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高二下册英语一单元同步训练:Women of achievement



英语是世界上最广泛的第二语言,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高二下册英语一单元同步训练,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


1. Nobody but Jane ____ the secret.   a. know   b. knows   c. have known  d. is known

2. Al but one ___ here just now.       a. is  b. was   c. has been  d. were

3. Not only I but also Jane and Mary ___ tired of having one examination after another.

a. is   b. are   c. am   d. be

4. A library with five books ____ to the nation as a gift.

a. is offered   b. have offered   c. are offered   d. has offered

5. When and where to build the new factory ____ yet.

a. is not decided   b. are not decided   c. has not decided   d. have not decided

6. The number of people invited _____ fifty, but a number of them _____ absent for different reasons.  a. were; was   b. was; was   c. was, were    d. were; were

7. _______ of the land in that district ___ covered with trees and grass.

a. Two fifth; is   b. Two fifth; are  c. Two fifths; is   d. Two fifths; are

8. This is one of the most interesting questions that ______ asked.

a. have   b. has   c. have been  c. has been

9. Between the two rows of trees___ the teaching building.  a. stand b. stands  c. standing d. are

10. All that can be done. _______.   a. has been don  b. has done  c. have done  d. were done

11. Each of you _____ responsible for the accident.   a. are   b. is   c. am   d. be

12. _____ to finish quickly.    a. No very student wants    b. No every student want

c. Not every student wants     d. Not every student want

13. You and I ___ of the same age.   a. am    b. are   c. be   d. is

14. The manager or his assistant ____ planning to go.   a. was   b. is   c. has   d. be

15. Ether your teacher or you _______ mistaken.   a. are   b. is   c. has   d. be

16. Not only I but Tom and Mary _____ fond of watching TV.   a. am   b. is   c. are   d. be

17. That country ____ good wine.   a. is famous for their   b. are famous for there

c. have been famous for its    d. was famous for its

18 Every means ____ been tried since then.  a. has   b. have   c. are   d. is

19. The number of articles published on cancer __ amazing.  a. are  b. is  c. have been  d. be

20. The office staff _____ gathering to hear the president speak.  a. is   b. are  c. be  d. will

21. -----___ ten dollars a big sum to him? ----- I suppose so.   a. Is  b. Will be  c. Be  d. Were

22. A number of cars ___ parked in front of my house.  a. is   b. are  c. was   d. has

23. A large number of people ______present at the meeting.   a. was   b. were  c. be  d. have

24. The number of students in the class _____ limited to fifteen.  a. have  b. are  c. is   d. had

25.The number of people who gathered there ___ uncountable.  a. were  b. was  c. be   d. had

26. There _____ in this room.   a. are too many furnitures    b. are too much furnitures

c. are too much furnitures     d. is too much furniture

27. Tom, with a dag, __ standing on the floor upstairs yesterday. a.was  b.were  c.are  d.will be

28. Either you or the headmaster __ the prizes to those gifted students at the meeting.

a. is handing out   b. are to hand out   c. are handing out   d. is to hand out

29. I, who__ your teacher, will try my best to help you with your English. a.is b.are  c.be  d.am

30. E-mail, as well as telephones, ____ an important part in daily communication.

a. is playing    b. have played   c. are playing   d. play


1. ---- Have you known Dr Jackon for a long time?  ---- Yes. Since she __ the Chinese Society.  a. has joined  b. joins  c. had joined   d. joined

2. ----- Let` s learn to use the problem we are facing ___ a stepping-stone to future success.

a. to   b. for   c. as  d. by

3. A small car is big enough for a family of three __ you need more space for baggage.

a. once   b. because   c. if    d. unless


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