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第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节  (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)

1.What does the man mean?

A. This place has been polluted.

B. People here live unhappily.

C. The factories are in danger.

2. What did Mary do just now?

A. She studied at school.         B. She talked with her brother.       C. She visited her brother.

3. What does the man think of shopping online?

A. All goods are guaranteed.      B. It’s convenient to pay.            C. It’s a waste of time.

4. What makes Barbara worried?

A. The route to the party.         B. The time of the party.            C. The way to go home.

5. Why does Peter feel unhappy?

A. He quarreled with Jack.        B. He couldn’t surf the Internet.     C. Jack refused to help him.

第二节  (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)


6.What is Mary busy with?

A. Preparing for exams.        B. Practising swimming.         C. Losing weight.

7. Where is Tom going probably?

A. To the gym.                B. To the classroom.            C. To the dining hall.


8. What does the woman ask the man to do for her?

A. Write a poem.              B. Translate a poem.            C. Translate a story.

9. What do we know about the painting?

A. The painter is an American.    B. It was bought in the street.     C. There is the painter’s name on it.


10. When will Mr. Jackson come back to work?

A. Next Monday.               B. Next Tuesday.               C. Next Wednesday.

11. How will Mr. Chen go to New York?

A. By train.                     B. By plane                  C. By car .

12. What will the woman probably do?

A. Email Mr. Jackson.            B. Meet Mr. Chen.            C. Inform the hotel.


13. Where did the man find the driftwood?

A. In the sea.                    B. On the beach.              C. On the island.

14. What is the driftwood like?

A. It’s smooth.                  B. It’s long.                   C. It’s small.

15. What did scientists use to find out where ocean water goes?

A. Some wood.                 B. Some maps.                C. A lot of bottles.

16. What did the scientists do after entering the data into a computer?

A. Make a model.              B. Make a map.                C. Make a sculpture.


17. What percentage of drivers and passengers wear seat belts?

A. 50%                        B. 40%                      C. 15%

18. What is the purpose of the study in the US?

A. To find out what kind of people wear seat belts.

B. To find out why people don’t wear seat belts.

C. To find out when people wear seat belts.

19. What can we learn about people who wear seat belts?

A. They have a good education.

B. They never have accidents.

C. They are non-smokers.

20. In which country is there a law requiring use of safety belts?

A. The USA.             B. Australia.            C. Canada.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节  单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)


21. Nowadays many Chinese people are living ______ happy life, of which more and more foreigners have ______ better understanding.

A. a; a   B. a; /   C. /; a          D. /; /

22. This restaurant is superior in service ______ the one we went to last week.

A. in       B. to       C. than          D. of

23. — Excuse me, where is the nearest bookstore?

— Walk along the street and turn left. It’s ______ next to the post office.

A. ever    B. even    C. very         D. right

24. They dare not play a joke on him ______ he becomes angry.

A. in case    B. so that    C. now that      D. even though

25. She had no choice but ______ him. She could not let him ruin her whole life.

A. leave      B. leaving     C. to leave      D. to leaving

26. He is such a(n) ______ man that no one can persuade him to change his mind.

A. superb       B. unbearable   C. stubborn      D. straightforward

27. The company is doing well now so its manager plans to open up several ______ in other cities.

A. organizations   B. branches     C. versions       D. departments

28. Since she left, he’s ______ himself in his work and made great progress.

A. buried    B. obeyed    C. reflected       D. instructed

29. Luckily, I had just finished my work ______ the light went off.

A. while      B. when   C. since         D. after

30. Without my teachers’ help, I ______ such great progress.

A. wouldn’t have made   B. wouldn’t make

C. hadn’t made    D. haven’t made

31. Though Lucy is a lovely girl, she ______ be extremely difficult to work with sometimes.

A. must         B. should       C. may         D. can

32. Mr. Lee has been busy with his work these days and rarely ___ to come over to have a chat with me.

A. he has time      B. does he have time

C. he hasn’t have time    D. does he not have time

33. All things ______, she thought it wise not to apply for that job.

A. to consider     B. to be consider

C. having considered   D. considered

34. I raised my voice so that the students ______ at the back of the classroom could hear me.

A. seating    B. seated   C. to seat       D. being seated

35. — Do you feel like teaching the children how to dance?

— Of course. ______.

A. That’s right up my street       B. That’s a piece of cake

C. That’s not my cup of tea       D. That’s not the apple of my eye

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题l. 5分,满分30分)


Some memories always stay with us and never fail to bring us warm feelings.

My husband Jerry had just finished cleaning and walked into the kitchen. He said, “All I have left to do is to   36   my thermos (热水瓶).” Then he did so. With a smile on his face, he spoke   37  , “Every time I fill this, I think of your   38  .”

“Honey, I bet she’s   39   us right now with a big smile.” Tears filled my eyes as I   40  .

“You know, I think of her whenever I fill my thermos and I always   41  , too.” My husband whispered, for mother’s recent   42   was still a fresh wound for both of us.

Years ago we traveled to spend several days with my parents. We were   43   in the morning as we were about to leave. My mother walked into the   44   as Jerry was about to fill his thermos. Nobody   45   it, but she said, “Jerry, if you fill that with hot water, you will have   46   coffee to drink during your   47  .” The look on her face is unforgettable. Jerry poured a cup of coffee and sat down to   48   a few more minutes with mother.

49   from a mother-in-law made a memory that will never be   50  . When hearing these words, he didn’t   51   they would forever ring in his ears, or that they would bring a smile to his face time and time again.   52  , mother would never have dreamt that her words would become a valuable and lasting   53   in the heart of her son-in-law.

Lasting memories don’t necessarily come from a(n)   54   moment in life, but simply   55   in an unexpected moment.


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