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高二英语下册同步练习:unit 1





1.        努力学好英语是是值得的,因为那就意味着在未来有一个好工作

2.        到国外去是值得的,因为你可以赚更多的钱

3.        我听说那个电影不太好,值得去看吗?

4.        不值得给他一些礼物,他那么自私

5.        我不知值得做什么

6.        他值得尊敬

7.        长城值得去看

8.        这本杂志值得读

9.        学习IT是值得做的

10.    他准完成了作业,因为他正在看电视

11.    昨天晚上准下雨了,因为现在地面那么湿

12.    麦克考试不及格的时候一定很伤心。

13.    昨天他非常高兴,他准有了一个好工作

14.    地面很湿,昨天准下雨了

15.    我突然有了一个很让人担心的想法

16.    我注意到的第一件事情是这一事实,没有其它的女人在场。

17.    我四处看了一下房间,我注意到我也许是那里最穷的人

18.    她觉得,失去这家公司,也许她也并不忧愁

19.    有一天,她从学校向家走的时候,有一个多月,她没有考虑她的体重了

20.    我突然有了一个好主意

21.    我一下子明白了该如何解出这道题

22.    我突然想到做这样一件危险的工作对一个妇女来说是多么困难

23.    只有当你刻苦学习的时候,你才能把英语学好

24.    只有当你对我友好的时候,我才会对你友好

25.    只有当战争结束的时候,她才找到她自己的母亲

26.    只有当我长在成人的时候,我才会嫁给一个我爱的人

27.    是在街上我见到的她

28.    你是在街上见到的她吗?

29.    你是在哪儿见到的她?

30.    我迫不及待地要买的是这本书

31.    你迫不及待地要买的是什么?

32.    是美貌与好的性情使得她发财

II. 单项选择

1. I can’t quite remember ___you started doing the work.

A. that it was when

B. when it was that

C. when was it that

D. that was it when

2. Your watch is missing. I don’t know ______ stole it

A. that it was who

B. who it was that

C. who was it that a

D. that who was it

3. Only after ____reached 18 _____________join the army.

A.have you; you can

B.have you; can you

C.you have; you can

D.you have; can you

4. The old couple had been married for 40 years and never once ____with each other

A. they had quarreled

B. they have quarreled

C. have they quarreled a

D. had they quarreled

5.--I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!


A. Nor am I

B. Neither would I

C. Same with me

D. So do I

6. It is what you do rather than what you say ________ matters. (天津 2005)

A. that          B. what       C. which     D. this


1.(2005年高考北京春卷)I have lost one of my gloves. I _____ it somewhere.

A. must drop

B. must have dropped

C. must be dropping

D. must have been dropped

2. (2004年重庆高考) I failed in the final exam last term and only then _____the importance of studies.

A. I realized

B. I had realized

C. had I realized

D. did I realize

3. Only when your identity has been checked, ________. (上海 2003)

A. you are allowed in          B. you will be allowed in

C. will you allow in           D. will you be allowed in

4. ________ of the land in that district ________ covered with trees and grass. (上海2000)

A. Two fifth; is        B. Two fifth; are

C. Two fifths; is        D. Two fifths; are

5. All the employees except the manager ________ to work online at home. (广东 2004)

A. encourage        B. encourages    C. is encouraged      D. are encouraged


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