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人教版高二英语必修3单元测试题:unit 4




Ⅰ. 单项填空

1. (2008年高考湖北卷)The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly ________.

A. atmosphere B. state

C. situation D. phenomenon


2. -How long are you staying?

-I don't know. ________.

A. That's OK       B. Never mind

C. It depends D. It doesn't matter

解析:选C。从所提供的情景"你要呆多久?""我不知道。"表明对方不确定他要呆多久,只能"看情况而定"。That's OK. 意为"行,好吧"。Never mind. 和It doesn't matter. 意为"不要紧,没关系。"

3. Their mother ________dinner at the kitchen when a quarrel ________among the children.

A. was preparing;was broken out

B. prepared;was broken out

C. was preparing;broke out

D. prepared;broke out

解析:选C。短语break out为不及物动词短语,不用被动语态,可先排除A、B两项。根据语境第一处用过去进行时态。句意:妈妈正在厨房做饭这时孩子们争吵起来了。

4. This kind of social phenomenon could exist only for a few months,and it will disappear ________.

A. in no time B. on the time

C. at a time D. at one time

解析:选A。考查介词短语。in no time相当于soon,"不久;很快"的意思。

5. The car burns more fuel,but ________all things into consideration,it's still a good car.

A. taken B. having taken

C. taking D. to take

解析:选C。本题考查非谓语动词的用法。根据固定搭配take. . . into consideration"把......考虑在内",此处用v. -ing形式作状语,表示条件。

6. Press the button when the light goes on-you will soon ________it.

A. watch out for B. get the hang of

C. get rid of D. get away with

解析:选B。句意:当灯亮的时候,按这个按钮,你一会儿就会学会的。get the hang of"掌握";watch out for"留意;小心";get rid of"去掉;除掉";get away with"做某事不受惩罚"。故选B。

7. The harm the modern farming methods have done ________the countryside is considerable.

A. on B. to

C. at D. for

解析:选B。do harm to sb. /sth. 为固定短语,意为"对......有害",且"the modern farming. . . countryside"为定语从句修饰harm。故选B。

8. He didn't make ________clear when and where the meeting would be held.

A. this B. that

C. it D. these

解析:选C。it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的"when and where"从句。

9. You'd better take something to read when you go to see the doctor ________you have to wait.

A. even if B. as if

C. in case D. in order that

解析:选C。in case 连词词组,"以防;万一",后可跟句子,作副词时,可放在句末。

10. While in university,we were offered a number of afterschool activities to ________our social skills.

A. create B. grow

C. develop D. settle


Ⅱ. 完形填空

(2009年日照二模)I was on my lunch break in the city,enjoying a salad at an outdoor cafe, when a shabby homeless lady came walking towards me. She was yelling and__1__ everyone who walked past her for spare__2__and she looked like a mess. My__3__reaction was fear. . . to close off and hope she didn't come near me, but she did. I was on the phone and when she__4__yelling, I said,"I'm on the phone,"in the nicest way I could, assuring myself what she needed was a lesson in__5__. She walked away, mumbling(自言自语),"I'm __6__ you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll leave. "And she turned the corner.

__7__,I would feel relieved or satisfied, but something in me couldn't __8__. Without another thought, I looked in my__9__for the spare change I had. Even I started searching through my entire purse, the pockets, everything-for all of the change I could__10__ find to give.

I got up and walked towards this lady and gave her all I __11__. She held my hand and said, "Thank you!"Her hand was__12__and dirty,but I didn't mind__13__her hand. I wanted to be there for her for some reason,when normally I would__14__the other way. She looked at me and said,"Will you touch my face?"And for some reason, I did. I put my hand on her cheek and she started to __15__. I could __16__it was as if she had not been touched by a loving,soft hand in ages,__17__,and so I held it there, trying to__18__ her with my heart open. It was powerful.

She thanked me and walked away quietly. And I walked away with an open heart, trying to__19__ sense of what had just happened. It changed something in me and has made me want to be a __20__ person to the people I meet during my day.

【解题导语】 现代社会人们看不起穷人,总是尽量避开他们。本文作者通过自己的亲身经历告诉我们,穷人也有自尊,也希望被人尊重。

1. A. greeting          B. praising

C. applying D. begging

解析:选D。从上句"a shabby homeless lady came walking towards me"可知,她在向路过的人讨钱。D. 乞求。A. 打招呼;B. 表扬;C. 申请。

2. A. change B. room

C. clothes D. food

解析:选A。从第二段第二句". . . for the spare change I had"可知,她在向路人乞讨钱。

3. A. usual B. instant

C. last D. general

解析:选B。从前文可知,她看上去很邋遢,可知"我"当即的反应就是害怕。A. 往常的;B. 当即的;C. 最后的;D. 总的。故选B。

4. A. came across B. came out

C. came over D. came through

解析:选C。从上句". . . hope she didn't come near me, but she did. "可知"我"在打电话她正喊着朝这边(came over)走来。

