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M:Can you give me some medicine?It’s very painful.

W:No,all you need is a good rest.Come back in five days and do remember not to take any exercise.OK?

M:Got it.Thanks!

(Text 7)

M:Hey,Joan!I haven’t seen you for ages.What have you been doing recently?

W:Nothing exciting.I’ve been working two jobs for the last six months.

M:How come?

W:I’m saving up money for a trip to Europe.

M:Well,I’ve only been spending money.I left my job to go to a university.I’m studying biology.

W:Really?How long have you been doing that?

M:For two years.I nearly run out of money.Luckily,I’ll finish next month and hope to find a job.

W:Don’t worry.You will get more chances to earn money after you leave school.

(Text 8)

W:Well,please tell me about your working experience.

M:I haven’t been kept in touch with international business,so I don’t have any experience,but I am intelligent and I learn very fast.

W:OK,so do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?

M:Yes,in most cases.

W:Are you available for business travel?

M:Yes,I am young,and unmarried.It’s no problem for me to travel.

W:OK.You are good.Hope to see you next time.I’ll call you if you get picked for the next test.

M:Thank you very much.I’m looking forward to your call.

(Text 9)

M:Hello,my name is Howard.

W:Nice to meet you,Howard.I’m Mary.

M:Are you enjoying this party?

W:Yes.How about you?

M:Well,not really.To tell you the truth,I’d rather be reading.

W:Oh?Do you like reading?

M:Oh,yes.I enjoy reading very much.How about you?

W:I like reading,too.In fact,reading is my favorite way to relax.

M:Me,too.Tell me,what do you like reading?

W:I like reading books about famous people.How about you?

M:I enjoy reading short stories.

W:Well,please excuse me.I have to go now for somebody is saying my name.Nice meeting you,Howard.

M:Nice meeting you,too.

(Text 10)

Okay,everyone.I want to review the first two days of our travel plan for the trip.Please take out the paper that I handed out earlier.Uh,let’s see.Okay,our plane leaves at 9 ∶00 a.m.and arrives in New York at 3∶00 p.m.,and we’ll take a bus from the airport to the hotel.

In the morning,we’ll leave the hotel at 8∶00 a.m..We’ll take a boat to the first sight spot—Ellis Island and then to Liberty Island to visit the Statue of Liberty.And later,we’ll go to Times Square where you can have lunch on your own from 1 p.m.to 2 p.m..

Later in the afternoon,you have the choice of visiting the Empire State Building or the Metropolitan Museum of Art.Uh,we’ll meet back at the hotel at 6∶00 p.m.,and we’ll have dinner at a very nice American restaurant.And then we’ll catch an exciting Broadway musical comedy around 8∶30 p.m.Uh,any questions?

答案:1~5ABCBB 6~10CBABA

11~15AABBC 16~20ABCCC

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.My father earns around¥500 every month,which can hardly ________the basic needs of our family.

A.support         B.cover

C.present   D.arrange


22.The British are not familiar with different cultures and other ways of things, ________ is often the case in other countries.

A.what   B.as

C.so   D.that


23.No hurry at all. The train will come in an hour;________,we can have lunch.

A.though   B.meanwhile

C.however   D.while


24.________ your letter, I would have written back two days ago.

A.Had I received

B.Should I receive

C.If I receivedw

D.If I could have received

解析:选A。根据主语中would have written 可知是对过去的虚拟假设,从句省略了if且把had 提前完整的句子应该是If I had received your letter...。句意为:如果我早一点收到你的来信的话,我两天前就给你写回信了。

25.Much ________ with his son’s performances at school, Mr.Green decided to take him to Beijing for a holiday.

A.delighting   B.to delight

C.being delighted   D.delighted

解析:选D。格林先生对儿子在学校的表现非常满意,他决定带儿子去北京度假。be delighted with sth.“对某事很满意”,是固定搭配。

26.Don’t play computer games any longer;you must ________ what is important for your future development.

A.depend on   B.concentrate on

C.base on   D.take on

解析:选D。不要再玩电脑游戏了。你必须全神贯注于对你未来发展重要的事情。concentrate on“全神贯注于”,符合题意。depend on“依靠;依赖”;base...on“以……为基础”;take on“呈现(新面貌);承担”。

27.If you look on it as an opportunity to ________ fresh skills, you won’t find the job tiring.

A.submit   B.admit

C.acquire   D.achieve


28.At the conference, the Chairman demanded that people present ________ every effort to protect the polar bear against dying out.

A.made   B.would make

C.to make   D.make


29.—Shall we go out for dinner tonight?


A.You are right   B.It must be funny

C.That sounds great   D.Have a nice time

解析:选C。You are right你是对的;It must be funny那肯定很有趣;That sounds great好极了;Have a nice time祝玩得高兴。句意:——今晚我们出去吃饭好吗?——好极了。故选C。

30.You throw away food for some reason. ________, children are suffering from starvation all over the world.

A.Meanwhile   B.Besides

C.Therefore   D.Otherwise


31.—What do you think of David?

—Very good. He always keeps his promise. You can quite ________ him.

A.take up   B.depend on

C.get along   D.watch out

解析:选B。“你觉得大卫怎么样?”“很好。他总是遵守自己的诺言。你完全可以信赖他。”depend on“依靠;依赖”,符合题意。take up“占据;从事”;get along“与……相处;进展”;watch out“当心;小心”。

32.—Have you ________ your proposal to the conference?

—Yes. It draws a lot of representatives’ attention.

A.admitted   B.assessed

C.submitted   D.handled


33.A survey done recently shows that not all parents ________ their children taking part in the weekend classes.

A.escape   B.lead to

C.imagine   D.approve of

解析:选D。approve of意为“支持;赞同”,句意为:最近的一项调查表明并非所有的父母都赞成孩子参加周末补习班。而escape意为“逃脱;避开”;lead to意为“导致;通向”;imagine意为“想象”。

34.In my opinion,the ________boy really has ________for oil painting.

A.gifted;gift   B.gift;gift

C.gifting;a gift   D.gifted;a gift

解析:选D。 gifted是形容词,意为“有天赋的”,have a gift for是固定短语,意为“有……方面的才能”。


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