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高二英语下册随堂检测题及答案:Unit 5





1.—Why don't you do some shopping in the second­hand store?

—Well,the goods there are ________,but ________.

A.more expensive; worse

B.more expensive; not as bad

C.cheaper; good enough

D.cheaper; not as good

答案与解析:D 考查形容词的用法。由语境结合常识可知,和新货比起来,二手店里的货物价格便宜,但是质量不如新货好。很显现这是把两种店里的货从价格和质量方面进行了比较,后面省略比较状语。

2.He has a terrible toothache.So his mother has to________all his food for him.

A.cut out        B.cut off

C.cut up       D.cut away

答案与解析:C cut up 切碎。句意:因为他牙痛的要命,所以他母亲不得不为他将所有的食物切碎。cut out 切掉,停止;cut off 切断;cut away 切掉,砍掉,均不符合句意。

3.There is not much time left,but________we must get there in time.

A.somehow         B.somewhat

C.however        D.anyway

答案与解析:D anyway“不管怎样”。句意:剩下的时间不多了,但是不管怎样,我们必须按时到达那里。somehow“不知怎么地”;somewhat“有点”;however“然而”。

4.As time goes by,the________between the various classes of society are not so sharply marked as they used to be.

A.divisions         B.gaps

C.separations      D.intervals

答案与解析:A division“区分”。句意:随着时间的推移,现在社会上各阶层的区分不像过去那样明显了。gap“隔阂”;separation“分开;分离”;interval“间隔”。

5.It's reported that thousands of people are going back to school online for career________or just for fun.

A.development          B.advancement

C.promotion            D.relief

答案与解析:B advancement“进步,提高”,此处表示为了改进工作,很多人上网校。development当“经济、社会等的发展”讲;promotion“晋升;推广”;relief“(痛苦,负担等的)缓和”。

6.To our________,computers,far from getting rid of jobs,can create employment.

A.anxiety          B.relief

C.view          D.judgment

答案与解析:B to one's relief使某人欣慰的是。根据句意,空白处应填入一个名词构成表示“使我们感到放心”之意的介词短语。anxiety意为“焦虑”;view意为“观点”;judgment意为“判断”。句意:使我们欣慰的是,电脑完全不是消除工作,而能创造工作。

7.Not having enough to eat,many died from________in the search for the new land.

A.hungry               B.thirst

C.strategy              D.starvation

答案与解析:D 根据not having enough to eat可知许多人死于饥饿,可排除B、C项;A项hungry为形容词,所以选D项。

8.________his wife's strong objection,the husband insisted on putting all the money they had into the stock market,which almost drove her crazy.

A.Regardless of     B.In relation to

C.On behalf of           D.In memory of

答案与解析:A regardless of“不管,不顾”。

9.She tried to explain what had happened but he________her several times.

A.bothered              B.spoiled

C.cut                  D.interrupted

答案与解析:D interrupt“打断;插话”。bother“麻烦”;spoil“宠坏”;cut“切”。

10.Let's________that there is a selection this month.What is the result likely to be,given the latest opinion polls?

A.assume               B.announce

C.assist                D.approve

答案与解析:A assume“假定;设想”,符合题意。

11.He was________when customs officers found drugs in his bag.

A.argued               B.fought

C.persuaded            D.arrested

答案与解析:D arrest“逮捕”符合题意。argue“争论”;fight“打架”;persuade“说服”。

12.—I wonder if you are satisfied with my proposal.

—But I prefer to see an________one before making a decision.

A.alternative            B.another

C.other                 D.others

答案与解析:A 根据句子意思可知回答者希望能有选择的余地再做决定,可与one搭配的只有alternative。another前不需要冠词。

13.The origin of Chinese culture________more than 5,000 years ago.

A.is dated back to         B.dates back to

C.is dated from          D.dates back

答案与解析:B more than 5,000 years ago是时间点而不是时间段,故排除D项。date back to还可以用date from来表示,它们都无进行时态和被动语态,故选B项。

14.Everyone should________and save a little money each year for when he retires.

A.look forward          B.look up

C.look ahead            D.look into

答案与解析:C look ahead“为将来打算”,符合题意。look forward“期望”;look up“向上看”;look into“调查”。

15.—I just hear the tickets for tonight's film had been sold out.


A.It's not at all interesting

B.It doesn't matter

C.I was looking forward to that


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