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高二英语必修3同步练习:unit 4



英语的母语使用者数量位居世界第三,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高二英语必修3同步练习,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。

一、 单项选择:

1. The new story book is written in ______ easy English ______ beginners can understand.

A. such, that B. so, that C. such, as D. too, that

2. You can't imagine this lake used to be a beautiful place in our province _____.

A. at any time B. at one time C. in no time D. at times

3. Drinking too much _____ our health.

A. is harm to B. is harmful to C. does harmful to D. harm to

4. All the members of the company take it _____ to do night duty.

A. in turn B. by turn C. on the turn D. out of turn

5. We will do something to prevent the rivers _____.

A. pollute B. polluting C. pollution D. being polluted

6. The _____ expression on his face suggested that he _____ not able to work out the ____ problem.

A. puzzling, was, puzzling B. puzzled, be, puzzled C. puzzling, be, puzzled D. puzzled, was, puzzling

7. All the people ____ at the good news that our country has successfully launched a manned satellite.

A. cheered up B. cheered on C. lost heart D. lost their heart

8. _____ they have computers, it becomes easier for them to solve the problem.

A. Although B. For C. Now that D. When

9. Suddenly the war ____, and young men were called on to join the army.

A. broke out B. was broke out C. broken down D. broke up

10. The wings of the plane are _____ of its body.

A. twice more than the length B. more than twice the length

C. more twice the length than D. twice the length more than

二、 词组选择填空

1. John held Tom's hands to ___________ him ______________ hitting Billy.

2. Koala bears _____________________ the young and put them into the pocket of skin on their stomachs.

3. Women, ____________________ men, have the right to be paid based on the work they do.

4. It's a pity that he failed to pass the test _________________________ his carelessness.

5. the mark on your face will disappear _____________________.

6. ---should we pay a visit to Professor Wang this afternoon? ---It _______________ you.

7. What you are talking about is quite ____________________ what we are concerned about.

8. All the students went ________________________ to be examined by the doctor.

9. In case another world war ___________________, what will happen to human beings?

10. We will _____________________ at once immediately we think of going home.

三、 完成句子

1. 有人担心,洪水的结束将是另一场疾病的爆发。

It is feared ______________________________ the floods, another disease would ______________.

2. 为了使她高兴起来,他打算在星期天给她一个大惊喜。

In order to ______________________, he _______________ give her a big surprise on Sunday.

3. 经过实验,这种细胞已经变得有原来的三倍那么大了。

(1). After the experiment, the cell has become ___________________as ___________ as it used to be.

(2). After the experiment, the cell has become __________________________ it used to be.

(3). After the experiment, the cell has become ___________________________ what it used to be.

4. 如果你不注意,你会在这惹上麻烦的。

If you don't __________________, you may get ____________________ here.

5. 半夜发生了火灾,幸运的是很快就被不灭了。

A fire ___________________ at midnight, but ________________, it was soon put out.

6. 他为什么做这件事还不十分清楚。

__________________________________ wasn't quite clear.

7. 我们对于他所做的感到非常惊讶。

We are amazed ___________________________.

8. 火星上有没有人类还不确定。

_______ is uncertain ______________________________ on Mars.

9. 我想不明白的是为什么他老是上课迟到。

____________ I can't understand is _________ he is always ______________ class.

10. 既然你拿到了驾照,为什么不自己开车呢?

_____________ you have got your license, ______________ drive the car yourself?

四、 单句改错:

1. Children should not be allowed to watch violently films.

2. They lay the cups on the table and sat down.

3. We don't do anything that will be harmful for peace.

4. Don't worry - I'm sure things will get better on time.

5. Everything was perfect for the picnic as well the weather.

6. The school kept my mother from waiting at the school gate for an hour.

7. The room isn't enough big to hold so many people.

8. The box is five times as bigger as that one.

9. That surprised me most was that Mary spoke Chinese just like a native speaker.

10. They are so interesting books that I want to read them once more.


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