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根据以英语作为母语的人数计算,英语可能是世界上第三大语言,但它是世界上最广泛的第二语言。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高二英语上学期期末考试题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


说明:1. 以下题目的答案全部做在答卷纸上。

2. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分.考试时间为120分钟,满分为130分.

第I卷(选择题  共90分)



21. - It is __________ disappointment to see Tom quit his game in the 29th school sports meeting!

- Yes, it’s a pity. He was in _______ poor health.

A. / ; a      B. a; /     c. the ; /       d. / ; the

22. His smooth spoken English has given her certain advantages ________ others _______ job hunting.

A. over; in       B. to; for      C. of; in         D. on; at

23. John as well as the other children who _________ no parents _________ good care of in the village.

A. have; is being taken   B. have; has taken    C. has; is taken     D. has; have been taken

24.The police always take advantage of dog’s __________ sense of smell to search for something.

A. sharp          B. sensitive         C. sensible          D. smart

25.The computer system ________ suddenly while he was searching for information on the


A. broke up      B. broke into         C. broke out          D. broke down

26. What do you think of the suggestion _________ we organize a football team in our grade?

A. which          B. whether         C. that                 D. what

27. With a lot of difficulties _________, they went to the seashore and had a good rest.

A. settled         B. settling           C. to settle          D. being settled

28. My brother _______ for Beijing on business in three days, I wonder when the earliest plane ________ on Sunday.

A. is leaving; is taking off                               B. is leaving; takes off

C. leaves; takes off                                     D. leaves; is taking off

29. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _________ get out.

A. had to         B. would           C. could           D. was able to

30. He speaks French so well indeed, but of course not ____________ a native speaker.

A. as fluent as     B. more fluent than      C. so fluently as     D. much fluently than

31. It is not until he returned to his hometown _________ the great changes that had happened.

A. did he find      B. that did he find     C. that he found    D. found he that

32. Hospital doctors don’t go out very often as their work_________ almost all their time.

A. takes away       B. takes in          C. takes over          D. takes up

33. Shengsi is such a beautiful island that ___________________.

a. it is worth visiting.                        b. it is worthy of being visited

c. it deserves visiting                        d. it deserves to be visited

A. a b            B. a b c           C. a c          D. a b c d

34. Niagara Falls is a great tourist _____________, drawing millions of visitors from all over the world every year.

A. interest           B. view             C. scene             D. attraction

35. People tend to think that children’s IQ is _________ determines how well they are going to do in their future life.

A. what            B. that                C. which           D. where

36. We are _________ by doctors to eat more vegetables and take plenty of physical exercises.

A. suggested        B. warned        C. informed           D. advised

37. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ___________ was very reasonable.

A. which price      B. its price       C. the price of whose        D. the price of which

38. — Is there anything else I can do for you, Jack?

— No, thanks. I really appreciate ______ when you lent all your notes to me before the exam.

A. one           B. this           C. it              D. that

39. Mr. Smith is in charge of the project ___________ next month.

A. is carried out      B. to carry out      C. to be carried out       D. will be carried out

40. —Peter,you get dead drunk again!

—________? It’s none of your business.

A. So what        B. Why not         C. How come           D. What for


I hadn’t really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet I found myself packing rather hurriedly. I knew in 41 that this trip was going to be unpleasant.

I’m talking about my annual “Guilt Trip”. I got tickets to fly there on “Wish-I-Had” airlines. I 42 my baggage all the way, which was weighted down with a thousand43 of “what might have been”. No one greeted me at the “Regret City” International Airport.

As I 44 into the Last Resort Hotel, I noticed they would be 45 the year’s most important event, the annual “Pity Party”. I wasn’t going to miss that great 46 occasion.

Many leading citizens went there. First, there was the ‘Should-Have-Done” family. 47 came the “I-Wish” family. Of course, the “Opportunities” family, “Missed and Lost”, surely made an 48. They each had a sad story to share. “It’s-Their-Fault” treated us with stories about 49 things had failed in his life, and each story was applauded by “Don’t-Blame-Me” and “I-Couldn’t-Help-It”.

To make a long 50 short, I became very depressed at the party 51.

But as I thought about all the stories of failures 52 from the past, it occurred to me that all of this trip and the “Pity Party” could have been cancelled by ME!

I truly realized that I didn’t have to be there to be 53. One thing kept going through my mind----I can’t change yesterday, but I 54 have the power to make today a wonderful day. Knowing this, I left “Regret City” immediately. Am I sorry for 55 I’ve made in past? Yes! But there is no way to undo them.

So, if you’re planning a trip to “Regret City”, please cancel all your reservations now. 56, take a trip to a place called “Starting Again”, which I like so much that I’ve made it my 57 residence(住处). My neighbors, the “I-Forgive-Myself” and the “New-Starts” are very helpful.

By the way, you don’t have to carry 58 heavy baggage, because the load is lifted from your shoulders 59 arrival. Surely you’ll find this great town----it’s in your own heart. Look me up if you’re ready for a (n) 60 change in your life. I live on “I-Can-Do-It” Street.

41. A. person B. time C. advance D. secret

42. A. grasped B. held C. lifted D. dragged

43. A. inspirations B. descriptions C. memories D. souvenirs

44. A. checked B. prepared C. reserved D. stayed

45. A. creating       B. hosting C. introducing  D. participating

46. A. political B. social C. historical   D. cultural

47. A. There B. Thus C. Finally D. Then

48. A. achievement B. appearance C. appointment   D. assistant

49. A. where B. whether C. how D. which

50. A. story B. event C. comedy D. tragedy

51. A. after all B. in public C. ever since D. as usual

52.A. brought back                 B. put up             C. kept on        D. carried on

53. A. motivated B. depressed C. refreshed D. impressed

54. A. could B. might C. did D. do

55. A. attempts B. preparations C. mistakes D. efforts

56. A. Instead B. Inspite  C. Therefore D. However

57. A. independent B. past C. permanent D. personal

58. A. away B. off C. out D. around

59. A. beyond B. upon C. under D. above

60. A. total  B. brief C. convenient D. available


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