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为了帮助学生们更好地学习高二英语,威廉希尔app 精心为大家搜集整理了“高二英语同步练习:高二3月月考英语审核同步测试”,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!





第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

1.What does the woman mean?

A . She won't lend the book to the man. B.She will finish the book very soon..

C.The man needs to wait a longer time.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. In a company.

3.Who dislikes living in big cities?

A. The woman's husband. B. The woman's children. C. The woman's parents.

4. What can we learn from the conversation?

A.There are too many cars in the nearby parking lot.

B.The man lives three blocks away.

C.He parked his car in a wrong place.

5.What does the man tell the woman to do?

A.To eat more food. B.To lose her weight. C.To take more exercise.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


6.Which of the following made the man uncomfortable at Tom's home?

A.That he was not used to the food.

B.That he was asked about his weight. C.That he was asked about his age.

7.What do we know about the woman?

A.She knows much about the man's culture. B.She knows little about the man's culture.

C.She has been to the man's country.


8.What was the woman's husband doing when the man called last night?A.He was typing. B.He was watching TV.

C.He was cooking.

9.Why did the man call the woman last night?A.To ask what she was doing. B. To tell her a piece of good news.

C. To ask something about their company.


10.What are the speakers talking about?A. The man's company. B.A job interview. C.The customer service.

11.Why can't the man be a manager in the company?

A.Because he is a foreigner.

B.Because his English is not good.

C.Because he doesn't like it.

12.What do we know about the man?

A..He decides to give up the job offer. B.He has set up his own company

C.He had three-year experience in business management.


13.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a zoo. B.In a school. C.In a park.

14.What does the man see at first?A.Pandas. B.Lions. C.Tigers.

15.Why do people feed the lions at night?

A.They want to train the lions how to find food in darkness.

B.There're no visitors at night. C.They're too lazy to eat during the day.

16.How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the conversation?

A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven.


17.Who is the speaker?

A. He may be a conductor.

B. He may be a travel guide.

C.He may be a teacher.

18.What can't you see in Buckingham Palace when it is open to the public?

A.Famous paintings. B.The queen's jewelry. C.The queen.

19.How long is the palace open to the public when the queen is away from London?

A.Three weeks. B.Three months. C.Eight weeks.

20.From which of the following can we know that the queen is in Buckingham Palace?

A.When the national flag is flying on it. B.When her royal flag is flying on it.

C.When her guards are standing nearby.



( ) 21. Many _____ scientist wants to be ____ second Newton.

A. a, the B. a, a C. , a D. , the

( 22. Such ___ the case, I couldn't help but ___ him.

A .is, to support. B. being, support. C. has been, supporting. D. be supported.

( ) 23. Nobody wants to___________ especially in public.

A. make fun of B. be made fun of C. making fun of D. made fun of

( ) 24. - Mr President , do you plan to educate your two daughters to be officials?

- To tell you the truth , 1 hope they can do whatever__________ their interests.

A. fits B. matches C. suits D. needs

( ) 25. --- Who is making the mess in the room?

---- ______ the naughty boys.

A. There are B. That is C. They are D. It is

( ) 26. They desired that they_______ the right to vote

A. had B. have C. are D. were

( ) 27. ----- Do you work in the lab every afternoon?

------ No, but sometimes I wish I _____.

A. had time to do B. have time to C. have time to do D. had time to

( ) 28. When we climbed up to the top of the mountain, we were all ___________.

A. out of the breath B. short of the breath C. out of breath D. short of breaths

( ) 29. I was very________ to find that the cinema was not accessible to the elderly or people in wheelchairs.

A. annoyed B. annoying C. annoy D. annoyance

( )30. Once or twice he has had difficulty making decision on his own, but_____________ he is an independent man

.A. in all B. in word C. all in all D. word in word

( )31. I'm sorry to tell you that I________ on the play ground.

A. forget your books B. forgot your books behind

C. have left your books alone D. left your books behind

( )32. I wondered what difficulty he had _________ the plan.

A. to carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. with carrying out

( )33. _______ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about Firefighting.

A.Having searched B. To search C. Searching D. Search

( )34.I'd also like to _____ you on your good work in these two years.

A. congratulate B. celebrate C. wish D. hope

( )35. Though he had tried to climb to the top of the mountain several times, he didn't__.

A. get it B. make it C. arrive it D. do it


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