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57.TechnoServe provides the following for enterprisers except ________.

A.money   B.business training

C.development programs   D.workers

解析:选D。细节理解题。由第六段“Winners receive money to bring their business plans to reality.”可排除A;由第三段“She says much of that will support business training and development programs in Latin America,Africa,Asia and Eastern Europe.”可排除B、C;D项文章并没有提到。

58.Which of the following statements about TechnoServe is true?

A.It was named after Ed Bullard.

B.The TechnoServe channel has programs for teenagers.

C.It has held 15 business plan competitions already.

D.It gained about 45,000,000 dollars this year.

解析:选B。细节理解题。由第一段“The name comes from the idea of technology in the service of mankind.”可知A错误;第三段“She tells us the group has an estimated budget this year of about forty­five million dollars.”可知D错误;由第六段“TechnoServe has held nine national competitions in Central America since 2002.Five competitions have been held in Africa,including one in Tanzania last year.”可知C错误;由倒数第二段“Luba Vangelova says TechnoServe also supports programs for teenagers and young adults.”可知答案为B。

59.From this passage we can infer that ________.

A.Latin America,Africa,Asia and Eastern Europe are very poor

B.one can’t start a business without the help of TechnoServe

C.Charity Navigator thinks poorly of TechnoServe

D.TechnoServe makes great contributions to the world

解析:选D。推理判断题。由第二段“The group has helped create or improve more than two thousand businesses in about thirty countries.”以及第四段内容可以看出TechnoServe为世界做出了很大贡献。答案D。


Science Daily —World Wildlife Fund scientists have just announced the discovery of 11 new animal and plant species in a faraway area in central Vietnam.They say this proves the importance of conservation efforts in the ancient tropical forests of the region.

Within the ancient tropical forests of a region known as Vietnam’s “Green Corridor,”scientists found a snake,five orchids (兰花),and two butterflies as well as three other plants new to science and exclusive (独有的) to the Annamites Mountain Range.Ten other plant species,including four orchids,are still under examination but also appear to be new species.

“Discoveries of so many new species are rare and occur only in very special places like the Green Corridor,”said Dr.Chris Dickinson,WWF’s chief conservation scientist in the Green Corridor.“Several large mammal species were discovered in the 1990s in the same forests so these latest discoveries may be just the tip of the iceberg.”

The rainforests likely have existed as continuous undisturbed forest cover for thousands of years,and,as a result,offer unique habitats for many species,said WWF experts.

The new snake species,called the white­lipped keelback,prefers living by streams where it catches frogs and other small animals.It can reach 31 inches.

Three of the new orchid species are entirely leafless,which is unusual even among orchids,containing no chlorophyll (叶绿素) commonly found in plants.The other new plants include an aspidistra which produces a nearly black flower and a newly­discovered species of plant with beautiful yellow flowers.

The two new butterfly species are among eight discovered in the province since 1996.One is a skipper—a butterfly with quick,darting flight habits—from the genus Zela and the other is a new genus in the sub­family of Satyrinae.

60.According to what Dr.Chris Dickinson said,we can infer that ________.

A.it’s impossible for us to find new species in any other places

B.it’s a pity that they didn’t find new large mammal species

C.many more new species will probably be discovered in the region

D.the mountain is too large for all the new species to be discovered

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段Dr.Chris Dickinson说的话“Several large mammal species were discovered in the 1990s in the same forests so these latest discoveries may be just the tip of the iceberg.”(最近的发现可能只是冰山一角)可以推断出还有更多的新物种可能被发现。

61.What’s the main reason for so many new species being there?

A.The forest is located in the tropic zone.

B.The rainforests haven’t been disturbed for thousands of years.

C.The scientists’ hard work helps them live.

D.The forest is covered with all kinds of green plants.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第四段的“The rainforests likely have existed as continuous undisturbed forest cover for thousands of years,and,as a result,offer unique habitats for many species”可知,数千年来没有受到干扰的雨林为大量的物种提供了栖息地,这就是产生新物种的原因。

62.Three of the new orchid species are very special because ________.

A.they have no leaves at all

B.they can produce black flowers

C.they have chlorophyll

D.they don’t belong to any plants

解析:选A。细节理解题。参见倒数第二段的“Three of the new orchid species are entirely leafless,which is unusual even among orchids,containing no chlorophyll(叶绿素) commonly found in plants.”可知这种兰花特殊的原因是因为它们没有叶子。

63.What can we know from the text?

