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英语高二级必修三同蹙测试题:Unit 4(含解析)




第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1.His wife gave ________ birth to a baby girl last week, which gave him ________ great pleasure.

A. the; the   B. the; /

C.  /; the   D. /; /

答案与解析 D 句意:上周他的妻子产下一名女婴,这给他带来了很大的快乐。give birth to“生产;产下”; pleasure“高兴、快乐”,不可数名词。

2.(2013•泰安高一检测)It is obvious that water is to be ________ to the development of life.

A. gentle   B. fundamental

C.  harmful   D. violent

答案与解析 B 句意:很显然水对于生命的进化起着关键作用。be fun damental to ... “对……是基本的”; gentle“轻柔的”; harmful“有害的”; violent“猛烈的”。

3.The two parties are holding the talks in a friendly  ________ at present. Hopefully, they will reach an agreement.

A. atmosphere            B. condition

C.  situation               D. climate

答案与解析 A atmosphere“气氛”; in a friendly atmosphere“在一种友好的气氛中”。condition“条件;状况”; situation“形势;情形”; climate“气候”。

4.The question was so ________ that there was a ________ expression on the teacher's face.

A. puzzled; puzzling       B. puzzled; puzzled

C.  puzzling; puzzled       D. puzzling; puzzling

答案与解析 C puzzling“令人困惑的”:puzzled“困惑的”,a puzzled expression“困惑的表情”。句意:这个问题如此令人困惑以至于老师的脸上露出了困惑的表情。

5.I was tired out that evening, but I ________ from falling asleep by a sharp pain in my stomach.

A. was prevented          B. had prevented

C.  has prevented          D. am prevented

答案与解析 A prevent sb. from doing sth.表示“阻止某人做某事”,由于主语I和动作prevent之间为被动关系,故用被动语态。且根据前一分句的时态可知应用一般过去时。

6.— I failed my driving test again.

— Don' t be discouraged. You'll be successful ________.

A. at times               B. at one time

C. on time                D. in time

答案与解析 D 由答语语境可知“你终究(in time )会成功的”。

7.— ________ you like that latest type of car so much, why not buy it?

— Well, I can't afford so expensive a car. It is worth 200, 000 yuan.

A. As if                  B. Even if

C.  Now that              D. In case

答案与解析 C now that 既然,符合句意。as if“仿佛;好像”; even if“即使”; in case“假使;以防。”

8.A true friend should be the one who always ________ you up when you are upset.

A. gives     B. cheers

C.  talks       D. pulls

答案与解析 B cheer sb. up“使某人感到高兴/振作起来”。句意:好朋友应该是在你沮丧时总是鼓励你的人。

9.________ the students will visit the city museum this Friday hasn't been decided.

A. If        B. What

C.  That       D. Whether

答案与解析 D 句意:学生们这周五是否去参观市博物馆还没有定下来。whether(是否)引导主语从句,if不能引导主语从句。

10.See the model ship ________ in the pool? That's what my father made for me last weekend.

A. float      B. floating

C.  floated     D. to float

答案与解析 B float与the model ship之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故在此用float的动词­ing形式作后置定语,修饰the model ship。

11. After we finish the design, the company, ________ its turn, should do the following work.

A. in       B. on

C.  at        D. for

答案与解析 A 句意:在我们完成设计后,应该轮到这个公司做剩下的工作了。in one's turn“轮到某人”。

12.Prices of the basic necessities of l ife have been going up sharply since  word came that war would ________ between the two countries soon.

A. take out               B. break out

C. die out                D. give out

答案与解析 B break out指(战争、灾难、疾病等)突然爆发。句意:自从有消息说不久战争将在这两个国家之间爆发,基本生活必需品的价格就一直在急剧上涨。

13.________ is known to us all is that the 2016 Olympic Games will take place in Rio de Janeiro.

A. It        B. What

C.  As         D. Which

答案与解析 B What引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语。

14.Though most people know that smoking ________  the risk of heart attacks and other health problems, it is still hard for them to give it up.

A. gains                 B. gathers

C. combines             D. multiplies

答案与解析 D multiply“增加”。gain“获得”; gather“聚集”; combine“结合”。

15.— Mom, may I play computer games just for a while?

— ________! Dad is writing his paper on the computer.

A. Help yourself          B. It's up to you

C. Behave yourself        D. Go ahead

答案与解析 C behave yourself“好好的;听话;规矩点(对孩子等的用语)”。help yourself请随便(吃、用等); It's up to you由你决定; go ahead“行;可以;往下说”等。

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


When Katie was nine years old, her teacher gave each kid in her class a cabbage seedling (幼苗). She __16__  the seedling in her backyard. Then she watered it every day __17__ it grew into a 40­pound cabbage!

The vegetable was too __18__ for her family to eat. “I knew my cabbage needed to __19__ a special home,” said Katie. So she __20__ it to a local soup kitchen — a place that provided  __21__  for people who were hungry.

Because of her __22__, the soup kitchen invited Katie to help serve the cabbage. That cabbage helped to__23__ lots of people.

Katie loved the __24__ of growing food to feed people. She  __25__ she needed more garden space.

Her school had an unused __26__,  and Katie thought it was the perfect spot. The school liked the garden idea, and all the students were __27__ to help. But Katie didn't __28__ there. She worked with local  __29__who gave her plots (小块土地) of land for additional (额外的) gardens.

Katie hoped to grow all kinds of crops, __30__ she didn't know how. She asked for help from an expert gardener. Together, they __31__  the types of vegetables that grow best in the area. A seed company then gave them all the plants.

Katie's __32__  grew even bigger than her cabbage. Her group, Katie's Krops, now has seven gardens. All the land __33__ that they can grow a lot of food for the needy. Encouraged by Katie, lots of kids and adults __34__ to plant and water.

Katie's Krops has  __35__ soup kitchens over 5,000 pounds of vegetables so far.

16.A. studied                 B. cut

C. planted                    D. washed

17.A. though               B. if

C. until                       D. because

18.A. fresh              B. hard

C. sweet              D. big

19.A. build       B. accept

C. leave             D. find

20.A. sent             B. returned

C. told               D. lent

21.A. houses       B. jobs

C. clothes                   D. meals

22.A. kindness       B. happiness

C. protection         D. question

23.A. recognize         B. hire

C. feed               D. save

24.A. silence             B. luck

C. trust                   D. satisfaction

25.A. forgot             B. promised

C. doubted           D. decided

26.A. desk                B. room

C. field             D. book

27.A. excited          B. hurry

C. brave              D. possible

28.A. stop              B. lie

C. live                  D. help

29.A. students           B. farmers

C. teachers          D. workers

30.A. so          B. or

C. for         D. but

31.A. cooked         B. chose

C. hid    D. changed

32.A. trouble        B. idea

C. picture               D. mistake

33.A. means            B. hopes

C. feels               D. advises

34.A. hate                 B. happen

C. refuse             D. volunteer

35.A. sold               B. bought

C. shown           D. given


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