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1.We have common ________(话题)to talk about.

2.Our hotel has a ________(全世界的)reputation for good service.

3.I invited her to dinner but she did not ________(回应).

4.It was a ________(宽恕;仁慈)that the whole family survived the earthquake.

5.She complained to the company about its awful service and they sent her a written ________(道歉).

6.I kept on struggling forward,even though I knew it was ________(无望的).

7.The President is ________(坚定的)to reforming health care.

8.After a short ________(停顿),they continued walking.

9.He was forced to make several ________(修改)to his speech.

10.The station was closed for two hours because of a ________(安全)alert.


1.I tried phoning her office,but I couldn't ________.

A.get along       B.get on

C.get to  D.get through

2.If he continues like this,he will ________ a stone only to have it drop on his own foot,just as the old saying goes.

A.end up to lift  B.end up lifting

C.end up in lifting  D.end up with lifting

3.(2013•九江高二质检)________ the weather,the press conference will still be held on time.

A.Instead of  B.In relation to

C.Regardless of  D.On behalf of

4.—Will you go to Mary's birthday party?

—No,________ invited,I can't go to it.I'll be too busy then.

A.if  B.unless

C.even though  D.when

5.You can't ________ him to do the job properly.He doesn't have any experience.

A.rely on  B.insist on

C.believe on  D.rely that

6.To our disappointment,the two sides reached no ________.

A.disagreement  B.agreement

C.conclusion  D.decision

7.Millions of people gave freely________the starving people's appeal.

A.in charge of  B.in case of

C.in response to  D.in favor of

8.During the earthquake,the great part of damage and loss of life was ________ the poor quality of the buildings,which couldn't fight against its force.

A.as for  B.instead of

C.according to  D.due to

9.The voyages of travellers before the 17thcentury show that they were not ________ the sea even though they didn't have modern navigational aids.

A.at the expense of   B.at the risk of

C.in the way of  D.at the mercy of

10.(2013•常熟高二检测)The flowers his friend gave him will die unless ________ every day.

A.watered  B.watering

C.water  D.to water

11.The government must be very ________ about setting policies and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.

A.particular  B.concerned

C.cautious  D.certain

12.People here have a more relaxed attitude________their work.

A.about  B.of

C.to  D.on

13.Many people ________ the film ________ on a book written by Jack London.

A.care for;basing  B.fond of;based

C.care about;basing  D.care for;based

14.Parents,of course,will do everything they could to ________ their children from harm.

A.defend  B.convince

C.overcome  D.reduce

15.I think a map is ________ to you when you are travelling in a new city.

A.of great help  B.great helpful

C.of the help  D.of not help



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