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威廉希尔app 为大家提供“高二英语同步练习:高二英语第一单元同步练习及答案”一文,供大家参考使用:



Part A:

I. 单词拼写。

1. He is lying and there is no t________ in what he says.

2. If you walked lightly, your f________ will not be heard.

3. Her hands were r________ with hard work.

4. The little girl held her mother’s hand f________.

5. When Mary heard that he had been fired, her smile was f________.

6. I spent some time _______ (观察) their customs.

7. Napoleon reached Moscow to find the city________ (荒芜的) and in ruins.

8. He’s devoted his whole life to the protection of the ________ (稀) animals.

9. I delivered the message to him ________ ().

10. The leaves ________ (轻拂) my cheek as I ran through the wood.

II. 选词填空。

1. glance at/ stare at/ glare at

① He ________ the book and couldn’t understand what he was reading.

② He ________ the naughty children.

③ I ________ my watch and was surprised to see that it was nearly midnight.

2. still/ silent/ calm/ quiet

① I asked him a question but he said nothing he was ________.

② There was no wind and the trees were ________.

③ Be ________!I want to listen to the music.

④ We crossed easily because the sea was very ________.

3. hit/strike/beat/knock

① The stone ________ him on the head.

② She almost ________ me down before she saw me.

③ The clock has just ________ ten.

④ The rain was ________ against the window.

4. pay back, pay for, pay off, pay out

① It’s high time he ________ you _______the money he owes you.

② I’ll ________ my debt with this check.

③ How much did you ________ the recorder?

④ They ________ $ 550 that month.

5. add... to.../add up to/ add up/ add to

① I don’t want to ________ your troubles.

② His whole school education ________ no more than one year.

③ If you ________ 5 ________ 5, you will get ten.

④ Now try and ________ these figures.

III. 下列句子。

1. 我中午通常只吃点心。

Usually I only have a snack _______ _______.

2. 出去一会儿。

I’ll have to ________ ________ for a while.

3. 不知你能否给我出个主意。

I ________ ________ you’d give me some advice.

4. 下村子离这儿十公里,一小时走不了远。

The next village is ten kilometers away, and we can’t walk ________ ________ in an hour.

5. 在白天其余的里,他复习功课。

For ________ ________ ________ the day, he reviewed his lessons.

6. 下去!最后胜利在望了。

Keep it up! Final victory is _______ _______.

7. 动身乘车前往火车站。

They ________ ________ by car and made for the station.

8. 到达时,会议已结束了。

________ ________ ________ we arrived the meeting had been over.

9. 那紧张地挺着身子,吓得睁大了眼睛。

The girl sat up, her eyes wide _______ _______.

10. 当她醒来时,躺在一所医院里了。

When she woke up, she ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

11. 他伸手去取书架上的书。

He ________ ________ his hand ________ the book on the shelf.

12. 她把头肩膀上。

She ________ her head ________ his shoulder.

13. 过马路时当心车辆!

________ ________ ________ cars when you cross the road.

14. 这三个孩子爱在儿玩。

The three children enjoy playing with _______________.

15. 三个身强力壮的男子才把他给按住了。

It took three strong men to ________ him________.


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