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2016高二英语下册单元课时质量测试题及答案(Unit 2)





1.Why don't you put the apples in the fridge?They will

________ fresh for several days.

A.be stayed       B.stay

C.be staying     D.have stayed

答案与解析:B stay是不及物动词,意为“保持”,无被动语态和进行时。

2.He wouldn't help us even if we were good friends;________ we treated him badly before.

A.let alone      B.leave alone

C.leave out       D.leave off


3.—The education system rather than the teachers ________ to answer for the overburden on the middle school students.

—I agree.I hope the reform being carried out in our country at present will bring about the ________ results.

A.are; desired      B.are; desiring

C.is; desired       D.is; desiring

答案与解析:C 第一空应用is,因为主语为The education system,第二空desired为形容词,意为“想要的”。

4.All of us were ________ to hear that Lily,our company's most valued clerk,should say she would leave the company.

A.alarming        B.alarmed

C.terrified      D.satisfied

答案与解析:B be alarmed担心,害怕。

5.Her parents had had a very anxious moment but everything ________ all right in the end.

A.turned up       B.carried on

C.turned out       D.carried away


6.President Hu Jintao said China and the US had common ________ in Taiwan.

A.affairs       B.business

C.projects         D.interests


7.After a whole afternoon's heated discussion,they finally ________ to us what had been decided.

A.told        B.declared

C.stated       D.made


8.She felt ________ about wearing the improper garment at the party.

A.embarrassing       B.embarrass

C.to embarrass     D.embarrassed

答案与解析:D 句中feel为感官动词作系动词,后需接形容词作表语说明she的状态,应用embarrassed。

9.The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds ________ by heavy rain.

A.appeared             B.happened

C.accompanied        D.mixed


10.—It's a lovely day,isn't it?

—Yes.I love ________ when the weather is like this.Why don't we sit outside and have our lunch?

A.this       B.that

C.it         D.one


11.When you make a speech,you should try to ________ your idea ________.

A.set; aside      B.keep; off

C.put; away      D.get; across


12.Those who put in many hours of overtime will receive a percentage of their salary as a ________.

A.bonus      B.sympathy

C.service      D.prize

答案与解析:A bonus意为“奖金,红利”,通常用来指在正常所得或严格规定之外多出的钱,特别是作为对超常的努力的一种认可或利润的分享。句意:那些付出许多加班时间的人将得到相当于其工资的一部分作为奖金。prize是奖给优胜或胜利者的,比如竞争或竞赛的胜者;sympathy“同情”;service“服务”。

13.It is a(n)________ idea to keep a machine running all the time without any power supply.

A.reasonable     B.absurd

C.proper      D.exact

答案与解析:B absurd“荒谬的,可笑的”。句意:让一台机器在没有电的情况下一直保持运转是一个很可笑的想法。reasonable“合理的,有道理的”;proper“适当的,合适的”;exact“精确的”。

14.The well­known singer was ________at the electronic organ by his school teacher.

A.accompanied     B.edited

C.adopted       D.heard

答案与解析:A accompany“伴奏”。句意:那位著名的歌唱家的学校老师用电子琴为他伴奏。adopt“收养,采用,采纳”。而edit意为“编辑”,也不符合语境。

15.The hotel was ________.To begin with,our room was far too small.Then we found that the shower didn't work.

A.common     B.normal

C.convenient     D.awful


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