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35.A new ________bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.

A.normal   B.usual

C.regular   D.common


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


“Sign this paper if you don’t like Ms Strom,”the note said.My classmates’ eyes were all on __36__.I knew what the right __37__ was,but the negative feelings toward her,__38__ my classmates’ insisting stares made my debate more difficult.

I __39__ why my friends disliked her.She was very strict.I thought,“If I sign it,my friends will be pleased,but if I don’t,...I would not want to see Strom’s face __40__ she realized what the note said.”

My friends began to get __41__,wanting me to sign the paper and __42__ it along,but I didn’t know what to do.All I could concentrate on was whether or not to sign the paper.I quickly __43__ my mind—I would not sign.I passed it to another person and attempted to __44__ my attention to Ms Strom.

Soon Ms Strom noticed what was __45__.She put the paper into her pocket.

The day was over at last.I couldn’t __46__ to get home.As I was leaving,Ms Strom called my name.My __47__ started to race as I walked to her.

“Yes?”I asked as __48__ as I could.She handed a(n) __49__ to me and said“Thank you.”I stood there blankly (茫然地),not knowing what to do.

I opened it:

Dear Amy,

Thank you for not signing the paper.It truly shows your __50__.It must have __51__ much courage to choose not to sign it.It means a great deal to me.

Thank you.

I was shocked that Ms Strom appreciated me not signing the paper __52__ to write a thank­you note.I knew how much it meant to her.I will never __53__ this because of the great impact it had on my life.I hope I will continue to make __54__ like this that build people __55__ instead of tearing them down.

36.A.us   B.them

C.me   D.her


37.A.answer   B.decision

C.result   D.conclusion


38.A.in spite of   B.such as

C.because of   D.as well as

解析:选D。这里是说对老师的否定情绪以及同学们一直盯着我看使我的决定做起来很困难。as well as意为“除……外”。

39.A.wondered   B.guessed

C.understood   D.imagined

解析:选C。根据“She was very strict.”可知我了解为什么我的朋友们不喜欢她。

40.A.when   B.until

C.even if   D.so that

解析:选A。when在此处引导一个时间状语从句。作者不愿看到当Ms Strom知道纸条内容时而受到伤害的样子。

41.A.anxious   B.happy

C.sad   D.angry


42.A.send   B.carry

C.take   D.passwww.

解析:选D。根据“I passed it to another person...”可知纸条是在教室里传递的。

43.A.gave up   B.made up

C.put up   D.took up

解析:选B。make up one’s mind意为“做出决定”。

44.A.bring   B.leave

C.return   D.give

解析:选C。根据前文“All I could concentrate on was whether or not to sign the paper.”可知作者因考虑是否签名的问题而分散了听课的注意力,因此此时作者努力使自己的注意力重新回到听Ms Strom讲课上。

45.A.appearing   B.happening

C.coming   D.doing

解析:选B。这里是说Ms Strom很快发现了正在发生的事情。

46.A.plan   B.expect

C.manage   D.wait

解析:选D。can’t wait to do something意为“急切想做某事”。此句与上句中的“at last”相联系。

47.A.heart   B.feet

C.legs   D.thoughts

解析:选D。can’t wait to do something意为“急切想做某事”。此句与上句中的“at last”相联系。

48.A.kindly   B.calmly

C.happily   D.loudly


49.A.book   B.bag

C.envelope   D.dictionary

解析:选C。根据下文“I opened it”以及下边内容可知,Ms Strom递给作者的是一个信封。

50.A.advantage   B.ability

C.character   D.difference


51.A.called   B.shown

C.put   D.taken

解析:选D。动词take可表示“需要”。又如:Such a long wait takes patience.

52.A.enough   B.much

C.well   D.most

解析:选A。此处enough为程度副词,修饰动词appreciate(感谢),后搭配不定式作结果状语。注意enough修饰appreciate,thank一类动词的用法。又如:I can’t thank you enough.

53.A.do   B.forget

C.face   D.refuse


54.A.choices   B.friendship

C.changes   D.advance


55.A.well   B.forward

C.straight   D.up


第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Starting a business is never easy.But an organization like TechnoServe can make it easy.A businessman in the American state of Connecticut,Ed Bullard,launched this non­profit group forty years ago.The name comes from the idea of technology in the service of mankind.

TechnoServe looks for business solutions to rural poverty.As it says on its website,“social change has a business plan.”The group has helped create or improve more than two thousand businesses in about thirty countries.

Luba Vangelova works for TechnoServe in Washington D.C.She tells us the group has an estimated budget this year of about forty­five million dollars.She says much of that will support business training and development programs in Latin America,Africa,Asia and Eastern Europe.

In parts of Central America,for example,TechnoServe is helping coffee producers become competitive in new and growing markets.In rural India the group is assisting farmers with crop production.And in Mozambique,TechnoServe is helping develop the travel and tourism industry.

One way it identifies promising enterprisers is through a business plan competition called Believe Begin Become.This is a program that provides technical training and expert advice.

Winners receive money to bring their business plans to reality.TechnoServe has held nine national competitions in Central America since 2002.Five competitions have been held in Africa,including one in Tanzania last year.

SPEAKER:“B.B.B.has been a breakthrough for me.Finally I am going to own my own business.And I am going to employ people.”

A TechnoServe channel on YouTube describes Believe Begin Become and some of the winning business plans.Luba Vangelova says TechnoServe also supports programs for teenagers and young adults.

Charity Navigator,an independent group that rates (估价) American charities,has given TechnoServe its highest rating.

56.From the passage we know that TechnoServe is ________.

A.a charity that helps get rid of poverty

B.a company that offers business plans

C.an organization that changes the world

D.a group that develops high technologies

解析:选A。细节理解题。由第一段“Ed Bullard launched this non­profit group forty years ago.”可知TechnoServe其实是一个非营利性质的慈善团体。


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