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高二英语Unit5同步练习题Canada—“The True North”





1.—When does your plane take off?

—At 3∶00 p.m.tomorrow.I’ve just called the airport to __________ it.

A.confirm         B.argue

C.organize      D.intend


2.In spite of these unexpected difficulties,but the Chinese scientists __________ to carry out their experiments on the lonely island.

A.threatened      B.managed

C.offered       D.hesitated

解析:选B。句意:虽然有意想不到的困难,但是中国科学家们还是设法完成了孤岛上的实验。manage to do sth.强调“设法成功做了某事”。

3.Seen from space,the earth looks like a blue ball,with __________ 75% of its surface covered with water.

A.entirely       B.exactly

C.slightly       D.approximately


4.The whole nation was __________ by the young generation’s excellent performances when the disaster happened.

A.remembered      B.forgotten

C.honoured      D.impressed


5.The city,__________ by mountains and lakes,is so beautiful that they have decided to stay there for another two days.

A.stood       B.connected

C.blocked       D.surrounded


6.To make the world a nice place to live in,we should take __________ to protect the environment.

A.ways       B.means

C.warnings      D.measures

解析:选D。考查短语搭配。take measures to do sth.意为“采取措施做某事”。

7.There was a hole in the door,through which I __________ sight of Mr.Brown sitting in a chair.

A.caught       B.made

C.took       D.got

解析:选A。考查短语搭配。catch sight of意为“看见,瞥见”。

8.—Will you give up the plan?

—No.No matter what the result is,I’ll still __________ to do it.

A.manage       B.try

C.allow       D.encourage


9.(2011年运城模拟)By __________,people in western countries can play jokes on others on April 1st.

A.system       B.history

C.habit       D.tradition

解析:选D。句意:按照传统风俗,西方人在4月1日可以开他人的玩笑。tradition传统。 system系统;history历史;habit习惯。

10.The doctor’s first reaction was a strange __________ of joy and anger.

A.mixture       B.collection

C.mass       D.number

解析:选A。句意:医生第一个反应是喜怒交集的奇怪心情。a mixture of joy and anger喜怒交集,表示复杂的心情。collection收集;mass块,大多数,质量;number数量。


1.She then organized more than 200 neighbors,________________(她们都是妇女) from nearby villages,to do the same. (them)


答案:all of them women

2.Thank you for your hard work last week.I don’t think we ________________(能完成这项工作)without you.(manage)

解析:考查情态动词。couldn’t/cannot have done意为“不可能做过某事”,此句为否定前移。

答案:could have managed it

3.She is always doing everything for her son,which is ________________(她错误所在).(go)

解析:考查状语从句。本题是where引导的状语从句,由短语go wrong可知答案。

答案:where she goes wrong

4.________________(尽管困难),the firefighters managed to rescue the little boy from the big fire.(as)


答案:Difficult as it was

5.It’ s the cheerfulness and lack of hesitation ______________(让孩子们铭记)that parents mean what they say.(impress)

解析:考查主谓一致和强调句型。“让孩子们铭记”可表达为impress upon the children;句子的主语是the cheerfulness and lack of hesitation,因此谓语用复数,根据强调结构可知答案。

答案:that impress upon the children

6.Not until the game had begun ________________(他才到达)at the sports ground.(arrive)

解析:考查倒装结构。not until位于句首时,从句要用部分倒装形式。

答案:did he arrive


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