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高二英语单元综合评估测试:Unit 5 Canada—The True North




一.单项选择 (15小题15分)

1.—Is it OK if I have another piece of cake?

—Of course, _______.

A. I do. B. help yourself C. no problem D. come on

2.After the couple arrived in Shanghai, they went _____ a tour of the city.

A. on B. to C. in D. with

3.A little boy has been _______ infected with bird flu..

A. realized B.committed C. confirmed D. convinced

4.You made ___ same mistake for ___ second time, dropping ___ “u” in the word “genuine”.

A.a, the, an B the, a, an C. a, a, an D. the, a, a

5.The girl made a strong _______ on us with his good manners.

A. expression B. description C.imagination D. impression

6. With so many noises from the busy traffic in the street, I couldn’t ______ and do my research work.

A. put down B. settle down

C. cut down D. set down

7. ----Why do you look so upset?

---- There are so many troublesome problems _______.

A. remaining to settle

B. remained settled

C. remaining to be settled

D. remained to be settled

8. —We’re afraid we can’t finish the task _______ a month.

—Take your time, but next month you’ll have a new one.

A.for B. among C. after D. within

9. ________allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.

A. Rather than B. Other than

C. Less than D. More than

10. It was not until ________ that _________ to prepare his lessons.

A. did is father come in; the boy began B. his father came in; the boy began

C. did his father come in; did the boy began D. his father came in; did the boy begin

11. —You seemed to be very surprised at the news that he won.

—Not exactly. It was his courage _________ his skill _______ really struck me.

A. as well as; that B. other than; that

C. rather than; which D. and; which

12.Everyone at the meeting agreed to the suggestion___a new bridge__ built across the river.

A. that; be B. which; would be

C. as; should be D. that; have been

13. Do you have any idea _______ is actually going on in the classroom?

A. that B. what C. as D. which

14. There is much chance ________ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.

A. that B. which C. until D. if

15. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class ______ he had to meet his uncle at the airport.

A. why B. that

C. where D. because

二.完型填空 (20小题20分)


Mexico,the largest nation in the region,is a good example of life in Middle America. Large country as Mexico is, 1 3percent of its land is good for farming. 2 40 percent is good grassland. The rest of the land is hills and mountains,3 plateaus(高原),or wet coastal areas.

The mountains are too 4 to farm. The high plateau in the middle of Mexico would be good farmland if it had more 5 . The coastal areas receive so much 6 that the land

7 becomes waterlogged(浸满水的). For all of these 8 ,Mexicans must 9 the good farmland they have. 10 good farming has not always been 11 in Mexico. For many

12,Mexican farmers had 13 traditional crops. These 14 corn,beans,and squash(南瓜). 15 ,when the Spanish arrived in the 1500’s,they tried to 16 new ideas. They thought new 17 such as onions,turnips,sugarcane,and bananas would 18 well in warm tropical(热带的) 19 . But the Mexicans wished to continue with their old 20 .

1.A.only B.for

C.even D.with

2.A.Other B.Another

C.The other D.All

3.A.dry B.beautiful

C.far-away D.cool


C.high B.hot D.good

5.A.farmers B.hills

C.water D.cattle

6.A.rain B.wind

C.fog D.sunshine

7.A.often B.soon

C.probably D.slowly

8.A.things B.ideas

C.reasons D.matters

9. A.pay attention to B.take care of

C.be satisfied with D.be proud of

10.A.So B.Yet

C.Because D.Obviously

11.A.difficult B.wonderful

C.disappointed D.possible

12.A.days B.age


B.grown C.dynasties 13.A.used

C.seen D.missed


C.had B.belonged to D.included

15.A.At last B.Naturally

C.However D.Otherwise

16. A.introduce


17.A.plants B.replace D.give up B.vegetable


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