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高二人教版英语必修三单元练习题:unit2Healthy eating





1. That’s ______ lots of people in China have ______ white teeth.

A. what, healthy  B. how, health

C. why, healthy  D. that, healthy

2. They didn’t come to the meeting ______ the heavy rain.

A. because  B. with  C. because of  D. only

3. In some parts of that area, ______died of that illness.

A. one child in ten  B. one out ten children

C. ten of one child  D. one ten children

4. Our school is considering buying ______computers.

A. two others  B. two other  C. others two  D. two more

5. Let s go swimming,______?

A. will you  B. don’t we  C. do we   D. shall we

6.I have been to Shanhai _____times.

A. many a   B. scores of   C. score of  D. much

7. “Coffee _____tea? ” “Coffee_____ sugar, thank you.”

A. or, but  B. or, and   C. and, and  D. and, but

8.He advised us ______their factory.

A. to visit  B. visiting  C. should visit   D. visited

9.This is _____he is unhappy today.

A. because  B. why   C. because of  D. for

10.It’s about _____walk from here to my home.

A.two hour’s  B. two hours  C. two hours’  D. two hour

11. My brother _____the army two months ago.

A.has joined  B. has been in  C. joined  D. had joined

12. Cars pollute the air______ waste gas.

A. in the way of  B. in the from of

C. at the time of   D. at the end of

13. I don't want to eat because I'm ______ hungry.

A. not a bit  B. not a little  C. a little  D. a bit

14. Our bedroom ______ 8 metres across.

A. is measured   B. is measured in

C. measures  D. measures in

15. Mary was punished by the headmaster. That was _____the school rules.

A. why  B. because of   C. the reason why   D. because

16. It is said that carelessness ______ the great forest fire.

A. brought in   B. broke out  C. made into  D. caused

17.This kind of plant ______ lots of vitamine.

A. includes   B. holds   C. contains  D. takes

18. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of ______.

A. energy  B. force  C. power  D. material

19. This area is rich _____ coal and oil and it is worth exploiting.

A. for  B. in   C.to   D. on

20. It's not a good idea to eat much sugar because it can make you _______ weight quickly.

A. put up  B. put out  C. put into  D. put on

Keys:1.C  2.C  3.A   4.D  5.D 6.B  7.A  8.A  9.B  10.C  11.C 12.B  13A  14.C  15.D  16.D  17.C  18.B  19.B  20.D


The Chinese diet is the healthy in the world.  1.________

It contained lots of fruit and green vegetables.  2.________

It's high at fibre and low in sugar and fat.  3.________

But the western diet contains too many fat and   4.________

sugar in form of creams, cakes and so on. Because of 5.________

this, all of which can put on weight very easily  6._________

As result, scores of people died of heart illness.  7._________

Some suffer from bad teeth and some other illnesses.  8._________

So the doctors suggest us that we should not eat 9. __________

too much fat and sugar. We'd better eat us 10._____healthy food.

l. healthy→healthiest     2. contained→contains       3. at→in     4, many→much5. the form    6. which→them     7. As a     8. √    9.to us     10. us→our


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