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Unit 2 The United Kingdom 同步练习

一、Listing (听)


The Palace of Westminster

The proper name for the Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster and, in fact, there has been a royal 1 on that site ever since the days of Edward the Confessor_H. The last king actually to live there was Henry VIII who 2 the Palace of Westminster after a bad fire in 1529. The Houses of Parliament are still a royal palace and were 3 by the Lord Great Chamberlain himself until 1965. There are records of a keeper of the palace since 1150, and he was paid 7d a day for the job from that day until 4 , when the position was abolished. And if you think that is funny, remember that 5 today all the M.P.s' cloakroom pegs have a little loop of red tape hanging from them --- to 6 their swords! The 7 part of the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Hall. Parts of this were built by William Rufus who succeeded William the Conqueror_H. But most of it was built by a 8 architect called Henry Yevele between 1394 and 1399. When William Rufus 9 built Westminster Hall it was called the New Hall to stop it being confused with the Old Hall built by Edward the Confessor. From that day to this the courtyard in front of it has been 10 as “New Palace Yard.”

1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______

6_______ 7_______ 8_______ 9_______ 10______


1. When does the bakery close?

A. At 6:15. B. At 7:05. C.At 6:30.

2. What does the woman mean? txjy

A. the school should have been built a long time ago.

B. It will be a good school.

C. It’s unnecessary to build a school.

3. Which of the following is true? txjy

A. Jack and Sue are going to New York for a meeting.

B. Jack and Sue have just got married.

C. Jack and Sue will stay in one of the best hotels for a month.

4. Where does the dialogue most probably take place? txjy

A. At a hotel. B. At home. C.At a furniture shop.

5. What’s the woman’s opinion about the dresses?

A. They are not good and the price is high.

B. They are good and the price is low.

C. They are good but the price is high.



6. Which is true of Vinnie Jones?

A. He used to be a soccer player for Wimbledon.

B. He is a famous British singer.

C. He is famous in America but not in Britain.

7. What do we learn about the woman?

A. She is interested in Vinnie Jones.

B. She doesn’t like the films starred by Vinnie Jones.

C. She knows more about Vinnie Jones.

听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。

8. What did the two speakers mainly talk about?

A. Their favourite directors.

B. A new film called ET.

C. Films directed by Spielberg.

9. What does the woman think of AI?

A. It’s moving.

B. It’s sad.

C. It’s dull.


10. What’s the man’s opinion of TV news shows?

A. They are worth watching.

B. It’s a waste of time watching them.

C. They don’t tell anything.

11. Which program does the man hate most?

A. Educational programs.

B. Police shows.

C. News shows.

12. How does the woman feel about the TV programs?

A. Only a few TV programs are good.

B. None of the TV programs are interesting.

C. Most TV programs are educational.


13. What does the monologue(独白) mainly tell us?

A. Players Club.

B. Professional actors.

C. “Little theatre” groups.

14. Which of the following is TRUE according to the monologue?

A. Anyone who is interested in acting can join the Players Club.

B. The people put on plays in the evening or weekends to earn extra money.

C. Tickets for the plays put on by the “little theatre” groups are free.

15. Why do the people act only in the evening or on weekends?

A. They must sleep during the day.

B. They have other work in the daytime.

C. No one comes to the theater during the day.


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