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英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二英语上册期末考试试题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。






第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30分)


第一节 : (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


(  )  1.  What's the man's problem ?

A. He is tired.         B. He is sick.          C. He is busy.

(  )  2.  What is the woman going to do ?

A. To mail an invitation to her sister.

B. To invite the Smiths to the party.

C. To invite her friends to the party.

(  )  3.  What's the man now ?

A. An engineer.        B. A teacher.          C. An official.

(  )  4.  How will the man send the machines?

A. By ship            B. By plane           C. By truck.

(  )  5   What does the woman mean ?

A. Dr. Lemon is waiting for a patient.

B. Dr. Lemon is busy at the moment.

C. Dr. Lemon has lost his patience.

第二节 : (共15小题; 每小题1.5,满分22.5分)


听第6段材料, 回答第6至7题。

(  )  6.  What does the man ask Ann to do ?

A. Go to the party.       B. Go to China.        C. Go to the cinema.

(  )  7.  When will the man have a party ?

A. On Wednesday.       B. On his birthday.      C. On the weekend.

听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。

(  )  8.  What did the woman do over the weekend ?

A.She went fishing.      B. She went climbing.    C. She went shopping.

(  )  9.  Why did the man have a good time ?

A. He enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and bought several fish.

B. He visited an old friend of his and ate several fish.

C. He caught several fish, among which there is a big one.

听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。

(  )  10.  What school is the girl studying in most probably ?

A. A senior high school.    B. A junior high school.    C. A college.

(  )  11.  What does the girl want to be in the future ?

A. A doctor.              B. A reporter.            C. A teacher.

(  )  12.  What has a great effect on the girl's choice of her career ?

A. Her family.            B. Her hometown.        C. Her teacher.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

(  )  13.  Where does this dialogue probably take place ?

A. In the car.             B. In the street.           C. At the airport.

(  )  14.  What's the weather like in Boston now ?

A. It's very cold.    B. It's very warm.  C. It's neither too cold nor too warm.

(  )  15.  What will they do after they arrive at the man's house ?

A. They will have lunch.

B. They will go swimming.

C. They will get down to business immediately.

(  )  16.  Who lives in California ?

A. Ms. Li.               B. Professor Walker.       C. Nobody.

听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。

(  )  17.  Why is the woman in Heilongjiang ?

A. On business.       B. To attend a conference.    C. To buy some clothes.

(  )  18.  How long is she staying in Heilongjiang ?

A. The whole winter.    B. For three weeks.        C. For two weeks.

(  )  19.  What was her biggest problem while preparing for the trip ?

A. Getting used to the weather.

B. Getting the right kind of clothes.

C. Buying warm clothes.

(  )  20.  Why was her friend Lin Ying a great help?

A.She is particular about clothes.

B. She's been to the northeastern provinces.

C. She's good clothes seller.

第二部分:语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节:  单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this month.

A.the other       B. some       C. another        D. other

22. _____ of being left by himself in the house, the boy follows his mother everywhere.

A.Frightened     B. To be frightened   C. To be frightening. D. Frighten

23. It will be a long time ____ we finally solve the problem of pollution.

A.before         B.since         C. when        D. Until

24. Japanese people ____ live much longer than Europeans.

A. on average    B. in turn        C. in some ways  D. in other words

25. Everybody was touched ____ words after they heard of her moving story.

A. of            B.without       C. beyond       D. in

26. The girl felt excited when she was ____ to Harvard University.

A.accepted        B.admitted       C.entering       D. attending

27. If the cat makes a mess one more time, Jane ____ give it away.

A. will           B. would         C. is going to    D. were going to

28. I looked under ____ bed, but didn't find the book I lost ; Instead, I found ____ magazine.

A. the ; the        B. the ;  a       C. / ; the        D. a ; the

29. I ____ in London for many years, but I've never regretted my decision to move back to China.

A. have lived       B. had lived     C. was living     D. lived

30. In the reading room, we found her seated at a desk, her attention ____ on a novel.

A, fixing         B. to fix        C.fixed         D.having fixed

31. Don't respond to any e-mails ____personal information, no matter how official they look.

A. searching       B. requesting       C.asking            D. questioning

32. ---Would you like to go to the movies with me on Saturday?

---____, but I promised to visit my grandparents.

A. I can't           B. I'd like to       C.I don't             D. I will

33. ---Do you think him naughty enough?

---I'm afraid he's ____than naughty.

A. more clever     B. clever           C.  much  clever    D. cleverer

34. Since Helen has never traveled alone, she is ____ about the journey on her own.

A. sensitive         B. cheerful        C. reliable           D. anxious

35. ---I don't suppose the police know who did it.

---Well, surprisingly they do.A man has been arrested and ____ now.

A. has been questioned B. is being questioned C. is questioning    D. has questioned

第二节: 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Sneaker is a kind of shoe worn by many people all over the world. Some say that the word “sneaker” is another word for tennis shoe,   36   no one really knows where the word came

from.   37   say it came from the old English verb “sneak”, which   38   to move silently and quickly. The only thing we are   39   is that when you put on a pair of sneakers, you   40   light-hearted, light-footed and ready to play.

Sneakers of some kind are used by   41   who play tennis, basketball, and other sports. New design has been made   42   for people who run slowly. But perhaps sneakers are   43   used by children in the United States. In fact American children of   44   ages would much rather play in sneakers than anything else, except perhaps   45   at all.

New York City once held a poetry contest (诗歌比赛) for children. The subject was only “sneaker”. Thousands of children sent in their   46   and praised the sneakers they love. One prize winner called   47   poem “The Sneaker and the World Peace”. “When everyone is wearing sneakers,” she said, “it will be impossible to   48  .”

American school children can be seen every day   49   sneakers of all colors. They put them on in the morning and take them off   50  . Sneakers are   51   washed. In fact the older and dirtier they are, the   52   lovable they are. When their sneakers wear out (穿破), children hate to throw them off. How do you explain the closeness between   53  ? Perhaps another young   54   in the New York Poetry Contest said it best. “A shoe is just a shoe,” he said. “But a sneaker is a   55  .”

36.A. however        B. but      C. or           D. and

37.A. All            B. Some    C. People       D. The others

38.A. appears        B. remains   C. means       D. wants

39.A. excited about    B. sure of   C. surprised at    D. pleased with

40.A. think          B. feel     C. consider       D. suggest

41.A. men           B. women   C. those         D. these

42.A. lovely         B. specially   C. lively        D. cheaply

43.A. only          B. greatly    C. hardly       D. finally

44.A. all            B. some      C. little        D. old

45.A. some shoes     B. no shoes   C. no children   D. some sneakers

46.A. photos        B. compositions C. poems       D. drawings

47.A. her           B. his        C. its           D. their

48.A. explain        B. guide      C. hate         D. love

49.A. dressing       B. wearing    C. putting on    D. having

50.A. the next day    B. at noon     C. at bedtime    D. in the evening

51.A. forever        B. always     C. seldom        D. sometimes

52.A. much         B. many       C. most         D. more

53.A. sneakers and other shoes    B. boys and girls  C. children and sneakers                                                   D. winners and sneakers

54.A. girl          B. man       C. woman         D. winner

55.A. sneaker       B. friend     C. poem           D. shoe


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