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1. Where are the speakers?

A. At a museum.              B. At a party.          C. At a concert.

2. What time will the meeting start?

A. At 11:00.                  B. At 10:00.           C. At 10:30.

3. Where is the diamond necklace?

A. Round the woman’s neck.     B. In a case.          C. In the man’s hand.

4. What has the woman offered to do?

A. Look for the man’s lunch box.  B. Get the man a coffee. C. Treat the man to lunch.

5. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Salesgirl and customer.       B. Sister and brother.    C. Driver and passenger.




6. Who is Steven?

A. The woman’s husband.       B. Mrs White’s son.     C. The woman’s uncle.

7. When did Steven hurt himself?

A. Last week.                 B. This week.          C. A month ago.

8. What part of the body did Steven hurt?

A. His leg.                   B. His heart.           C. His hand.


9. Why couldn’t the boy speak at first?

A. Because something was wrong with him.

B. Because he wouldn’t talk with strangers.

C. Because he was too hungry to speak.

10. Where is the boy from?

A. He’s from San Francisco.     B. He’s from Florida.    C. He’s from New York.

11. What was the boy going to do?

A. He was going to find some food.            B. He was going to visit his grandpa.

C. He was going to clean the plate.


12. Why is Stella unhappy?

A. She cannot sleep all whole nights.         B. She had a quarrel with her neighbor.

C.  She was misunderstood by her friend.

13. Who is Mr Philips?

A. Stella’s friend.            B. Stella’s husband.     C. Stella’s neighbor.

14.  Who made the woman not sleep well?

A. The milkman.            B. Mr Philips.          C. Mr Bill.


15. In the man’s opinion, what are usually broadcast on the radio nowadays?

A. Music, talk show and news.   B. Talk show only.       C. Talk show and news.

16. What is some talk show hosts’ attitude towards the listeners who are against their ideas?

A. Very patient.              B. Unfriendly at all.       C. Very polite.

17. When does the woman usually listen to the radio?

A. While working at home.     B. While driving in a car.   C. Before going to sleep.


18. When is the Father’s Day?

A. The third Sunday in May.    B. The third Sunday in June.  C. The last Sunday in June.

19. What kind of greeting cards do the fathers usually like to receive on Father’s Day?

A. Sentimental(伤感的).       B. Funny.                C. Thankful.

20. Why was the first Father’s Day held?

A. Harry Meek celebrated his own birthday.

B. Bruce John Dodd showed his respect to his father.

C. Unknown.




21. Are you ________ that you have never seen him before?

A. cautious         B. optimistic         C. positive          D. delighted

22. The balance of nature is _____ at times, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

A. confused      B. troubled   C. disturbed    D. harmed

23. The man, ______ of an attempted robbery, insisted that he was innocent and be set free.

A. charged         B. blamed            C. ashamed       D. accused

24. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first_________.

A. intention      B. attempt     C. purpose      D. desire

25. All the others seem to know each other and I began to feel ________.

A. given away       B. left out        C. turned down       D. fallen behind

26. The reason for our failure was the _______ of enough time and money.

A. lack        B. limit            C. use           D. demand

27. I have searched ________ for the book but couldn’t find it.

A. accurately        B. technically       C. thoroughly        D. firmly

28. We all went to Jiuzhaigou during the summer holidays ____ Zhang Lin who was not herself at that time.

A. in addition to      B. besides          C. including        D. apart from

29. It’s very dangerous to be ________ to the virus without any protection.

A. explored          B. uncovered       C. affected            D. exposed

30. Due to the widespread _______ of this medical technology, more disease can be discovered and treated at an early stage.

A. presentation       B. application       C. qualification        D. appreciation



When I was in middle school, I was one of the smaller players on the basketball team. In our first game of the season, we were   31   to face a good team, all of whom were tall guys. Naturally, at my   32  , it would have been easy to be   33   by our competitors.

On game day, my basketball coach called me over to him. He was a strong and tough coach, and in his   34   rough manner said, “Joel, you’re not that   35  , but let me tell you that size doesn’t matter. Don’t be afraid. What   36   is right down in here.” He pointed his finger at his   37   as he continued, “Joel, you’ve got a big heart, and you’re to   38   it this year.”

When I heard the coach’s   39   , I stood taller than usual! I thought to myself: The coach believes in me! My confidence   40   and I played better that year than I’d ever done before.

It’s   41   what we can achieve when we know somebody really believes in us. That coach took a little time to make a big   42   . He took time to make me confident in myself. If we’re going to   43   the best in people, we need to sow seeds of   44   .      As the saying goes, “Love looks for a way of being constructive.”   45   , love looks for ways to help improve somebody else’s life.

When people are   46   us, they should leave better off than they were before. People should feel   47   and inspired after spending any time with you and me   48   feeling discouraged or defeated.

Remember, there’s   49   greater investment(投资)in life than in being a people builder. Relationships   50   much more to us than our achievements.

31. A. requested B. arranged C. determined D. accepted

32. A. age B. size C. weight D. experience

33. A. injured B. destroyed C. frightened D. cheated

34. A. common B. normal  C. formal D. usual

35. A. big B. young  C. tall D. strong

36. A. matters B. promises C. attracts D. matches

37. A. back B. shoulder C. head D. chest

38. A. pass B. get C. make D. help

39. A. stories B. words C. advice D. praise

40. A. built up B. made up C. took up D. turned up

41. A. interesting B. amazing C. confusing D. convincing

42. A. sense B. result C. difference D. surprise

43. A. speak of B. bring out C. put up D. stand out

44.. A. hope B. success C. fortune D. excitement

45. A. Above all B. On the contrary C. In other words D. In this case

46. A. around B. against  C. above D. below

47. A. delighted B. challenged C. moved D. respected

48. A. as well as B. rather than C. in addition to D. except for

49. A. some B. still C. no D. none

50. A. influence B. leave C. produce D. mean


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