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高二下册英语课时训练(Unit 1)



英语是欧盟的,最多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言,威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二下册英语课时训练,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。


1.All the students are looking forward to the first ________ to take the College Entrance Examinations.

A.measure        B.attempt

C.purpose       D.desire


2.Anyone who is in ________ of weapons without permission is considered law­breaking.

A.command        B.control

C.charge          D.possession


3.It took us several hours to make the old man ________ of the safety of travelling by air.

A.believed       B.convinced

C.informed      D.persuaded

答案与解析:B 句意:我们花了好几个小时才使那位老人相信了乘飞机的安全性。convince “使信服,说服”。A项,“相信”;C项,“告知”;D项,“说服”,常用persuade sb.to do...说服某人做……。

4.The author was required to submit an ________ of about 200 words together with his research paper.

A.edition       B.editorial

C.article       D.abstract

答案与解析:D 要求作者连同科研论文一起呈交一篇大约200字的摘要。abstract 意为“摘要”;edition意为“版本”;editorial 意为“社论”;article意为“文章”。同论文一起使用的词只有D项“摘要”。

5.(2011•泰州三校期末)While income worry is ________ rather common problem of the aged, loneliness is another problem that ________ aged parents may face.

A.a; /        B.the; /

C.a; the       D.the; the


6.—How I wish I had studied harder when I was in senior school!

—If you had,you ________ a university student now.

A.are        B.would be

C.should        D.were


7.It's high time that you ________ even harder at your lessons as the exam is around the corner.

A.work         B.will work

C.worked       D.have to work


8.—How do you find this new movie?

—It's ________ interesting than expected.

A.a great deal much     B.a great deal of more

C.a great deal of much    D.a great deal more

答案与解析:D a great deal可用来修饰形容词、副词的比较级;a great deal of后跟不可数名词。

9.If it were not for the fact that I ________ very busy,I would go with you.

A.am        B.was

C.were         D.should be

答案与解析:A 分析语境可知,“我很忙”是表示目前的真实情况,因此应用真实语气。

10.The sooner we students ________ to the new school,the better it will be ________ our studies.

A.adapt; for                B.adjust; to

C.adopt; for                D.admit; to

答案与解析:A adapt和adjust都有“(使)适应”的意思,但后跟to表示“适应于”,跟for表示“适用的目的”;adopt采用,收养;admit容许,承认,接纳。句意:我们学生对新学校适应得越快,对我们的学习就越有利。

11.You must keep the news a secret and don't put it ________ anybody else.

A.in possession of            B.in the possession of

C.in charge of               D.in the charge of

答案与解析:B A项和C项的逻辑主语是人,分别表示“某人占有”和“某人负责某事”,含有主动意义;而B项和D项的逻辑主语是物,分别表示“被某人所占有”和“由某人负责”,具有被动意义。根据句子的意思应该选B。

12.The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to ________ its reality.

A.make up                  B.figure out

C.look through               D.put off

答案与解析:B 考查动词短语。句意:现在的情形太复杂了,因此我想我要花点时间弄清楚真实情况。make up组成,弥补;look through快速阅读,审核;put off推迟;figure out想出来,弄清楚。B项符合题意。

13.Why does teaching as a career ________ many people?

A.apply for      B.attract to

C.appeal to      D.agree with

答案与解析:C appeal to对……有诱惑力。句意:为什么教育作为一项事业吸引了这么多人呢?apply for申请;attract吸引,attact sb./sth. to把……吸引到……;agree with同意。

14.She's aiming ________ a scholarship.That is why she has been focusing her mind ________ her work.

A.at; on                    B.to; on

C.for; in                    D.at; into


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