A.The central part of Vietnam is surrounded by mountains.

B.Dr.Chris Dickinson has been living in the region since the 1990s.

C.New orchid species are the most among all the new species discovered since the 1990s.

D.Scientists have been working to protect the Green Corridor in the past years.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句“They say this proves the importance of conservation efforts in the ancient tropical forests of the region.”和第三段的内容可以推知,科学家一直在设法保护这片森林。


Babies who use many gestures (手势) to communicate when they are 14 months old have much larger vocabularies when they start school than those who don’t,US researchers said.

They said babies with wealthier,better­educated parents will probably sign more.This may help explain why some children from low­income families perform less well in school.

“When children enter school,there is a large difference in their vocabularies,”said the University of Chicago’s Meredith Rowe,whose study appears in the journal Science.

Gestures could help explain the difference,Rowe told the American Association for the Advancement of Science yearly meeting in Chicago.

Vocabulary is an important predictor of school success.Earlier research showed that rich,educated parents tend to talk to their children more than poorer,less­educated ones.

“What we are doing here is asking:Does this social­economic situation relate to gestures?Can that explain some of the difference we see at school entry (进入)?”Rowe said.

The researchers filmed 50 Chicago­area children and parents from different economic backgrounds and counted the number of gestures,such as pointing at a picture.

The team found that 14­month­olds from high­income,well­educated families used gestures to express about 24 different meanings during 90 minutes.Children from lower­income families expressed 13 meanings.

When the same children entered school at age four and a half,those from higher­income families had better vocabulary scores on standardized tests.

“At 14 months,an age when there aren’t even social­economic differences in their talk yet,we see there are differences in their gestures,”Rowe said.

The videos found that parents from wealthier families gestured more with their children than the other parents.

Rowe said the findings suggest that gestures can at least partly explain vocabulary differences between the groups,and may prove useful as the basis for interventions (干预).

“Can we control how much parents and children gesture,and if so,will it increase their vocabulary?”Rowe asked.

【解题导语】 在孩子小时候用手势同其交流的多少会影响他上学时的词汇量。

64.When is the best time for the parents to communicate with their children using gestures?

A.When their children start school.

B.When their children are four years old.

C.When their children are fourteen months old.

D.When they become rich and well­educated.


65.The underlined word “difference” in Paragraph 4 refers to the difference in children’s ________.

A.performance   B.income

C.education   D.vocabularies


66.In the research,the researchers want to find ________.

A.whether the social­economic situation relates to gestures

B.how many meanings children can express using gestures

C.what kind of children perform the best at school

D.who can help the children from low­income families


67.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Parents should be the first teachers of their children.

B.Babies from different families speak differently.

C.Parents must teach themselves at first.

D.Babies who gesture develop bigger vocabularies.



Because of different instruments,materials and cultural backgrounds,Chinese paintings have their own image and content in comparison (比较) to other types of paintings like Western paintings.Unique appearance of Chinese painting owes much to the use of the Chinese writing brush and the Chinese paper.There are four essential (基本的) elements (元素) used in the creation of Chinese painting,the brush,ink,paper,and the ink stone.Without any of them the job can’t be done.

For Chinese painting,the special pedagogy,the close relationship with the painter’s personality and the unique Chinese philosophy are the most important.The painters are trained not only to convey the object but also the mood (情绪) and spirit of the subject.The Chinese believe that the painting is also the expression of the painter’s knowledge and temperament.In this way,Chinese painting becomes something much more than art.

The most essential philosophy of China is the unity of heaven,earth and human beings.What the Chinese painters are trying to express is not something that meets their eyes,but their attitude to the great nature.They have a profound love and admiration for nature.

In the same theme the Chinese painters may spend hours contemplating and drawing inspiration from the figures of nature.From the small or simple creatures that are chosen as subjects of art work,we can see how they enjoy the nature and their love devoted to the most humble things.

The Chinese painters find it unpleasant to contemplate and draw the human figure by itself.Human beings are part of the surroundings.They are all together.That is why Chinese paintings are simple in compassion and full of harmony (和谐),overall balance and peace with all of creation.They are interested in the mood and spirit.

68.What mainly contributes in the unique appearance of Chinese paintings?

A.The cultural backgrounds.

B.The special pedagogy.

C.The painting instruments.

D.The close relationship with nature.

