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高二英语上学期期末复习题:Healthy eating





( ) 1. Which of them do you think -- to go to the meeting?

A. should B. must C. ought D. to be

( ) 2.--Where is he?

--He books in the library.

A. must read B. must be reading

C. must have read D. read

( ) 3. These machines ought once a week.

A. to be cleaned B. to cleaned

C. clean D. be cleaned

( ) 4. He suggested that he there by train.

A. should go B. went

C. going D. will go there

( ) 5. The teacher advised the students to English every day.

A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listened

( ) 6. Mother advised me drink water that isn't -- any more.

A. not; boiled B. not to; boiled C. not; boiling D. not to; boiling

( ) 7. We'll go and play football basketball this afternoon.

A. instead of playing B. instead play

C. instead of play D. instead playing

( ) 8. You are iii. You’d better -- at home for a few days.

A. not to stay B. to stay C. stay D. staying

( ) 9. Mary was away from the school for a week, so now she's got to work hard to of the class.

A. ahead of B. keep in touch with

C. keep up with D. get hold of

( ) 10. Though it was late, ______ they kept on _____ in the riel&.

A. but; working B. /; work C. /; worked D. /; working

( ) 11. Mother sitting among these children __ six to eight.

A. kept; between B. keeping; between

C. took; from D. kept; from

( ) 12. the 29th Olympics the best ever games, Be/ring will have to make several big chances.

A. Making B. Make C. To make D. Having made

( ) 13. She had to from school for a week to take care of her sick mother in hospital.

A. keep away B. leave away

C. stay away D. take away

( ) 14. It's really difficult to __ a conversation with someone who only says "Yes' or "No".

A. keep out B. keep off C. keep on D. keep up

( ) 15. The new leading group is made __ seven officers.

A. up of B. out of C. from D. into


As they left Mr. Penbmy peacefully reading in the park, Bill talked to Tom about the (16) man whose picture they had seen outside the police station.

"Tall, thin and with little hair” he said.

“(17)!" shouted Tom. “It fits him (18).”

"Exactly," said Bill (19) both joy and excitement.

“(20) we know that our teacher isn't the lama the police are searching for," (21) Tom.

"All the same," said Bill, pretending to be (22). "I think I ought to have a word with the police about this."

Tom (23) with his friend about the plan. But Bill (24) to revenge (为......复仇 ) himself for all the(25)which Mr. Penbmy had given him (26) in his opinion. He stopped at the next phone box arid went in. He was (27) when be came out.

"Well, what did you say to them?” Tom asked.

"Oh, l just said there was a mini in the (28), who looked very much like the man they were searching for."

"But they must have known that (29) was a boy speaking, ‘said Tom.

“(30), "Bill explained.” I changed my voice. I spoke like my father."

The boy never found out for certain (3l) Mr. Penbury was actually arrested that Sunday. He appeared at (32) the next morning as usual. (33), Tom fell that Bill's (34) must have worked be- cause he often (35) Mr. Penbury studying their faces with even greater attention.

( ) 16. A. examined B. searched C. wanted D. helped

( ) 17. A. Mr. Penbmy B. Bill C. The man D. The picture

( ) 18. A. normally B. poorly C. slightly D. perfectly

( ) 19. A. to B. over C. with D. by

( ) 20. A. But B. Though C. And D. Therefore

( ) 21. A. agreed B. rejected C. accepted D. refused

( ) 22. A. surprised B. sad C. serious D. glad

( ) 23. A. agreed B. quarreled C. talked D. disagreed

( ) 24. A. tried his best B. refused C. got away D. made up his mind

( ) 25. A. treatments B. punishments C. good advice D. lessons

( ) 26. A. rightly B. unjustly C. fairly D. cruelly

( ) 27. A. sad B. disappointed C. smiling D. whispering

( ) 28. A. street B. school C. station D. pa&

( ) 29. A. you B. it C. he D. this

( ) 30. A. It can't be so B. I suppose so C. I don’t think so D. Never mind

( ) 31. A. whether B. how C. why D. that

( ) 32. A. the park B. school C. the phone box D. the station

( ) 33. A. Ever since B. On the contrary C. All the same D. Once in a while

( ) 34. A. plan B. think C. punishment D. show

( ) 25. A. understand B. had C. looked at D. caught


Beginning in October, more than 13,000 McDonald’s (麦当劳)restaurants in America will use a new variety of cooking oil. McDonald' s aims to make its French fries(油炸食品) and other fried foods healthier.

The change will not affect the taste or the number of calories in the food. But by changing the cooking oil, McDonald’s says, it hopes to cut by nearly half the amount of trans fatty acids(转换脂肪酸) in French fries and reduce the amount of saturated fats(饱和脂肪) by 16 percent. Scientists believe that trans fatty acids and saturated fats raise cholesterol(胆固醇) levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

McDonald's new step is important because McDonald’s is an industry leader and other fast-food chains and food processors may follow the lead.

For McDonald's ,the action comes at a time when Americans are becoming more and more concerned about; obesity(肥胖) and are increasing pressure on food companies to offer healthy and nutritious (有营养的) food to consumers.

After three years of study, McDonald’s officials say they are switching oil that is lower in saturated fats and trans fatty acids. McDonald's says the change will not cause higher coats for consumers.

Though there is some change, scientists say that the amount of trans fat in foods at McDonald's and at other fast-food companies is still important.

( ) 36. More than 13,000 McDonald's restaurants in America will use a new kind of cooking oil to .

A. lower the costs of the products

B. maker its food taste hatter than ever before

C. cure(治愈) the heart disease

D. do good to the health of consumers

( ) 37. The underlined ward "switching" here has the same meaning as " ".

A. turning on B. turning off

C. changing D. studying

( ) 38 .The main idea of the passage is .

A. McDonald's is a pioneer in food products

B. McDonald's is enlarging its restaurants in the world

C. fried foods can’t keep up with the development of modem society

D. McDonald’s is to use new cooking oil

( ) 39. When a new kind of cooking oil is used in McDonald’s,

A. the prices of McDonald’s foods will be a tot higher

B. consumers will find the taste of McDonald’s foods different

C. many other food companies will do what McDonald's does

D. obesity will disappear in American society sooner or later

( ) 40. Which of the following is TRUE according to tile passage?

A. If a person's cholesterol is high, it won’t affect his health.

B. Heart disease is connected with the contents(含量) of cholesterol.

C. The Americans pay no attention to the action of McDonald's.

D. Most of American foods are lower in trans fatty acids.


Do you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows? You are not alone.

Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worded about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods.

With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don't have to tam away from the foods that you enjoy. The following suggestions may he of some help to you.

Do not miss meals. Before yon leave home for a feast(宴会),have a small, how-fat snack(小吃). This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods.

Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.

Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.

Choose lean meat(瘦肉 ).Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.

If you have a sweet tooth, try mints (薄荷) and fruits. They don’t have fat content as cream and chocolate.

Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess(过多的) calories.


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