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高二英语第四单元测试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.What does Mr.Brown mean?

A.He refuses the woman’s asking.

B.He wants the woman’s paper right now.

C.He wants the woman’s paper next week.

2.What can we know from the conversation?

A.Laura wants to buy a car.

B.Laura is repairing her car.

C.Laura will learn to drive.

3.What does Jack dislike?

A.Reading.   B.Fishing.   C.Cooking.

4.Why is the man going to the States?

A.He is going sightseeing in the States.

B.He is sent to work for an exhibition in the States.

C.His company is holding an exhibition in the States.

5.What is the man doing?

A.Taking advice.

B.Making a suggestion.

C.Asking for permission.




6.How often does Mr.Green have backache?



C.This is the first time.

7.When did Mr.Green’s back start to be ache?

A.About three days ago.

B.About four days ago.

C.About five days ago.

8.What does the doctor tell Mr.Green to do?

A.Stay in bed for two days.

B.Take medicine regularly.

C.Take some exercise.


9.What has Joan been doing recently?

A.Looking for a job.

B.Working two jobs.

C.Traveling to Europe.

10.What is the man working on?

A.He is studying biology at university.

B.He is making money for his studies.

C.He is preparing for a biology exam.

11.What will the man most probably do in a month?

A.Look for a job.

B.Go back home.

C.Go for further education.


12.What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Interviewer and interviewee.

B.Shopkeeper and customer.

C.Employer and employee.

13.What do we know about the man?

A.He likes traveling.

B.His English is not bad.

C.He is old but unmarried.

14.What does the woman think of the man?

A.He is bad.

B.He is good.

C.He is just so­so.


15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a park.   B.In the street.  C.At a party.

16.Which is the best way for Mary to relax?

A.To do some reading.

B.To join some parties.

C.To talk with friends.

17.What book does Howard like reading?

A.Science fiction.

B.The books with short stories.

C.The books about famous people.


18.How will the group get to the hotel from the airport?

A.They will take taxis.

B.They will take the subway.

C.They will go by bus.

19.What is the group planning to do from 1 p.m.to 2 p.m.?

A.They’ll have time to do some shopping.

B.They’ll be having a tour of the area.

C.They are going to have lunch.

20.What are they going to do after dinner?

A.Attend a Broadway concert.

B.Catch an exciting sitcom.

C.Watch a musical comedy.


(Text 1)

W:Mr.Brown,can I put off my final paper until next week?

M:I’m afraid you can’t.

(Text 2)

M:Laura,will you drive?

W:I’m not sure.I’m working on the car.If it is in good repair,I will.

(Text 3)

W:Jack,do you have any hobbies besides reading?

M:Fishing.In fact,I have lots of hobbies except for cooking.

(Text 4)

W:What is the purpose of your visit to the States?

M:I’m going on business.My company is taking part in a computer exhibition in the States.

(Text 5)

W:I’m free today.Can you think of something to do?

M:Well...How about taking a ride in the country?

W:Mmm.Good idea.We haven’t taken one for ages.

(Text 6)

W:Hello,Mr.Green.What’s the matter?

M:Hello,doctor.I’ve got a backache.

W:Come in and sit down,please.Let me see.Er,do you often have backache?

M:No,I don’t.I’ve never had backache before.

W:Then when did it start?

M:About four days ago.

W:Well,go home and rest in bed for two days.You’ll feel better then.


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