解析:选C。细节理解题。关键句是第一段中的“Unique appearance of Chinese painting owes much to the use of the Chinese writing brush and the Chinese paper”,其中writing brush和paper属于绘画的工具,所以答案为C。

69.All of the following are important factors in Chinese painting EXCEPT ________.

A.the teaching methods

B.the Chinese philosophy

C.the personality of the painter

D.the mood and spirit of the subject

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句话“For Chinese painting,the special pedagogy,the close relationship with the painter’s personality and the unique Chinese philosophy are the most important.”可得知答案为D。

70.Why is Chinese painting conserved as something more than art?

A.It conveys the most essential philosophy of China.

B.It expresses the painter’s knowledge and temperament.

C.It encourages the painters to love and admire nature.

D.It is simple in composition but full of harmony and balance.

解析:选B。细节理解题。由第二段中的“The Chinese believe that the painting is also the expression of the painter’s knowledge and temperament.”可知,因为国画同时也表达了绘画者的知识和性情,所以它不仅仅是艺术。故答案为B。

71.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.the influence of Chinese painting

B.some basic information about Chinese painting

C.the relationship between Chinese painting and nature

D.the differences between Chinese painting and Western painting



Old Computers Make for Unhappy Workers­Survey LONDON (Reuters)—Dealing with the dissatisfaction of aging and unreliable office computers leads to workers’ unhappiness and more sick­leave,a survey(调查) showed on Wednesday.

A survey carried out by care4free.net of over 2,700 European office workers from the UK,France and Germany found that workplace dissatisfaction increased greatly with the age of computer equipment.

“We do know that job satisfaction is falling in Britain and in most advanced nations,”said Stephen White,a researcher from the Work Foundation.“The actual reasons for this are the subject of very heated discussion.It’s certainly one interesting theory that technology may be the cause of this in some way,”White added.A quarter of those using outdated computers in Britain said they were “quite”or “very dissatisfied” with their everyday job compared to 16 percent of those who had enjoyed an advantage from up­to­date technology.

The survey also said that among workers dealing with outdated equipment,there was a 35 percent greater probability they would take six or more days of sick­leave per year compared with the average worker.In France,where more workers use older computers,the probability jumped to 55 percent.

Results also showed that women in the three countries were more likely to be using outdated equipment.In the UK,where more workers have up­to­date computers than in the other countries surveyed,the number of women using old equipment doubled that of men.

White pointed out that there were two sides to this problem,saying that continually having to deal with new technology and new equipment can also be a source of worry.“Old and faulty equipment is a major cause of office dissatisfaction,there’s no question about it,but you also have to say that the frequent change of equipment is also,or could be,a main cause of dissatisfaction.”

72.The underlined word “this”(Paragraph 3) refers to ________.

A.workplace dissatisfaction

B.computer use in most jobs

C.the aging of office computers

D.the survey by care4free.net

73.How many office workers using old computers in Britain expressed their dissatisfaction?

A.16%.   B.25%.

C.35%.   D.55%.

74.According to White,why were the women surveyed more likely to use old computers?

A.Most office workers use old computers.

B.They do some of their work with computers.

C.Dealing with new equipment can cause anxiety.

D.They are easier to be satisfied with new technology.

75.What is the subject of this news story?

A.Poor working conditions in offices.

B.Research work of the Work Foundation.

C.Influence of technology in the workplace.

D.Different attitudes to old computers.


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Friday Mar.9,2011Cloudy

This morning,on my way to school,

I saw something lying by the roadside,

shining.To my s________,it was a gold 76.________

necklace.I quickly picked it ________  77.________

and looked around.No one seemed to be

looking for the lost necklace.Should I

hand it in to the ________(最近的)pol­ 78.________

ice station?But classes would begin in  a

________ minutes.I had no time to de­ 79.________

al with it.So,I decided to t________ it 80.________

with me to school for the time being.

Soon ________ I got to school,classes 81.________

began.After class,I handed in the neck­

lace to the headmaster,________(告诉)  82.________

him the story.He spoke h________ 83.________

of my honesty.When school was over,I

heard our school radio station broadcast

the school ________(新闻) that 84.________

________(表扬) me for doing a good 85.________

deed.Mom and Dad were overjoyed to

hear my story.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

9月15日是你校的读书日。这一天,高一(1)班的5名学生把全班同学前一天筹集到的书籍送往偏远的乡村育才小学,该班班长Wang Feng还在那里做了一场“知识就是力量”的演讲。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则词数120左右的新闻报道。





Sending Books to a Remote Primary School






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