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高二必修五英语同步练习:Unit 2





1.I'll be sending them a donation in ________ (感激)of their help.

2.Take whatever ________ (措施)you consider best.

3.Spending has ________ (减少)slightly this year.

4.Each year Americans ________(消耗)a high percentage of the world's energy.

5.Telephone calls came ________(大量涌入)in from all over the country.

6.His lecture ________(变化)over a number of topics.

7.We had to ________(排队)up for an hour for the tickets.

8.Plants can ________(吸收)carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

9.I believe that this struggle is going to go on and it might well be decided in the next ________(十年).

10.After a long journey,we came to a forest ________(保护区).


1.The government has promised to take ________ to help the laid­off workers find new jobs.

A.stop        B.means

C.measurement  D.measures

2.Bill wasn't happy about the delay of the report by Jason,and ________.

A.I was neither  B.neither was I

C.I was either  D.either was I

3.This restaurant has become popular for its wide ______ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.

A.division  B.area

C.range  D.circle

4.(2013•孝感高二质检)Plants absorb sunlight in the daytime and at the same time ________ oxygen.

A.set off  B.let off

C.take off  D.turn off

5.The company's position ________ overtime is made clear in their contracts.

A.due to  B.with regard to

C.but for  D.in spite of

6.She has already tried her best.Please don't be too ________ about her job.

A.special  B.responsible

C.unusual  D.particular

7.It has been reported that exports of that company have decreased ________ 3%.

A.to  B.by

C.with  D.at

8.I'd appreciate ________ if you would turn the radio down.

A.that  B.it

C.this  D.you

9.They have several plans________to achieve our aim of keeping the river clean.

A.in the way  B.by the way

C.under way  D.in their way

10.(2012•南阳高二检测)There was an earthquake and,________,there were tidal waves.

A.in addition  B.in particular

C.in fact  D.in place

11.________ home last night,the news came that my mother was ill.

A.On my arrival  B.On arriving

C.While I got to  D.When I got

12.Opening the door,I found my father ________ in his chair,completely ________ a magazine.

A.seated;absorbing in  B.sitting;absorbed in

C.sat;absorbing to  D.seating;absorbed to

13.Although the number of the cars ________,a number of people who hold a strong sense of protecting nature ________ willing to go to work on foot.

A.has raised;is  B.have risen;are

C.has raised;are  D.has risen;are

14.The driver is required by law,no matter who he is,________ the seat belt while on the road.

A.wearing  B.worn

C.to wear  D.wear

15.(2013•北碚高二调研)________,let me express my great thanks to our teachers.

A.Not in the least  B.At the least

C.Last but not least  D.At least


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