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英语高二下册单元课时质量测试题及答案与解析(Unit 3)



英语是联合国的工作语言之一。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的英语高二下册单元课时质量测试题及答案与解析,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


1.The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being ________ to the care of strangers.

A.dismissed    B.abandoned

C.stood     D.quit

答案与解析:B abandon舍弃。句意:研究表明,老年人如果被舍弃给陌生人照顾,会有很深的恐惧感。dismiss“解散”;stand“维持,持久”;quit“退出”。

2.The water in the lake is so clean and calm that the ________ of the trees in the water is very clear.

A.mirror     B.sight

C.reflection    D.shadow

答案与解析:C reflection此处意为“映在水中的倒影”,而不是“影子”或“阴影”,故不能用shadow。句意:湖中的水是如此得清澈平静,以至于水中树的倒影非常清晰。

3.Many Palestinians were forced to ________ where they lived when the air attack began.

A.leave from    B.hide from

C.run from    D.flee from

答案与解析:D flee from意为“从……逃走”。句意:空袭一开始,很多巴勒斯坦人就被迫离开了自己的家园。

4.The ________ look suggested that there must be something ________ around her.

A.scaring; scared   B.scared; scaring

C.scaring; scaring   D.scared; scared

答案与解析:B 第一空指恐惧的、害怕的,所以用scared,第二空指物使人恐惧、害怕,所以用scaring。句意:她脸上恐怖的表情暗示,她周围一定有吓人的东西。

5.You buy the fruits;________ I'll cook breakfast.

A.on the other hand   B.the same time

C.in the meantime   D.at all time

答案与解析:C in the meantime“同时,在……期间”。句意:你去买水果,同时我来做早餐。at all time意为“无论何时”,不符合句意;on the other hand“另一方面”。

6.He,out of breath,________ himself along the street.Perhaps he was badly ill.

A.drew     B.pulled

C.dragged     D.pushed

答案与解析:C drag oneself表示“蹒跚着前进”。句意:他气喘吁吁地在大街上蹒跚前进,可能病得不轻。

7.The Israel's sudden attack made them more ________ the danger around them.

A.aware     B.aware about

C.aware of    D.aware to

答案与解析:C aware用作形容词时,与之搭配的介词为of,其后也可以接从句。aware后接that从句时,一般不接介词of;若接what等从句,介词of可带也可不带。本题空格后是名词the danger,因此应用aware of。句意:以色列的突然攻击使他们更加注意周围的危险。

8.We were ________ the most important scientific development of the century.

A.seeing      B.watching

C.looking     D.witnessing


9.People have planted a great many trees in order to ________ wind and sand in the desert.

A.hold down     B.hold up

C.hold back     D.hold out


10.The Internet is working wonders in ________ standards of goods and honest firms should benefit most.

A.raising      B.lowering

C.abandoning     D.carrying


11.It was a(n)________ party.We danced all night and then watched the sun coming up over the sea.No better way to welcome the New Year.

A.awful       B.terrible

C.frightening     D.awesome

答案与解析:D 题意:这是一个很棒的晚会,我们彻夜跳舞,然后观看海上日出,没有比这更好的迎接新年的方式了。awesome“很好的;了不起的”。

12.These people live ________ the country and have little connection with the outside world.

A.in the lines of    B.in the face of

C.in the depths of     D.in the form of

答案与解析:C in the depths of the country“在偏远地区”。in the lines of“在……线上”;in the face of“面对”;in the form of“以……的形式”。

13.He is so diligent a student that he is always ________ his classmates in every subject.

A.in advance      B.in front of

C.far ahead of     D.before

答案与解析:C 根据题意可知,此处意思应为“胜过,超过”,即be ahead of others,故选C项。

14.Shanghai is the first city in the world ________ a highspeed Maglev train,from the city to Pudong Airport.

A.to build     B.to be built

C.to have built    D.to have been built

答案与解析:C 动词不定式作定语,该事件已发生,故要用不定式的完成式。

15.I want ________ my hair cut,because it wants ________.

A.having; cutting   B.to have; cutting

C.to have; to cut      D.having; to cut

答案与解析:B 第一个want主语是人,指某人想要做什么,后接不定式;第二个want相当于need,主语是物,后接动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。


Over dinner a few weeks ago,the novelist Lawrence Naumoff told a troubling story.He __1__ students in his introduction to creative writing course at UNC Chapel Hill if they had __2__ Jack Kerouac.Nobody raised a hand.__3__ he asked if anyone had ever heard of Jack Kerouac.There are more blank __4__.

Naumoff began __5__ the legend of the literary wild man.One student offered that he had a teacher who was just as __6__.Naumoff asked the professor's name.The student said __7__ didn't know.Naumoff then asked this oblivious(健忘的) scholar,“Do you know my __8__?”

After a long pause,the young man replied,“No.”

“I guess I've always known that many students are just __9__ my course to get a requirement out of the way,”Naumoff said.“But it was __10__ to see that some couldn't even go to the trouble of __11__ the name of the person teaching the course.”

The other UNC professors at the __12__ began sharing their own stories about the troubling state of curiosity on __13__.All of them have noted that such ignorance isn't __14__—students have always possessed far less knowledge than they should.But in the past,__15__ tended to be a source of shame and motivation.Students were far more likely to be __16__ by not­knowing,far more eager to fill such gaps by learning.__17__,nowadays as one reviewer once said,“It's that they don't __18__ what they don't know.”

In our increasingly complex world,the amount of information required to master any __19__ discipline—e.g.computers,life insurance,medicine—has expanded geometrically(几何学上).We are forced to __20__ specialists,people who know more and more about less and less.Curiously,in a world where everything is worth knowing,nothing is.

1.A.helped     B.greeted

C.taught      D.asked

2.A.read          B.recognized

C.visited        D.wrote

3.A.But           B.Or

C.Then          D.So

4.A.puzzles       B.expressions

C.smiles         D.feelings

5.A.describing    B.drawing

C.showing       D.painting

6.A.ugly          B.handsome

C.crazy          D.angry

7.A.he            B.she

C.they          D.we

8.A.story         B.name

C.address        D.work

9.A.getting       B.putting

C.taking        D.making

10.A.excited       B.interested

C.pleased       D.disappointed


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