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高二英语上学期期末练习:The Million Pound Bank Note



英语的母语使用者数量位居世界第三,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高二英语上学期期末练习,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


1.—Where did she find________old pictures?

—She found them in the drawer by________accident.

A./;/                       B.the;the

C.the;an                               D.the;/

2.Stay awake!You should know that it________to sleep in class.

A.doesn’t permit                   B.is not permitted

C.will not be permitted             D.was not permitted

3.—I rang you at about nine,but there was no reply.

—Oh,that was probably________I was seeing the doctor.

A.why                                    B.when

C.what                                   D.that

4.________should any money be given to a small child.

A.On no account                     B.By any means

C.In that case                         D.To some degree

5.—I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?

—________.I’m not using it anyhow.

A.Sure,go ahead                   B.I don’t know

C.Yes,indeed                        D.I don’t care

6.I have no________with people who are always complaining of their misfortunes.

A.devotion                              B.belief

C.patience                                     D.balance

7.When he looked up,he suddenly found himself________by a group of teenagers,________looked at him anxiously.

A.to be surrounded;which


C.be surrounded;who

D.having been surrounded;which

8.It’s wise of you to________your father’s advice when you come to any difficulty.

A.ask                                     B.seek

C.try                                      D.attempt

9.When the man was trying to break into the bank,he was caught by the police________.

A.in a spot                              B.on the spot

C.off the spot                         D.to the spot

10.(2009年南昌调研)—I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident.

—________,let’s go and see him.

A.If not                                  B.If so

C.If necessary                        D.If possible

11.The poor young man is ready to accept________help he can get.

A.whichever                           B.however

C.whatever                             D.whenever

12.I had finished my homework and________watch the Olympics when the power was cut off.

A.was going to                        B.was about to

C.was to                                D.would

13.If you have any trouble________the work within the time,please tell me.

A.to finish                              B.finish

C.with finishing                       D.finishing

14.He has behaved in the most extraordinary way;I can’t________his behavior at all.

A.result from                          B.depend on

C.watch out                            D.account for

15.Do you think it is________good manners to hear others’ conversations in________curious manner?

A.the;a                                 B./;/

C./;a                                    D.the;the



Valentine’s Day was the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life.Over the years I fondly (天真地) thought__1__him as my “Valentine man”.

My first recollection of the__2__he could bring to Valentine’s Day came when I was six.That morning at the breakfast table I found a card and a gift­wrapped package at my chair.The card was__3__“Love,Dad” and the gift was a ring with a small piece of red glass to__4__my birthstone,a ruby (红宝石).There is__5__difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six,and I remember__6__that ring with pride that all the cards in the world__7__not surpass (超越).

__8__I grew older,the gifts gave__9__to heart­shaped boxes filled with my__10__chocolate and always included a__11__card signed “Love,Dad”.In those years my thank­you became__12__of a perfunctory (敷衍) response.The cards seemed less__13__,and I took for granted that the Valentine would__14__be there.I had__15__my hopes and dreams in receiving cards and gifts from “significant others” and “Love,Dad” just didn’t seem quite__16__.

His final card remains on my desk today.It’s a__17__of how special fathers can be and how important it has been to me over the years to know that I had a father who continued a__18__of love with simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.

Those things never__19__,nor does the memory of a man who never__20__being my valentine.

1.A.of                B.about

C.up                   D.over

2.A.memory             B.magic

C.puzzle                D.present

3.A.read                B.written

C.shown               D.signed

4.A.recover             B.resemble

C.represent             D.replace

5.A.much               B.little

C.great                 D.less

6.A.having              B.owning

C.wearing               D.watching

7.A.could               B.did

C.must                 D.should

8.A.Because            B.Since

C.When               D.As

9.A.room              B.way

C.honour              D.seat

10.A.favorite           B.lovely

C.dear                 D.precious

11.A.usual             B.common

C.strange               D.special

12.A.less               B.little


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