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高二英语必修三同步练习:Festivals around the world



英语的母语使用者数量位居世界第三,威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二英语必修三同步练习,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

一. 单项选择

1. The government tried its best to _____ the people’s needs, but the people were still not_________. In fact, what the government did was not___________.

A. satisfy; satisfied; satisfying     B. satisfy; satisfying; satisfied

C. satisfied; satisfied; satisfying    D. satisfying; satisfied; satisfied

2. This memorial was built____ those heroes who laid down their lives for the liberation of the poor people.

A. in memory of    B. to remember      C. for the memory of     D. to the memory of

3. ---I need some fresh air, so I’m going out for a walk.  ----___________.

A. Have fun    B. With pleasure    C. You’d better not     D. It’s none of my business

4. The storm left, _________ a lot of damage to this area.

A. caused    B. to have caused      C. to cause           D. having caused

5. -----Do you know where David is ? I couldn’t find him anywhere.

------Well. He ________have gone far-----his coat’s still here.

A. shouldn’t      B. mustn’t            C. can’t            D. wouldn’t

6. ----I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. ------ You_____ her last week.

A. ought to tell       B. would have told        C. must tell     D. should have told

7. How ________ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?    A. can   B. must   C. need   D. may

8. — The room is so dirty. ________ we clean it?  — Of course.

A. Will   B. Shall   C. Would  D. Do

9. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who ________ have taken it?

A. should  B. must   C. could   D. would

10. He is looking forward __________his father.

A. of receiving     B. of hearing from    C. to hearing from    D. to hear from

11..Missing the flight means _______ for another three hours.

A.waiting   B.to wait  C.wait  D.to be waiting

12.We’re going to _______ with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us ?

A.get in    B.get over         C.get along      D.get together

13. ---- It’s a pity that Mr. Smith died last night.

---- Really? The police may never discover what ______ that night, for he was the only eyewitness (目击者).

A. happened       B. took place       C. was happened        D. was taken place

14. ---- Do you know Tom, ______ father is an engineer?

Yes, quite well. He __ always be the first to offer me help when I meet with prolems.

A. the; would       B. which; used to       C. that; used to         D. whose; would

15. We arranged to meet at 8:00, but she never ______.

A. turn down         B. turn off              C. turn over             D. turn up


agriculture, decorate, energy, religion, society, play tricks on, in memory of

look forward to, day and night, as though, dress up, took place, in the shape of

1. You don’t need to ________, just to go to the pub — jeans and a T-shirt will do.

2. The police may never discover what ________ that night, because Mr Smith, the only eyewitness, died last night.

3. I hate the smell of paint when I’m ________.

4. Luckily, help arrived ________ a police officer.

5. It’s acceptable to ________ your friends on April 1st.

6. The government set up a monument ________ the heroes who died in the war.

7. I’m ________ hearing from you.

8. He behaved ________ he hadn’t known anything about it.

9. Those workers worked ________ to finish the task.

10. The country’s economy is mainly ________ and depends on crops like coffee.

11. Most British schools organize ________ events for the students.

12. I tried aerobics (有氧运动) but it was too ________ for me.

13. He’s deeply ________ and goes to church twice a week.

三.阅读理解    A本文词数:268 参考时间:2'26''

Carnival1 is considered by some people to be one of the most important national holidays in Brazil. It is not about a big moment in history or a famous person, but it is important for the people because it is a time of friendship, freedom, and many days without work. People can choose between parties and rest. Most people choose parties, day after day, night after night.

It starts forty days before Easter, but it is not recognized by the church. It lasts four days and four nights. People put on their holiday clothes and go out into the streets or to clubs to enjoy themselves together.

There are also samba2 schools which make a parade showing their music and beautiful cars. They are followed by people. Every year the parade tells a different story, and each city has one or more schools like this.

The carnival, which is celebrated in the south, comes back to normal by Wednesday everything. The problem is that it is not recognized by the church in the northwest where the carnival is more traditional. There, people do not respect its end and continue to party until the next Sunday.

I like the carnival, but I do not agree that the party should keep going. Like at other popular parties, people drive, dance and have fun. Unfortunately, some people are not very responsible and give it a bad name, leaving a bad impression of this holiday, but it is the only national holiday that brings the whole country and its different people and cultures together.

Notes: 1. carnival n. 狂欢节 2. samba n. 桑巴舞 词数:176 处理时间:3'31''

Read the passage and then choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is a fact?

A. The carnival is the most interesting holiday in Brazil.

B. The carnival is celebrated to honor a famous person.

C. All of the people enjoy themselves in public places during carnival.

D. People do not need to work during carnival in Brazil.

2. From this passage, we can infer that the carnival _____.

A. is very popular with most people in Brazil B. is the only national holiday in Brazil

C. was given a bad name by southern churches

D. was less traditional in old days

3. We can infer from the passage that ___.

A. the carnival lasts four days and four nights in Brazil every year

B. the carnival helps people from different cultures understand each other better

C. the carnival is only celebrated in the south of Brazil

D. many schools make parades with the same theme during carnival

4. How long will the carnival usually last in the south?

A. Four days and four nights.   B. A whole week.

C. Nine days and eight nights.   D. Forty days.


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