for      B. with         C. at        D. against

13. A. telling     B. told         C. saying     D. said

14. A. to       B. at           C. out        D. towards

15. A. grasped    B. locked        C. blocked     D. caught

16. A. if       B. that          C. what       D. which

17. A. actual     B. real         C. true       D. serious

18. A. cry      B. stress        C. sound      D. smile

19. A. make      B. try          C. help       D. let

20. A. desire     B. anxiety        C. despair     D. care


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