5. A. attitude B. trouble

C. practice D. manners

解析:选D。"我"在打电话,她还叫着向我讨钱,说明"我"想给她在礼貌上(manners)上一课。A. 态度;B. 麻烦;C. 惯例,练习。只有manners符合语境。

6. A. calling B. hurting

C. annoying D. abusing

解析:选C。从下文"I'm sorry,I'm sorry. I'll leave"可知,她说:"我打搅(annoying)你了"。

7. A. Fortunately B. Normally

C. Luckily D. Unfortunately


8. A. rest B. appear

C. enjoy D. exist

解析:选A。根据but可知"我"内心的某些想法使"我"久久不能平静(rest)。B. 出现;C. 喜欢;D. 存在。

9. A. car B. table

C. wallet D. seat

解析:选C。从下文"I started searching through my entire purse,. . . "可知"我"没有考虑就到钱包(wallet)里找零钱。

10. A. necessarily B. possibly

C. deliberately D. certainly

解析:选B。"我"把身上能找到的(possibly)所有零钱都给了她。A. 必要地;C. 故意地;D. 当然。

11. A. earned B. searched

C. found D. made


12. A. soft B. rough

C. large D. neat

解析:选B。从上文"She held my hand. . . "可知"我"可以感到她的手是粗糙的(rough),从下文dirty也可以得到暗示。

13. A. washing B. waving

C. wiping D. holding

解析:选D。but 表示转折,可知"我"并不介意她握住(holding)"我"的手。A. 洗;B. 挥手;C. 擦手。

14. A. lead B. set

C. turn D. show


15. A. cry B. laugh

C. yell D. shout

解析:选A。从前文"Will you touch my face?. . . I did. "可知老人是哭了(cry),因为在此之前人们看到像她这样的人就避开,而"我"却满足了她的要求。

16. A. expect B. sense

C. know D. learn

解析:选B。"我"能感觉到(sense)她好像是很长时间没有被人关爱了。A. 期望;C. 知道;D. 学会。

17. A. if necessary B. if any

C. if so D. if ever

解析:选D。从上文可知她简直很少被关注。if necessary表示如果必要的话;if ever表示如果这样的话。

18. A. persuade B. comfort

C. entertain D. amuse

解析:选B。"我"握住她的手,想要安慰(comfort)她。persuade 说服;entertain 娱乐;amuse 取悦。

19. A. take B. get

C. catch D. make

解析:选D。"我"带着放松的心情走了,尽力地理解刚才发生的事情。make sense of 理解,明白。

20. A. kinder B. richer

C. wiser D. happier


Ⅲ. 阅读理解


Last weekend,Emma Zeiger,10, rode her bike ten miles in the pouring rain at the first annual NewtonNeedham PanMassachusetts Challenge(PMC)Kids Ride. Nothing, not even bad weather, could stop her from making a difference.

This June, Emma and thousands of other kids across the Northeast participated in nearly 30 PMC Kids Rides. PMC Kids Rides raise money for the DanaFarber Cancer Institute through the Jimmy Fund. Created ten years ago by Ryan Wilkinson,17, and his sister Hattie, 15, the rides are a more kidfriendly version of the annual PanMassachusetts Challenge.

The Wilkinson family first got the idea to create a PMC Kids Ride in 1998 when Ryan, then 7, wanted to ride in the PanMassachusetts Challenge.

Ryan and Hattie's grandmother had been diagnosed with a brain tumor(肿瘤). "We were experiencing cancer for the first time,"Ryan said, "So that was on my mind when I said I wanted to ride. "Unfortunately, PMC participants have to be at least 15 years old to ride. Ryan was only seven. So, the Wilkinson family decided to start a children's version of the PMC.

In just a couple of weeks, the Wilkinsons organized the Wildwood Challenge, the very first PanMassachusetts Challenge Kids Ride. Thirteen kids rode around a neighborhood block 25 times. They raised $1,600 for cancer research. On June 21, Ryan and Hattie will celebrate the eleventh annual Wildwood PMC Kids Ride.

Since 1998, PMC Kids Rides have grown significantly. Every year, more and more kids participate. To raise money, kids do extra chores, babysit,host car washes, and send out letters asking for donations. "Every penny counts,"Hattie Wilkinson explains. "All of the money goes to a good cause. It's really great to be able to ride for people with cancer and to represent them and raise money for them. "Since 1998, the PanMassachusetts Kids Rides have raised more than $1 million for cancer research and treatment.

【解题导语】 孩子们用自己的行动来帮助那些患有癌症的人。

1. Why did Emma ride her bike ten miles in the pouring rain?

A. She did that for her grandmother.

B. She did that for the sake of her health.

C. She did that for people with cancer.

D. She was asked to do so by her parents.

解析:选C。细节理解题。由第一段的Nothing. . . could stop her from making a difference 以及第二段的PMC Kids Rides raise money for the DanaFarber Cancer Institute可知,Emma 在大雨中骑自行车是为了帮助那些患有癌症的人。


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