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英语是世界上最被广泛使用的第二语言,威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了上学期高二年级英语学科期中考试试题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。



第一部分 听力(共计20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)


第一节(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分 5分)

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题. 每段对话仅读一遍。

1. Who is coming for tea?

A. Mark.                 B. John.                   C. Mary.

2. What can poor people do to get expensive education in America?

A. Get a scholarship.  B. Get help from the rich.     C. Ask parents for money.

3. Which apartment does the woman want to rent?

A. A one-bedroom apartment.

B. A two-bedroom apartment.

C. A three-bedroom apartment.

4. What does Mr. Green need?

A. A teacher.              B. A doctor.                C. A. babysitter

5. Who is Jerry’s sister with now?

A. Jerry.               B. Her mother.        C. Her classmates.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



6. Who is Angela trying to make a cake for?

A. Her father.               B. Her mother.             C. Her teacher.

7. What is the relationship between the boy and Angela?

A. Cousins.                B. Close friends.             C. Brother and sister.


8. When did the woman begin to work in the Longfield Restaurant?

A. In 2003.                B. In 2005.                C. In 2007.

9. Who is the man?

A. The head waiter in the restaurant.

B. The manager in the restaurant.

C. The boss of the restaurant.

10. What is not Miss Smith’s job in the restaurant?

A. Showing seats           B. Taking orders           C. Taking the bills.


11. What is the woman’s magazine going to introduce next month?

A. The man’s magazine      B. The man’ s book.        C. The man’s business.

12. How long will the interview be?

A. A day                  B. Two hours             C. About 90 minutes.

13. Where will they meet?

A. In the man’s office.       B. In the woman’s office.    C. In a café.


14. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife.        B. Friends.               C. Strangers.

15. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.           B. In the woman’s home.    C. In the man’s home.

16. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Have some soup.          B. Have more rice.        C. Bring his wife next time.


17. What is the speaker looking for?

A. A newly-built house.       B. A suitable house.       C. A cheap house.

18. Why didn’t the speaker take the house?

A. Because the house was in bad condition.

B. Because the price was too high.

C. Because the position was not good.

19. What is the back door like?

A. Old.                   B. Broken.               C. Without a lock.

20. What will the speaker do next?

A. Buy the house.          B. Look for another house.  C. Repair this house.

第二部分 单项选择(共计15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

21. ______ climber gets to the top first will get a £5,000 prize.

A. No matter when       B. Whichever       C. Whenever       D. No matter which

22. Tour guides for groups of over ten must be booked ______.

A. in particular            B. in advance        C. in addition         D. in defense

23. We shouldn't complain about being poor,because many families are much____    after the big earthquake.

A. better off            B. badly off        C. well off          D. worse off

24. I think he is ______ to win, but I’m not sure.

A. possible             B. likely          C. probable          D. certain

25. The little boy began to come ______ when it came to computer games.

A. to live              B. to life           C. into power        D. into being

26. It is said that the famous film star is to ______ a new film.

A. star                B. be starred   .    C. star in            D. starring in

27. There was a ______ look on his face when he met with the ______ problem.

A. confusing; confusing                         B. confused; confused

C. confusing; confused                          D. confused; confusing

28. People ______ are kind, honest and willing to help, but he is not a man of this kind ______, in my opinion.

A. on the whole; in general                    B. in general; after all

C. on the whole; at all                          D. in general; on the whole

29. Every means ______ prevent the water from ______.

A. are used to; polluting                                B. will be used to; polluting

C. is used to; polluted                                    D. is used to; being polluted

30. If you wave your book in front of your face, you can feel the air ___ against your face.

A. moved         B. moving      C. moves       D. to move

31. Tom will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role ____ in making the earth a better place to live.

A. to have played      B. to play       C. to be played      D. to be play in

32. I won’t say that  he is dishonest, even though I might ______ him of it.

A. suspect            B. supply           C. inspire           D. stare

33. We hope your suggestion will ______ solving the problem.

A. contribute to       B. relate to           C. attend to         D. stick to

34. In my opinion, the view Jennifer ______ the other day is well worth discussing.

A. put forward         B. put out            C. put on           D. put offx kb 1

35. The boy ______ on the ground ______ that one of his hens ______ two eggs yesterday.

A. lay, laid; lied                     B. lying; lied; laid

C. laying; lied; laid                   D. lying; laid; lain


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